♪ Chapter 10 ~『 Forever Apart? 』♪

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On the first part of the chapter (the dream), it was StoriesofDiamonds101's idea (while we were talking in Hangouts).

Eliza was crying in a really dark room, with a blanket.


Eliza looks up to the source of the voice and saw Iggy. Iggy sadly smiles at Eliza and wave, as he fades away. "Iggy...! Iggy!! Don't go!!" Eliza called out at as she tried to grab Iggy's hand but went through. Then Eliza blackout.

~About a month later~

Eliza slowly opens her eyes and adjust her version. Soon she noticed that she was in Iggy's room and one of Wendy's oversized nightgowns. 'What...? What happen... why am I here...? I have so many questions...' The questions in Eliza's head started to give her a headache that she closes her eyes and adjust her position to the side.

Eliza didn't sleep for long as she heard the door open and close. Eliza sat up and saw Iggy with a tray of food. Though something was different from him. Instead of his pineapple-looking hair, Iggy has his hair down for a change. He didn't have his choker on for some reasons. "Eliza..." "Iggy..." Iggy put down the tray and hugged Eliza as she hugs back. "You're awake... you're awake...." Iggy said as he put his face into Eliza's neck with little bits of tears in his eyes. "Yeah... I guess I am... how long was asleep...?" Eliza asked in her raspy voice. "You were asleep for almost a month... because you were in a coma..." Eliza was not that shocked, nor did she care.

Eliza slowly opens her arms, singling him to hug her. Iggy later down next to Eliza and wrap his arms around her torso as he nuzzles into her neck. Eliza stroke his hair as there was silence. Until the door open to reveal Bower. "Eliza. You're awake!" Iggy and Eliza pull away as Iggy adjusts the pillows and help Eliza to sit up. "Yeah... I guess I am."

"Well Eliza I'm glad that you're awake... but I have some bad news..." Bower said with a hint of disappointment in his tone. "What's the news, King Dad?" Iggy asked worriedly. Bower sigh and said,

"You won't be able to see Eliza anymore."

Iggy's and Eliza's eyes widen by the news. "Bower... why...?" Eliza asked even though she slightly knew the answer but just don't wanna believe it. "Due to the condition Iggy's in, I don't want any more harm done to you, Eliza... I hate to do this too but I have to do this for the sake of your relationship with each other." Iggy started to have tears in his eyes and tried to hold them back when he asked, "When can I see Eliza again?" "I don't know..." Bower said. Iggy just hugged Eliza as Eliza hug back. "Eliza, once you're fully recovered, you have to go back home. I'm sorry." Is all that Bower said before to leave the couple alone.

After a few hours of comfort and tears, they finally calm down. Iggy then remembered something. "Eliza... I have something to tell you." Eliza just nodded and he went to his desk and grab a certain small black box from his drow. He went up to his bed and open the box, revealing a ring. Eliza widen her eyes, starting to have tears in her eyes.

"I know that we're still young... but I just want to let you know that you are the greatest inkling I've ever met in my life. You light me up when I'm done and help me get up from the darkness of defeat. I always comfort you whenever you fail at something. I've always known you tried your best. So... promise me one day... when we met each other again... Will you marry me?"

Eliza started to cover her mouth, keeping herself from checked crying again. So she just nodded since she was speechless. Iggy slowly took Eliza's right hand and slide the ring on her finger. Eliza immediately hugged Iggy as she starting crying out of happiness. "Thank you, Iggy... I love you..." Iggy hug back and reply, "I love you too Lizzy... no one will replace you now..."

A few days later, Eliza was fully recovered and ready to go home. But of course, she had to say goodbye to everyone. (Here are the things the koopalings say for their goodbyes).

"You've been like a little sister to me. I love how you sometimes play the flute for me and my siblings. I'm going to miss your vonderful flute playing, Eliza."

"You're like my mommy but better! You'd always storied that make me laugh and support me of my circus tricks. I'm going to miss those stories, but when we see each other again, tell me more Lizzy!"

"Though we barely have anything in common, you were still great to be around. Gonna miss you Lizzers."

"Though we have a lot in differences, I still like you not because you're a girl, but kind and generous to me and my brothers. You were like my BFF! I'm going to miss you, Lizzy."

"I'm glad to meet you. You would always tell me and Lemmy stories! I hope when we see each other, tell us your new stories! I'll try to remember your stories, Liz!"

"You were fun to be around! Even though you don't like sports, you still like playing video games like me! You were like my big sister just to let you know! One day, I'll beat you on all those games you beat me on. Just you wait, Liz!"

Bower Jr.
It was fun to do art with you Lizzy!! Hope you come back to draw with me more!

After each koopalings Eliza was friends with, she finally went to Iggy. Iggy smiled sadly with tears in his eyes, "Thank you everything. Without you, nothing would've changed... I'm going to miss you, my dear princess." Iggy said as his lips sealed with Eliza's. Both of the couple's tears start to rain down as some of the koopaling 'Aww~' Iggy and Eliza then pull away.

"Thank you guys! I hope one day I'll see you again!"Eliza said as she waves and then jumped into the warp pipe back to her world. The family waved as Iggy though, "One day, we'll see each other... one day..."
~Timeskip to a few weeks later~

At the beach at night, we see Eliza sitting on the sand, hearing the waves wash up to the surface and then back to the sea. Eliza heard little footsteps coming towards her. She looks up and saw Shroomie. "Eliza are you okay?" She notices how dark and duel Eliza's eyes are, knowing something was wrong. "Eliza...?" Shroomie asked as she sat down next to her. Eliza suddenly hugs her. Shroomie just hugs back, knowing that Eliza needs comforting.

"It's all my fault... form the beginning... Iggy... I wish..." Eliza started but then started crying. "IGGY!!!!" "Shh... It's okay Eliza.... no need to cry....." Shroomie cooed. "I don't know what happens, but whatever it is... Iggy will always be with you..." Shroomie was right. Eliza pulls back to wipe her tears away. "Eliza... is that a ring?" Shroomie asked as she points the ring on Eliza's finger of her right hand. "O-Oh... it's from Iggy... he proposed to me... I know I'm young but..." Eliza thought of the moments she had with Iggy. "I understand. Well, if you want to play some turf wars, let me know." Shroomie said as she stands up and walks away.

Eliza then looks out at the sea in front of her. Eliza hen started singing,

(Play video, I also change a little bit of the lyrics)

♪~ Night sky deep, night sky wide, and night sky dark
Will we really forever be apart?
Even if it is naive, in my heart I believe that someday the stars will bring him back to me

♪~ Night sky shines, into countless times I wept
I cry no more for there are no tears left
The words he last spoke now seem an unreachable dream
Yet I desperately cling to the memories

Here another cliffhanger(???) I guess... hope you enjoy!

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