♪ Chapter 3 ~『 Confession 』♪

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It's been a few months since Iggy and Eliza became friends. Eliza would often visit Iggy in his world and would often be seen in his arms in squid form. She even met Iggy's pet chain chomp named Chompy (bare with me). But today will be the day where Eliza would have to meet Iggy's family.

"I'm kinda nervous you know. I often get anxious in situations like this or similar." Eliza said as she swings her legs, sitting on Iggy's bed. "It will be fine! Trust me!" Iggy said as he opens the door and waits for Eliza to turn into her squid form and into his arms. Iggy started to become a little obsessed with holding Eliza due to how often he does it. Eliza rolls her eyes, turn into her squid form, and went into Iggy's arms. Iggy then walked to the main room (which is the living room).

Since Iggy arrived, both Eliza and Iggy saw everyone waiting for the news Iggy want to share. "So Iggy, what's the news? It better not be stupid." The koopaling with a pink polka-dot bow named Wendy asked, rudely. "Well, she's right here," Iggy announces. He put Eliza on the floor for Eliza to turn into her human form. Once she did, everyone was shocked. "W-Wait?!? That stuffed animal was a human?!?" Roy asked in shocked. "It was alive?!?!" A rainbow spike hair koopaling named Lemmy asked. "Well yes, you guys. I'm Eliza, the inkling. I came from another world from here. I found this world when I went to some 'odd' manhole which leads me to here. I wanted to take a look around the place when I first saw it." Eliza explain and everyone was still shocked. "Heh... the reason why she was in her squid form is that she didn't want anyone to know she was an introducer. So I had to kinda lie about her being a random stuff animal I stole." Iggy explain.

And so, everyone actually likes Eliza. She was kinda and understandable to everyone. Even Wendy like her, even though Wendy was a girly-girl and Eliza was a tomboy. They even learn that Eliza was the one who inked the wall to Iggy's window just to get in without getting caught (which they all forgive).

Later, Eliza and Iggy were in Iggy's room. "Your family was so nice to me. I thought they would... you know..." Eliza trailed down a bit, not knowing what to say next. There was silence. "H-Hey Lizzy... I have something to tell y-you..." Iggy said as he broke the silence. "Yeah? What is—" But before Eliza could even finish, Iggy grabbed her shoulders and kissed her. Eliza was shocked and blushed like crazy but slowly kisses back.

They both then pull away from each other then Iggy realizes what he didn't and stuttered, " I-I-I'm s-s-s-sorry!!! I-I-I didn't r-realize—" Iggy then heard giggles from Eliza. "Oh, Iggy. I love you too." Eliza said as she jumped on him and hug him. Iggy widen his eyes and wrap his arms around Eliza, smiling. Iggy then later down on his bed with Eliza with him as she hears Iggy's heartbeat. They soon fell asleep.


After an hour nap, Eliza woke up and found out that she was still in Iggy's arms. Eliza then realized what time and check on her phone.

Miss 5 calls from Shroomie

'Oh my god...' Eliza thought. Since she doesn't want to walk up Iggy, she decided to text Shroomie with one hand (since she couldn't move her other hand).

🎵: Hey Shroomie!! Sorry if I haven't called you. I was taking a nap....😅
Is there something you need?

Eliza waited for a reply and fortunately, she got a reply.

📱: Eliza! Where are you?! I went to your house and it was unlocked. I couldn't find you anywhere in the house. So if you're not the house,  where are you taking a nap?

Eliza soon realizes that she must have forgotten to lock the house before leaving (which is what she always do before leaving). Eliza didn't know what to say. So she texted:

🎵: Welp... looks like I have some explaining to do. I'll tell you when I get back. But you have to promise to keep it a secret (don't ask why).

📱: Okay! I'll be at your house.

Eliza was soon wake up by some shuffling. She quickly put her phone away and looked up and saw Iggy awake. "Hey, Lizzy... how long were you awake?"
"Not long before you," Eliza said. They both sat up and Eliza went to the window. "Leaving already? Can I get a good-bye kiss first?" Eliza couldn't say 'no' to her new boyfriend. She went to Iggy and kiss him before jumping into the pipe again.

Eliza soon jumped out of the manhole and put the lid back on quickly and ran back to her house to met up with Shroomie.


Sorry if it's short... but this is all I can think off for this chapter. It'll be longer on the next chapter, I promise!

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