1/4 of JC done

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So... I've completed 1/4 of JC! JC stands for Junior College, by the way. As written on Wikipedia, "Junior colleges are pre-university institutions in Singapore that offer two-year pre-university courses that lead to either the Singapore-Cambridge GCE Advanced Level or the International Baccalaureate Diploma."

I take the A-Level.

Anyway, I AM HATING IT. I miss secondary school. I miss my old class. We were literally the nicest class in my batch (that's what my friend said; she said that was our reputation). My current class... they're okay, I guess. There are some nice people, and I have a couple of friends... But I don't feel like I belong.

At the beginning of JC, especially during orientation and the first month (or so) of school, I felt like everything was great. Then, things started going downhill.


A/N: 2 months have passed since I wrote this. It looks like I forgot to finish writing it and to post it HAHAHA I think I was going through a phase. You see, we had exams right after the school holidays, and I was emo cuz I missed my old class and my friends there a lot. To my classmates who might read this, I still love you all. Whatever I felt then was a "me" thing.

Life is full of changes, and we must learn to adapt to them, enjoy the present and look towards the future instead of getting stuck in the past ~yours truly


Promotional exams (promos) are coming in a month. Nothing is going right. I HAVEN'T BEEN STUDYING (much). Promos are so damn important because they stand like 70% which changes EVERYTHING. I need to pass 3 subjects to promote. I'm scared. I don't wanna retain. But I BELIEVE IN MYSELF.

"As long as you believe in yourself, anything is possible." ~me :>

I also haven't been writing much. I guess I won't be able to take part in the Wattys this year (again) because I'll be too busy cramming for promos. (And next year, Kiss and Tell won't be eligible RIP) But I created new covers for all my books, and I love them! :D that's what I've been doing the entire time. It was a great way to unwind. Maybe designing is my thing ;)

As for JC, maybe it's because of COVID-19, but I don't feel the goddamn school spirit. Neither do I feel the house spirit. Maybe there is a bit of class spirit (we won a mini pool table!). Orientation was legit the best part of JC so far, in terms of feeling the school/house spirit. It would be nice to experience it again, but I chose not to sign up to be an OGL (Orientation Group Leader) because I didn't think I would get in, and I had other (better) things to focus on... and I also didn't want to film a 1-minute video of myself for strangers to look at D:

Moving on...

I enjoyed basketball training a lot! It really feels like home there. I love everyone in my team, and I love the coach and the teachers in charge. My current coach is so much better than the racist fat-shaming monster I had in my secondary school days... she would torture us physically and mentally till no end. I dreaded training back then. Now, I look forward to them! (sorry for the rant)

Life has been okay. It's been chill. To whoever reads this, stay positive even in tough times :) Because things will definitely get better. It's just a matter of sooner or later. Cheers! ❤️

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