Tagging People + School

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I just realised how dumb I've been. Cuz I'm rather new to Wattpad, I don't know how to tag people. Apparently, you have to press 'enter' and not the space bar after tagging. For example, I'm going to tag myself: calistacyq is how I should do it and not @calistacyq... 


So when I tried tagging those people who helped read and comment my #PlanetOrPlastic Writing Contest submissions, IT NEVER TAGGED THEM. Welp. I should go and fix that. Lol. 

I can't believe for the past 4 months on Wattpad I thought I was tagging people correctly... No, correction: I can't believe for the past 4 months on Wattpad I thought I was tagging people when in actual fact, I wasn't!

Actually, I shouldn't fix the tag lol. It's fine. But I really want to let them know I appreciate them for giving constructive feedback to my short stories... Yeah, I can't decide.

Should I fix the tags on "The End" of the compilation of my entries for the short story writing contest (My Entries for #PlanetOrPlastic)? 

Should I fix the tag on "The End" of Kiss and Tell?

Speaking of Kiss and Tell, I've completed the story. I can't wait for the results of the contest but I'm probably not going to win but IT'S OKAY!!! I'm just glad I completed it before the deadline or I sacrificed my exams for nothing. 

Speaking of my exams, I totally screwed it up. I had 3 papers 2 days ago on Tuesday, 2 April and in order: Math 2 (additional Math), Math 1 (elementary Math) and Geography. "Math 1" and "Math 2" are just terms used in my school since my school likes giving things weird terms. It's like how Philosophy is merged with Social Studies in my school and we call it "Inquiry and Advocacy". 

Geography was downright terrible, horrible, ridiculous, disgusting, horrendous. Yeah, you get the idea. The paper was absolutely revolting. Question 1A was 2 marks, Question 1B was 2 marks, Question 2A was 1 mark, Question 2B was 3 marks. Doesn't sound that bad, does it? Well, wait till you see... QUESTION 3 WAS 12 MARKS. And the paper was 20%. And yes, I think I failed.

I've changed teachers a total of 3 times within 3 months. My original teacher for the first lesson, the relief teacher for the following 2 months (it was supposed to be till the end of the semester but he resigned because "the school didn't do him justice", so my Philosophy teacher says), the temporary teacher (also my Sec 2 Geog teacher) for a week (until the relief teacher for the relief teacher arrives).

And, finally, the relief teacher for my relief teacher who resigned but no one understands a thing she says. She's a nice lady but, like, she doesn't answer your questions. You ask her one thing, she answers another thing that no one in the class can see the relation. Maybe they do relate but it's too higher-level for us to understand. 

She's been teaching in mainstream schools (government schools, those schools that offer Normal (Technical) and Normal (Academic) apart from Express) for many many years. My school is an independent school (non-government-funded) and a full Express school. In fact, we're an IP school which means that everyone will be going to this specific junior college (in Singaporeans' eyes, it's the "school for elites") as long as we pass for Sec 4. When she first came, she didn't know how to use Google Classroom. We had an AA (alternative assessments, essentially, projects) to do at that period of time BUT she didn't know what an AA was. Even my friend from another mainstream school knew what it was... At least now there's some improvement.

However, she told us nothing about the paper. We didn't even know what was going to be tested. We didn't even know the format of the paper. All we knew was that there was going to be a paper. Those who went for consultation from the other Geography teachers in the school knew that Question 3 would be about denudation of rocks so they managed to prepare for it. But those who didn't? We died.

Math was not as bad but it was horrible nonetheless. I did revise but like, you know, it's Math. Whatever you revise won't appear on the paper. Also, our Math teacher left the school because she's going to have a baby...

Sidetracking, our Physics teacher would be on maternity leave for 16 weeks after she gives birth to her child which would be around late May / early June. RIP Physics.

Anyway, back to Math. Even though it's only been 1 term of school, our class loves our Math teacher a lot and we were really really really sad that she was going to leave. We made her a board with our notes on it and she sent her last message via Google Classroom saying she was so touched it almost changed her mind of leaving the school. Almost.

So for the first week of Term 2 this week, there was a relief teacher who used to teach in my school a few years back. She would be our Math teacher until the new teacher comes. She came in the second week of Term 2 and I thought she was really nice. She told us stories about her times teaching other schools. For 20 years, she's taught mostly all-girls schools. Before coming to RGS (my school), she taught RI (the brother school of RGS) for 6 years and she said it was really smelly there LOL.

She said that in RI, there are cameras. Thank God RGS doesn't have that because we use our MacBooks for non-school stuff at times haha. For me, I use my MacBook to plan and write stories in class. Listen, it's for the greater good. Anyway, she said she prefers girls' schools :D

So that's a happy ending for Math but my Math papers were still HORRENDOUS!!!

By the way, should I fix the tags on "The End" of my entries for #PlanetOrPlastic and "The End" of Kiss and Tell?

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