I Don't Know

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I don't know what im doing
In everything and anything
My hands abruptedly shoot up towards the sky, moving aggressively from side to side and back down.

I feel raindrops fall on my nose to my lips. I hear the the sound of thunderous clappling as I dance in the water-falling sky, not a care about the people giving me side glances as I turn like the ballerina I was, singing to the musical in my mind.

The air breezes around me as it moves from place to place. I take my time with moving arms as I try listen to the symphonies that entwines itself around the wind that revolves all over us, screeching our names, but we refuse to hear. Maybe if we slowed down in time we'd be able to listen.

After dancing, I take a walk to the beach and I scream my name out to the ocean so it would know my me as I explore all around it. Knowing that their were uncharted waters and pirates that could take everything away from me and make me drown to make me forget who I was, I remember to ask the ocean to tell me.

After the sea, after the rain, I finally stop, I seem to stand still. Maybe to listen, maybe to hear. Not a word or a flinch. Confusion is etched on my face and my mind was completely blank, but I remember, I never actually knew what I was doing


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