Battle between Father and Son.

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Y/N POV: it's been 3 days since the fall of wall maria. Freida explained a few things to me, such as where I was, what she was and about mine and her titan abilities. She didn't go into much detail in regards to her titan, only saying that it was possibly the strongest one compared to others. When it came to my titan abilities the only thing she could say was that it was not one that she has ever seen before and that as far as she knew, it had rapid regeneration. Right now, Freida is escorting me to somewhere, she never specified where and when I asked, she said it was a secret. Eventually, we arrived at some kind of cavern, it was beautiful, it looked like it was made out of crystals. I then took notice of a group of people standing opposite of me and freida.

Freida: Y/N, meet my family, this is (points to fat guy) my father Rod Reiss, (points to an old woman) my mother Diana, (points to a young boy) my brother Dirk, (points to other kid) my other brother Urklyn, (points to a young version of freida but with blonde hair) my younger sister Florian, (points to another girl that looks like freida but with short blonde hair) and my other sister Abel. Everyone, this is Y/N Yeager, he's a titan shifter like me.

I get beside freida and take a bow, hey they're royalty, I should at least show some respect.

Y/N: a pleasure to meet you all.

I look up and see their facial expressions are neutral.

Wow, these guys are masters of being emotionless.

Rod: you shouldn't be here brat.

Y/N: (surprised) sir?

Freida: ignoring him Y/N.

Rod: you should've just ate him and take his titan.

I'm sorry what?!

Y/N: (scared) w-what?!

I slowly back away from freida, now afraid of what could possibly happen. Freida grabbed me by my shoulders and looked me in the eyes.

Freida: Y/N, I'm not going to eat you. I would NEVER do that to you.

I could only nod, not trusting my voice or her words right now.

Freida: and as for you, (glares at rod) you don't get to decide what I do and don't do, you may be my father, but I am the one on the throne.

The 2 then dissolved into an argument while me and the rest of the reiss family watched it a unfold. I caught Florian glancing at me and I flashed a friendly smile and a small wave. She does the same before hiding behind her mother.

Guess she's shy.

I then hear taps coming from a certain direction and turn to a hallway with torches barely illuminating it. I narrow my eyes before focusing and using eagle vision, focusing on the hallway, I saw a faint grey glow of a person walking towards our location. The shape of the person was very familiar.


That voice.....

Y/N: (surprised mutter) tousan?

Everyones attention turned to where the shout came from, and it was indeed my father, what was he doing here and how did he find this place?

Freida: who are you?

Grisha: my name is Grisha Yeager and I've come to request that you use the power of the founding titan to get rid of the titans in wall maria!

Freida seemed surprised before she looked down at the ground in what seemed to be regret.

Freida: I'm sorry Grisha Yeager, but I cannot, as much as I want to, I can't.

My father didn't seem to like that.

Grisha: (angry) can't, or won't?

It became tense as the 2 faced eachother, my father then noticed me.

Grisha: (surprised) son?!

Freida then got in front of me, her arm outstretched.

Freida: don't even think about using your son.

Grisha: what are yo- (realises) ah I see. (Looks at Y/N) son listen to me, Freida has the power to control the titans, if you eat her, you'll have that power, I can teach you how to use it.

Freida: don't listen to him Y/N! (Grabs his shoulders) the founding titan's power won't work with someone not of royal blood, if you do take the power, you'll be hunted down by people who will use it for evil intentions, it'll only lead to disaster, please believe me!

Grisha: she's lying! Don't listen to her!!!

I slowly backed away from Freida as I looked at both her and my father. What am I supposed to do?! I'm a just a kid with a power I didn't know I had until 3 days ago!!

Not even a second later, I heard rapid footsteps coming from behind me.

???: (echo) do not be afraid.

My body was overwhelmed with a strange feeling and I could feel something within my body being moved. I then felt something puncture the back of my neck and come out the other side of my throat. I gargled on my blood as I turned around and saw rod holding a bloodied knife.

He stabbed me.

I then fell to the ground as I started shaking in pain.

Freida/Grisha: Y/N!!!

I could feel my body grow weaker as my vision grew darker.

Freida: damn you father!!!


Lightning struck my father as he arose in his titan form. Freida hesitated, staring at me before biting her hand and transforming into her titan and rushing to attack my father.
I grit my teeth as I will my body to stand, ignoring the pain in my throat as it slowly leaks blood. Just as I was to bite my hand, that dumbass rod grabbed me before I could do anything.

Rod: no you don't, I will not allow you to help your father.

He's pissing me off.

Without hesitation, I whacked the back of my head into his nose. I think I heard it break and blood was probably oozing from it.


I then took my right hand and bit down.

The next thing I know, I've been struck by lightning.

3rd POV:


Grisha (who was about to feast on a downed frieda) glanced up as he saw his son in all his titan glory. Y/N commanded his titan to walk towards the 2 and stops a few inches from them. It's at this point that frieda's titan looked to his, not being able to move due to being weakened from her fight with grisha. The old yeager smiles believing his son would eat freida and gain the founding titans power, however....


He was not prepared for a fist to the face that sent him crashing to the ground.

Within her titan, freida looked at Y/N in surprise and relief, using what little strength she had left, she forced her titan to face upwards to make sure that the nape wouldn't be exposed. Y/N knelt down freida, grabbing her right hand with his left.

Y/N: rrrreeeeeeeesssssttttt frrreeeeeeiiiiiddddaaaa.

Surprised that his titan could talk, freida commanded her titan to merely nod. Y/N turned to see his father standing up, recovering from the punch and showed an emotion that Y/N wished was not pointed at him.


Y/N flinched within his titan, but held strong, he made his choice and now he's gotta live with it.

Y/N: doooooonnn't dooooooo thhhhiiiiisssss tooooouuuuuusssssaaaannnn.

The only thing he got as a response was a growl. Seeing that his father wouldn't listen, Y/N commanded his titan to raise it's arms up and prepare for combat. The young yeager slowly proceeds to move towards his father before sprinting, cocking his left fist back with the attack titan doing the same only with his right fist instead. The 2 make contact and a shockwave is created. Freida uses her slowly regaining strength to shield her family, purposely not protecting her father and relished as he got flung.

Freida (in head): you deserve that.

Y/N breaks the fist lock and throws a right fist at his father but the attack titan counters with a block before grabbing his son's face and sends a strike into his stomach 2 times and then tossed him into a crystal pillar.
Grisha didn't let up as he pinned his son's titan against the pillar by the throat and threw a hook across his face. He was about to throw another but Y/N grabbed it, mere inches from smacking him across the head. A brief struggle occurred before grisha tried to headbutt him. Y/N managed to move his head out of the way and put his father in a headlock and kneed him in the stomach twice. Grisha grabbed his son's arms and pried them off of him before tossing him to the floor and started wailing on him. Y/N managed to block most of the hits but his regeneration was slowing down and he was losing his arms from the battering they were taking. It wasn't long before his arms fell to his side and was getting his titan's face destroyed by the hits, his head slowly denting into the ground.


Dammit father, why are you doing this?


What would mother say about this?


What about eren?


Or Mikasa?


Do you even care about anything anymore?





Have you finally lost it?!


???: (echo) why do let him hit you?

That voice again? Who is that?

???: (echo) won't you do something?


What the heck am I supposed to do? I'm not experienced.


Y/N (in head): who or whatever you are, tell me what to do, please help me!!!


???: (echo) no one's asked me for help before, ok. I'll give you a hint to unlock more of your potential, what's the one emotion you felt when facing the armoured titan?


What I felt? What does-


ah I see now.


Sorry father....


But ive had enough!!!

3rd POV:

Just as grisha was about to send another strike, freida (now recovered) jumps onto the attack titan and puts him in a headlock and pulls him off of Y/N. Annoyed, Grisha was about to grab the founding titan only for his hands to be intercepted by Y/N. Grisha looks at Y/N and his titan eyes widen as his son's titan begins to produce steam, sparks of flames and electricity coursing around his arms before they disappear, leaving only the steam around the body. Y/N roars as he slams his head into his father's, allowing frieda to fully yank the attack titan away from Y/N. Grisha breaks free from the hold and attempts to attack frieda only for Y/N to jump up and grab grisha's arm. The holder of the attack titan tried to shake him off but was unprepared for freida to grab his titan's other arm. A quick look is shared between frieda and Y/N and with a yell, the 2 ram Grisha into a pillar.

Grisha breaks free of frieda's hold and throws a punch at Y/N who dodged the attack and grabs his father's titan by the throat. Steam escapes his clutches as he begins to burn the attack titans throat. Seeing this, frieda retake the arm that got out of her hold and begins to pull on it. It didn't take long for the appendage to get ripped off by the founding titan, making the attack titan roar in pain. Y/N lifted his father up in the air before with an ear splitting roar, smashed the attack titan onto the ground and then in a fit of fury, started raining punches upon his father.

Blood poured from his hands as he continued his attack. After a good ten minutes of the attack titan being pretty much a bloody pile of flesh and broken bones, Y/N relented, his rage subsided and the steam emitting from his body ceased. Frieda was slightly taken aback from the onslaught by the young yeager but she supposed that Y/N has held that rage in ever since the fall of the maria. She made a mental note to speak to him about it. The founding titan moved the body of Grisha's attack titan so that the nape would be facing upwards. It was then that Grisha appeared out of the nape, a tired expression on his face.


Grisha: so this is how it ends son?

I don't answer, instead I just stare into my fathers eyes.

Grisha: Y/N I have a request, eat me. You'll have the power of the attack titan at your disposal. I pass the mission that was given to me, to you. Protect everything you hold dear....... and make sure our family survives to see beyond the walls.

I widen my eyes a little, he wants me to eat him. EAT HIM! Has he gone insane or what?!

I felt a hand touch my shoulder and turned to see frieda looking at me, concern written in her titan's eyes. I say nothing for a moment before looking at my father.

Y/N: gooooo hoooommmeee, beeeee wiiiitthhhh ooooouuurrrrr faaaaaammmmmiiiillllyyyyyyy.

Father looked at me with a surprised expression.

Grisha: son I-

Y/N: (growls) ggggggoooooooooo!

He said nothing for a moment, merely glaring at freida for a moment before, without much of a choice started walking away. Right as he was about to exit, he stopped and turned to slightly face me.

Grisha: despite our fight, I still love you son, take care of yourself, (Mutters) and our family.

And with that, he ran into the darkness.

I merely stood there, watching where my father left for a moment before turning around and seeing freida walk a few steps away from me lie down so that her human self could come out of the nape. A wave of envy surged through him as he watched the reiss family embrace the female titan shifter, what he wouldn't give to be in a similar position.

Y/N (in head): I wonder how kaasan, eren and mikasa are doing?

Suddenly, a wave of fatigue hit me as I collapsed on all fours before face planting into the ground.

I then lost connection to my titan form and opened my human eyes and pulled myself out of the titan flesh and out of the nape with what little strength I had. Once out, i slowly slid off the disintegrating titan and nearly collapsed. I felt blood running down my nose, my vision became blurry and ringing in my ears. I glanced up at the Reiss family who were (with the exception of rod) were looking at me with concern.

Y/N: f-freida, I d-don't feel so g-good.

The last thing I saw before blacking out was freida running towards me and yelling my name.

(Mini timeskip)

I awoke moments later in a daze, my eyes taking some time to adjust. Once they did I saw that I was in the same room I woke up in after the fall of wall maria. It took me a moment but I registered some weight on my left side. I turned my head and was greeted with the sight of a sleeping Freida all curled up and holding my left arm close to her.

She looked very peaceful, as if there wasn't a fight that just happened however long ago.

Another wave of fatigue hit me and I could feel my eyelids slowly closing.

Y/N (in head): guess I'm still tired.

Without much thought, I leaned closer to frieda, my warmth and hers exchanging between eachother before I closed my eyes and allowed my consciousness to be taken into the realm of dreams.

A/N: hope you enjoyed it and as always.....PEACE!!✌✌

By the way, here's a hint of a story I might do sometime in the future.

???5: (echo) tell em to make it count.

???2: (echo) first glassing? Me too.

???3: (echo) welcome to reach.

???1: (echo) you're on your own noble, carter out.

???4: (echo) I'M READY!! HOW BOUT YOU?!?!?

???6: Spartans never die.......

They're just missing in action.

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