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Taehyung held his forearm and pointed at the bags. "I went get you supper.." Taehyung then raised the bags and walked into the kitchen to place the bags on the table. "I recall you leaving almost three hours ago Taehyung." Yoongi clicked his tongue as he downed the can of alcohol. The stench was also lingering so that didn't help the situation either.

Taehyung frowned as he saw the bottle almost empty. Drinking, again. "I was watching the street dancers and then I had to wait for the food to be finished.." he lied but only because Taehyung was not allowed to talk to other guys. Then again Taehyung was rarely ever allowed to talk to anyone. Reasoning for why he doesn't have any friends.

Yoongi got off the counter, placing the empty can aside as he walked up to Taehyung and pulled him close. His hands rested on Taehyung's ass. Groping Taehyung as he then hummed from Taehyung's response. Not fully convinced he was telling the truth but whatever, he'd go with it.


Taehyung gasped but that quickly turned into a whine that he muffled, feeling the stinging pain on his ass as he gripped onto Yoongi's shoulders. That was quite harsh. "Don't be late next time, got it?" Yoongi looked at Taehyung sternly. The boy only nodded as he then gave Yoongi a peck on the lips. Forcing a smile but that was quick to fade.

Yoongi pushed Taehyung away, turning to the bags and grabbing them. "Namjoon and I will be in the studio for a few hours." Hearing that made Taehyung pout, grabbing onto Yoongi. Of course he would be with Namjoon. When was Yoongi not with Namjoon in the studio? "But, you went to the studio just last night.. and the other night.... and other other night." Taehyung mentioned through yet another mumble.

"Jesus Taehyung, you're so needy. Look, i'll be back later, now let." He pulled his arm away harshly. "Go." He scoffed as he held his food in his hand. Grabbing his sweater from the rack as he walked out, the door slightly slamming. Taehyung only looked at the floor then at his feet while he hugged himself. He then looked down at his vibrating phone and answered it after staring at it for a bit.

"Seokjin hyung?" The soft yet cracking voice answered. Seokjin blabbered about his day before he heard the sniffs. "Tae- what the fuck did Yoon fuck up do this time?" Seokjin spoke through the phone. The annoyance in his voice already getting through to Taehyung.

Taehyung managed to chuckle. "N-Nothing.. i'm just overreacting.. everything is fine hyung.." he sniffed once more. Like Seokjin would believe that. "Taehyung, baby. Tell me what Yoongi did." Seokjin said sternly and didn't give up the topic. Although Taehyung was trying to contain the hurt in his voice but... it just sucked. Sucked that his husband was always gone.

Taehyung wiped his tears. "Nothing really.. I just.. I miss him.. he's always gone. Even when he's in the apartment I miss him because he's not the man I married two years ago.."Hearing that made Seokjin sigh. "Taehyung.. you and Yoongi have been together for.. how many years?" Seokjin blinked several times as he tried to add up the years on his fingers but failed miserably to do so because Taehyung has been with Yoongi for quite a long time already.

"Nine.." Taehyung spoke which surprised him too. Honestly it took him a moment to respond to add up the years. They were together for seven years and married for two. God time flew by. "Nine.. right." Seokjin sounded shocked. Nine?!? already?!? "It's fine for that to happen. He's just now really busy with his work right? Maybe things are getting boring.. in the room?" He suggested.

Taehyung hummed, a bit hurt by that but he did get what Seokjin was getting at. "Do you think he's falling out of love with me?" Taehyung suggested. "I don't know. It's a possibility. Just, try spice things up. You know.." Jin coughed. "Spice the sex up. Do things you guys haven't done before. Go on dates and such. I'm sure everything will be fine for you two soon enough, mkay?" Seokjin assured Taehyung who tried to be convinced but part of him knew the romance died some time ago.

Taehyung bit his lip and smiled just a bit. "Okay.. yeah thank you hyung. I'll talk to you tomorrow!" Taehyung ended the call quickly and fell back onto the couch. What possibly could Yoongi like? For someone who has been with Yoongi for nine years- he sure didn't know anything but Yoongi likes to drink. Oh and basketball... and the studio and you know what? even possibly Namjoon.

"I'm his husband and I don't even know his kinks." Taehyung groaned, sitting back and nibbling his lip. "Lingerie? Bdsm?" He questioned to himself. Thinking aloud made him make better decisions because if he talked them out loud and heard how stupid it sounded, then clearly something was wrong. "Oh.. no wait those are mine.." he sighed with a airily chuckle.

"Technically he wouldn't even know if he has kinks if he hadn't tried any kinks out before.." Taehyung raised an eyebrow before he shook his head and left the room. Still lingering on about what he could do to spice up his relationship with Yoongi. While doing so Taehyung undressed himself and changed into his night clothing before climbing onto his side of the bed. Smiling to himself once an idea popped up in his pretty little head. Taehyung was quite excited for Yoongi to come home now as he hugged a pillow and smiled to himself.

The next morning. Taehyung rolled over to hug his husband but instead he ended up hugging a pillow that was there last night, in the same spot. "Yoongi-ah.." the boy whined as he hit the pillow and groaned. Rolling onto his back, Taehyung stared at the ceiling. Looking like a tired mess in which he was. Taehyung huffed, checking the time. "1:35pm.. what the fuck Yoongi!" Taehyung was furious. Kind of annoyed too. It's not like Taehyung wasn't used to this, he just wanted to give Yoongi a little something something to wake him up.. you know?

Taehyung put his slippers on and made his way into the kitchen. Beginning to cook his own lunch since he assumed Yoongi had already eaten considering that he wasn't home. Suddenly though he remembered he had plans that evening. "Jungkook.." Taehyung blinked. The banpo bridge.. is he going to throw him off the bridge? Heck, at least he'd die from a hot piece of ass like Jung- shit crackers! okay... his thoughts need to calm down.

Just then Taehyung smelt the burnt toast, looking towards the toaster to see it smoking. "No! Dang it!" The boy covered his nose as he unplugged the toaster and grabbed the burnt toast, burning his two fingers as well as he quickly tossed the toast onto the counter with a sharp breath intake.

Now here Taehyung was, eating the burnt toast with a displeased face. Yoongi told Taehyung to always eat what he cooked or he would be 'punished' which sounded fun, kinky even but trust him, its not at all fun. Taehyung could've easily thrown it out the window to feed the dogs or even the trash but Taehyung didn't necessarily have a brain at the moment. After so, Taehyung cleaned his plate and looked at the apartment from his view.

Taehyung's jaw dropped. How did he not realized how messy this was? Well... crap. The boy mentally face palmed himself as he then huffed while he turned around, starting with the dishes first. Dishes wasn't that bad. All he had to do was stand and wash. The shitty part was his hands turning into raisins.

Once Taehyung was finished, he looked at the time. "5:55pm." He whispered to himself and looked at his phone for any messages. Nothing, literally nothing.
"Ugh!" Taehyung stomped his foot and wiped the sweat off his forehead. Taehyung frowned as he put his phone on the table and walked to the bathroom to clean himself up.

Once Taehyung was in the shower, the male let the somewhat hot yet tolerable water hit the top of his head and dribbled down his face. A small smile made its way to his face, remembering his first shower with Yoongi. After being pissed at Yoongi, Taehyung couldn't help but think about him at the moment. The imagery of them showering together for the first time. When Yoongi was actually gentle with him.

Taehyung shook his head, beginning to clean himself up and within a few minutes he was out of the shower. Again with the baby blue dino hoodie matched with black jeans. It was now 6:45pm and Taehyung had nothing else to do so he made his way to the living room and sat down. Childish Taehyung made a welcoming as Taehyung watched a cartoon that was playing on the dish. Sometimes Taehyung wondered if Yoongi was annoyed by this. Especially since Taehyung dislikes watching basketball. Though, Taehyung would gladly choose cartoons over basketball any fricken day.

Taehyung was now watching the lion king. This distracted him from the time and now it was 8:37pm. He only realized that when he looked at the clock that hung on the wall. "Crap!" Taehyung got up with his eyes widened. Scurrying over to the kitchen, Taehyung grabbed the keys and his phone that was charging. Taehyung was quick to leave the apartment but was already tired of running when he made it out of the apartment building. "Okay.. i'm not fit at all." Taehyung coughed and shook his head, continuing his walk to the bridge as he got out his earphones and got it all hooked up and going as he walked.

9:15pm is the time that Taehyung arrived at the bridge. He fumbled with his sleeves as he looked at the view but the boy known as Jungkook was no where in sight. 'Not a minute passed 9am' played in his head. "Well.. at least I had some exercise." Taehyung shrugged as he enjoyed the view for awhile, taking a few pictures with his phone before he heard the music playing. The only reason he was able to hear it now was because there was no cars passing the bridge at that moment.

Taehyung went towards the edge of the bridge and followed the trail that got him into the bottom of the bridge. Thats when Taehyung realized it was the same people from yesterday evening, the two street dancers but where was Jungkook? Taehyung took a few steps towards the circle and watched the new group of dancers. The same amazement taking over Taehyung as he watched. It was all just so nice and exciting to watch—

"I said not a minute past 9pm did I not make myself clear baby boy?"

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