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The week of the dance competition was near, 1 day close that is. Jungkook, Hoseok and Jimin have been working their asses off to win this competition. Not only would they get a trophy but $2500 cash prize.
They didn't expect the cash prize but apparently this was huge. More dancers from studios or from the streets would come in and perform a four-five minute routine to wow the judges.

Though, Hoseok was still fucking nervous. Everything is perfect in their dance, amazing actually. He just wasn't sure if it was enough to wow the judges. He needs to win this. He needed to make Jimin proud. Lately he felt as if Jimin was getting farther away from him. Hoseok never questioned Jimin, but Friday night Hoseok began to assume something. It was silly, but if it was silly, why did he feel like something was going on between Jimin and Jungkook? He questioned Jimin about that and Jimin was quick to argue and leave.

If Jimin wasn't doing so, why'd he make a big deal out of it? It hurt Hoseok's head. Everything hurt. He paid a good price for the ring but he wasn't sure if Jimin felt the same anymore. Everything was fucked.
"Yo." Jungkook walked into the room, placing his bag aside. "So, what are we doing today?" Jungkook asked as he looked at Hoseok. Hoseok was already sweating and tired but was still ready to carry on. "Adding a few flips into the dance. They always seem to love those so." Hoseok shrugged.

Jungkook nodded, beginning to stretch. As he did so, he looked up to see Hoseok glaring at him. The boy scoffed. "What now?" Jungkook asked after a moment of silence. Hoseok shook his head. "Nothing, c'mon. Lets get this over with."

Taehyung walked around the clothing isle, looking at the clothing for the three boys. So now he was in charge of the clothing since Taehyung was no longer dancing. Taehyung enjoyed it a lot actually. Though as Taehyung did so, he came across baby clothing.
The boy really couldn't help it. Taehyung was quick to pick out a few baby clothing just to realize he doesn't have a family. Well, Yoongi is his family but Yoongi basically hates kids. The thought of never having kids made Taehyung frown, fiddling with the baby boy clothing.

Taehyung sighed, putting the clothing back and walking back to the men clothing section. Just as he did so, he perked up, realizing that his baby sister would be traveling in with his parents tomorrow.
Taylee was a six year old. The two had hell of a age difference but Taehyung loves his little sister. Though, when Taylee was four, Taehyung and Yoongi had a huge argument. It involved a crying Taylee and crying Taehyung. After so, Taehyung promised to himself that he would not allow Yoongi near Taylee when they were alone.

Taehyung hurriedly picked an outfit, see through black shirts with black tight jeans. The boy figured that they had somewhat matching shoes so he paid and left the building. Now that he remembered that Taylee was coming over tomorrow, he was very happy. Now it was just to keep Yoongi away. Though, it wouldn't be hard since Yoongi was scared of Taehyung's parents. "That wuss." Taehyung chuckled while he walked towards Hoseok's house.

Once Taehyung arrived, he walked in and put the bag on the couch while he watched the three boys closely. Especially Hoseok. Though he felt a glare from Jungkook so he kept his gaze on the younger.
"You got these?" Hoseok pulled out the clothing. "Oh, those are fucking sexy." Jimin called out, running towards Hoseok. "I love them, finally something Taehyung can do right." Jimin smiled.

Taehyung rolled his eyes and grabbed the outfit away from Jimin. "Jungkook gets this one." Taehyung smiled weakly and gave the outfit to Jungkook. Jungkook smiled and nodded. "So tomorrow, what time does it start?" Taehyung asked, leaning on the couch and looking at Hoseok. "Uh, pretty sure it'll start around six but we should be going on around six thirty ish?" Hoseok hummed afterwards.

Taehyung nodded. "Cool, so i'll see you guys tomorrow?" Taehyung began to walk backwards. The two boys nodded though Jungkook grabbed his bag. "Yeah, see you guys tomorrow." Jungkook spoke, stepping next to Taehyung and pushed him aside as he put his shoes on. Taehyung scoffed and began walking out, looking to see Jungkook following. "Jerk." Taehyung stuck out his tongue. Jungkook chuckled. "Cutie." The boy spoke as he walked next to Taehyung.

Nothing really happened betweem Jungkook and Taehyung as they walked home. They talked about the dance, their friendship and theirselves. It was what Taehyung always wanted. Even if he did some unforgettable things with Jungkook. Walking into his shared apartment, Taehyung looked around. The boy bit his tongue as he set his jacket down and as always, he began to clean the apartment. Taehyung also put Yoongi's alcohol into a bag just in case.

hey so...
my parents and sister are coming
over tmr so if you plan on getting
drunk tonight, i suggest you don't come home.
if you want though, you can
come home sober and we can both
greet my family when they make it :D

i'll pass.
sleeping at joons tonight.

Taehyung rolled his eyes, smiling once he set his phone down and wiped his forehead. The boy looked at the clean apartment and smiled to himself. "I make a great husband." The boy said proudly but then remembered he cheated. ".. fuck.." Taehyung shook his head and whined, walking to the bathroom where he undressed quickly and turned the water on. With that, Taehyung was singing in the shower. Something he rarely does but always loved doing.

A night away from Yoongi sounded amazing actually. Taehyung used to hate spending nights alone but tonight he was more than glad to have the bed to himself that night. Maybe Taylee would like to watch the dancing tomorrow. The boy stepped out of the shower, drying himself off and grabbing his phone. Taehyung then made his way to his room where he started to get into comfy pyjamas before he grabbed his phone again and started looking through social media.

The boy laughed, going onto his contacts and messaging Jungkook. 

Taehyung laughed at the reply back and shook his head, wiping the tear that escaped his eyes from laughing to hard. "Whew, i'm hilarious." The boy breathed out and scratched his stomach. After so, Taehyung went onto his contacts again, tapping on his parents phone number and smiling as he put the phone to his ear.

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