Chance Of Freedom

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      Once again it wandered the confines of it's prison, lamenting its inability to entertain itself, to roam, to feed...

     Then suddenly it stopped, listening carefully. Was it possible? It was! Humans, moving in the direction of its prison. Perhaps ...

     Yes! They were approaching the structure. As it observed them through the gaping holes where there had once been windows, it realized that there were several of them, so it would have to exercise caution. The extended period of confinement, and the lack of nourishment, had weakened it, so it knew it could not challenge a group. Not yet. They could not kill it, but they could injure it, possibly even banish it, if they possessed the necessary knowledge.

     So it would wait, and watch, hoping that they would be foolish enough to separate. If this happened, perhaps it could feed on at least one of them.

      As they moved closer to the building, it took their measure. There were four of them; two larger ones, each bearing the lights upon which the weaklings so desperately depended. Then a third, somewhat smaller, bearing a device whose purpose it did not know. But it was the fourth who captured its interest, and caused it to rethink its plan, for this human bore in his hands its best chance of freedom.

     So it decided to bide its time. Perhaps it would toy with them a bit, but it would not harm them. Not yet, at least. There would be plenty of time for that when it was finally free.

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