Chapter Ten: Obstacles

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Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Hiccup jerked awake and groaned loudly at the increasing pounds from the doorway on the other side of the door. Throwing the blanket over his head and covering his exposed ear with his hand didn't seem to help much, and when the pounding only seemed to grow louder, he threw the blankets off and strapped on his prosthetic with a pitiful whine. He opened the bedroom door and walked down the hall in time to see Brandyn trudge through the living room with his shirt untucked and hair askew. The teenager groggily muttered something under his breath as he opened the door to reveal Allie the Insincere.

The chief of the Outcasts huffed in annoyance. "About time. I'm-"

"Seriously?" Brandyn interrupted and Hiccup was once again surprised at the tone of voice he used with her. She, too, seemed surprised. "Dawn has barely broken, we have two exhausted guests in the house, and you can't even pretend to be courteous?"

Allie frowned in annoyance. "Brandyn-"

"Come back in three hours." The teenager promptly slammed the door in her face, muffling her cry of anger. Brandyn snickered under his breath and turned back toward his made-up bed on the couch, but froze when he saw Hiccup standing there in the middle of the hallways. "Heh... you saw all that didn't you?"

"Don't worry, I won't tell your mother."

"Thanks... I think." Brandyn shoved his messy bangs off his face. "You should go back to bed. Long day ahead of us."

"Yeah..." But Hiccup knew he wouldn't be able to fall back to sleep again. "I could say the same for you."

"Eh I can sleep anywhere, anytime. I just feel bad that she woke you up this early."

Hiccup shrugged. "I'll live."

"She's so annoying," Brandyn huffed, plopping back into his rumpled sheets on the couch. "I can't wait until I'm old enough to get out of here."

"Where do you want to go?"

"Anywhere but here. Not anywhere colder than this."

"What do you do?"

"Mostly training to be a soldier. You know, typical Outcast stuff."

Hiccup snorted. "Oh, you're not part of the landscaping system?"

"Oh, thanks for reminding me; I need to water my petunias. Have you lost your mind?" They laughed quietly, hoping not to wake up Brandyn's mother and Adrianna. "No, I think I'd go crazy if I just had to till the ground all day."

"Every person has his own work."

"This much is true."

"So... anything else? You have a Changewing. Do you train with him at all?" Hiccup inquired.

Brandyn nodded, "For sure, when I have time outside of weaponry and strategy and whatnot. I wish we had more time to train together since we're kinda supposed to be a team, but the chief's adamant that our soldiers' training is more important. As is the agriculture."

"Well, she's right on that last point. I honestly don't know how Alvin ever had people living here. You should've seen it before she got to it."

"Was it that bad? I mean... you can kinda tell that it's not perfect."

Hiccup laughed, "The first time I saw it I recall thinking 'talk about your fixer upper'."

"You didn't."

"No really, I probably snarked it to Alvin's face."

"Honestly, how have you made it this far in life?"

"I still ask myself that question."

"You're insane," Brandyn leaned back against the couch to stare at the ceiling. "Everything everyone has said about you is true." He eyed Hiccup mischievously and waved his hand gently, "All good things, all good things."

Hiccup laughed. "I'm accustomed to both the good and the bad, so no hard feelings."

"Unfortunately all I've ever heard about Adrianna is bad things. She doesn't look to be a troublemaker. I mean, she seems to be your pretty, average girl." Hiccup narrowed his eyes at the word "pretty", and Brandyn scratched his neck awkwardly. "Ahh I mean she is pretty, but I'm not like creeping on her or anything..."

Hiccup laughed. "Ah she just had her first kiss a few days ago so don't get ahead of yourself."

"That's cool! I mean... I just met her last night... Who was it?"

"Her first kiss?"

"Yeah, what's his name?"

"Why? Jealous of a guy you've never met?"

"No, just curious!"

Hiccup snorted. "His name's Erick."

Brandyn nodded solidly. "Good strong name."

"As opposed to..." Hiccup waved a hand around in circles. "I don't know... Hiccup?"

Brandyn threw his hands up. "You said it, not me!"

"I blame my parents."

"That would be the wisest thing. Why did they name you that anyway? Everyone's always wondered. I mean, you've turned out to be pretty sweet."

"With a cherry on top?" Hiccup asked and Brandyn punched his shoulder. "But seriously, I was born early. I was pretty small- well, I'm still pretty small but I hide well with allll thissss."

Brandyn laughed at his wild gestures to his thin frame. "Quite fearsome. At least you can grow a beard. I'm sure that helps with your manliness a bit."

"Ugh, beards are itchy and my wife hates them."

"What's her name again?"


"That's right. I'd heard that somewhere. Oh, but major rabbit trail..." Brandyn slung an arm over the back of the couch casually. "What's with all the misconceptions on Adrianna?"

"Well," Hiccup scratched his cheek idly. "What have you heard? Can't refute misconceptions if you don't know what they are."

"I heard she was kidnapped when she was little. Allie says she's weird, immature, clumsy and irresponsible. One kid even said she was ugly, but unless she hit... puberty like crazy then they were pretty blind." Hiccup snorted and allowed him to continue without a snarky comment. "But she didn't seem that bad when we were talking last night."

Hiccup shrugged. "No she's... quiet. Reserved, compassionate, caring. Spends a lot of time reading and thinking and she'll talk to you about random little things she's thinking about. She can be goofy and a bit irresponsible, but those things don't bother me because she's exactly like I was. Always getting into trouble, trying to help out and always failing. But one thing that's accurate is how clumsy she is. Another trait she got from me."

"Ah you're not clumsy-"

"No? Do you see this thing?" Hiccup lifted his prosthetic.

Brandyn raised an eyebrow. "I heard you got into a dragon fight and unless you tripped into its mouth, I doubt that had to do with clumsiness."

"Labeling it as a dragon fight would be downplaying it just a bit. And no, that's not how it happened. I was just merely pointing out the fact that I'm clumsier than you might think. Take walking through the woods, for example. You're not going to feel all the tree root and stumps and random pebbles and rocks that you might trip on with your half metal, half wood contraption strapped to your leg."

"Ah... good point. But is that clumsiness genetic?"

"Oh yes, I've always been clumsy. It just got worse with this."

Brandyn nodded. "Sooo... all that to say, she's in fact very normal and just has a lot of preconceived notions about her?"

"Yep. Odin knows why. She doesn't have a lot of friends as it is. What I wouldn't give for her to just feel... important."

Brandyn smirked. "I don't know; this Erick person seems to like her."

"Yeah, he does," Hiccup smiled wide. "Probably the one thing that she's ever been blessed with."

"Aside from the rest of your family, of course."

"Of course."

Brandyn stretched his arms over his head with a yawn. "Well I don't see why she isn't more popular. She's cute, she's witty, she's good with dragons and has a freaking Monstrous Nightmare. I mean, seriously. People should be crawling all over her."

"Ahhh I could do without that, but maybe a wee bit more of a social life could do her well."

"What about your son? Finn, right?"

Hiccup scoffed. "Finn. He's got more of a social life than he can handle."

"Social butterfly?"

"You have no idea."

"So he had his first kiss, what, last year then?"

Hiccup laughed. "Ha! Well, to my knowledge, that is probably the first thing Addie's beaten him to."

"Really? Fabulous Finn doesn't have a hovel of ladies?"

"Uhh... yes and no? He kind of has a girlfriend and a crush on another girl, well uhh... woman who's old enough to be his mother-"

"What?" Brandyn guffawed. "What a little player!"

"Well, she's not into him if pinching his cheek and saying 'he's so cute I could squeeze him!' is any indication." Hiccup laughed. "Anyway, I'm not honestly sure how he's doing in that regard. He's still on the free side of being a teenager. It's his business besides. I won't start getting on his back about that stuff unless he starts being stupid or is pushing twenty-five and is yet to produce an heir."

"Produce..." Brandyn snorted. "Like a cow."

"No, not PRO-duce... ah, you know what? Never mind." Hiccup chuckled. "Well we do need a new chief. Though I suppose, if worst came to worst, we could always theoretically appoint Addie's firstborn."

"What are you doing to my firstborn?"

Both Hiccup and Brandyn jumped, startled at the much higher voice that had cut into their conversation. They turned to look at her standing at the foot of the stairs, arms crossed and leaning on her hip. Hiccup stifled a laugh; sometimes she could look just like her mother.

Adrianna raised an eyebrow. "Are you already setting me up for marriage? Don't you think I'm a bit young to be having children?"

"Gods, yes." Hiccup's face began redden. "In fact, I forbid you from having children until after I'm dead."

"Well that should be easy. You just said you were clumsy." Brandyn chortled as Hiccup frowned. "It's okay, Anna. Your father's just using you as a last resort in the heir department."

"Gee, thanks dad." Adrianna deadpanned. "That makes me feel so special."

"You are special. You're under so much less pressure. That's the real reason you're not the heir. I don't want you birthing children." Hiccup inwardly cringed at the thought.

"Ahh so even if I were the firstborn, you just want to protect me from the trauma of childbirth." Adrianna narrowed her eyes at her father.

"Exactly. Good someone understands." Hiccup replied through equally narrowed eyes.

"You have thought of everything." Brandyn piped up. "Very thorough of you. Remind me to keep my distance from your daughter. Don't want her giving birth prematurely."

Hiccup blanched and shuddered in horror. Adrianna, however, seemed to find this statement funny. She immediately walked around the edge of the couch and plopped herself next to Brandyn, snuggling in with a daring smirk.

"Oh no! Ohhhh no!" Hiccup shouted, hopping to his feet and wiggling his way between them. Brandyn laughed as he shoved them apart and added, "I think not. Ever. There must always be a minimum of eight inches between the two of you. At all times. From now until the end of eternity. Period."

"Aww, but dad! He's so handsome." Adrianna whined. "Our children would be adorable."

Brandyn threw an arm over Hiccup's shoulders. "Yeah, come on, dad. I bet they'd have your eyes." He tugged at a strand of Adrianna's hair affectionately.

"You mean her eyes?" Hiccup raised an eyebrow, quickly slapping Brandyn's hand away from his daughter's precious (and now forbidden) golden locks. "I think I like Erick better. He's a bit less cocky."

"Ahh, confidence is attractive. One day you will be mine." Brandyn waggled his eyebrows.

"I'm flattered, Brandyn, but I'm a married man. I'm afraid I must decline your rather generous offer." Hiccup quipped with a giant grin on his face, holding up his hand so that the teenage boy could clearly see his wedding ring.

"You know, chief Hiccup, you are an incredible man and you have gorgeous eyes but I'm afraid my attraction lies in womenkind." Brandyn patted his shoulder.

"Womenkind over the age of 18." Hiccup added. "My baby is ineligible."

"Wait, now you're deciding the rules of my future? Thanks." Brandyn frowned.

"Hey, we could always elope." Adrianna suggested cheerfully, enjoying her father's tortured expression.

"Ooh yeah, I have a Changewing! We could totally disappear into thin air. Ride off into the sunset." Brandyn winked at her.

"No!" Hiccup bellowed. "There will be no eloping, no disappearing, and definitely, absolutely, positively NO CHILDREN!"

Lofn, who had just walked in, paused for a moment to take in the sight of Hiccup's red face and their teenagers giggling at his discomfort.

"What in Odin's name is going on in here?" she asked curiously.

"Lofn, thank you for your hospitality but I'm afraid we're going to have to leave right now before your son elopes with and then impregnates my daughter."


"Brandyn!" Lofn crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes at her son. "What did I tell you about hitting on random strangers?"

"Hey, I can't help it. It's the Dragon Whisperer and his hot daughter on our couch. Where anything could happen." Brandyn blew a kiss at Adrianna, who pretended to swoon.

The door randomly swung open and Allie strode into the room. "I am very glad that you've warmed up to your guests," the Outcast chief declared authoritatively, "but I'd like them off my island as soon as possible. So what is it you want?"

"What I want is for this piece of work to stop flirting with me and my daughter." Hiccup elbowed Brandyn in the ribs.

Allie frowned. "And?"

"A silver fish." Adrianna added.

"Oh. Well those we have. Brandyn can show you where they are-"

"Aww come on-" Hiccup groaned while Brandyn smirked victoriously.

"And I can get back to more important matters." Allie concluded.

Hiccup frowned at a snickering Brandyn. "I suppose you'll just have to do."

"Yes. We'll have an adventure. It'll be fun! What could possibly go wrong?"


Astrid woke up with a sore throat and feeling less than energized. She got up and peeked into her son's room, dismayed to find the bed untouched. A flicker of anger ignited within her as she threw on a coat and stomped out the door, muttering the entire flight on Stormfly. When she arrived at the Great Hall, she spotted Finn's vivid head as he was spooning out bowls of stew (that he had probably spent most of the night making). Sure enough, when she grew nearer, she spotted eight vats of the stuff surrounding him and one still on the fire.

"Fearless Finn Haddock!" she hollered as she stormed over. A few people jumped out of the way in her sudden rampage. "Go to bed!"

"What?" Finn looked up from his cooking to meet his mother's equally blue eyes.

"Do I need to drag you out of here in front of all these people?" Astrid continued.

"You can drag out my dead body when that becomes necessary." Finn snarked.

"Finn, I'm serious! You haven't slept in two days and I won't have you getting s-" Astrid began before she was interrupted by a hacking cough. "S-sick." She stubbornly finished.

Mara bounded across the room and yanked open Astrid's mouth. "Oh dear dear dear..." she muttered. "Not another one."

"Another what?" Astrid rasped. "I'm fine."

"For now. You'd better lie down before it gets worse." Mara told her, putting her hands on Astrid's shoulders and trying to steer her to an empty mat.

"Just pour me some milk and I'll be fine!" Astrid insisted.

"She's right." Benen said, standing from the table at which he'd been sitting. "You don't want to be moving around when the sickness hits you hard."

"Benen, what are you doing here?" Astrid asked impatiently. "You can't afford to get sick right now."

"Some things are more important. Such as rest for you." Benen said firmly. "Now please lie down before I sit on you." She couldn't see his smile through the cloth on his mouth but she did see him wink.

"Is she really sick?" Finn asked worriedly. "Mom?"

"If you lie down right now, you will probably be okay. Svala's recovering very well so you have a good chance to beat it but you need to lie down." Mara led Astrid to a mat near Olaf's. "We'll get you some tea and stew."

As Astrid sat down on her mat and leaned against a pillar with an annoyed huff, she took in her surroundings, particularly the Larsons huddled by the next pillar. Olaf still looked pale and weak as Lara patiently dabbed his forehead with a wet cloth. He still had the worst of the effects from the sickness out of everyone. Astrid frowned at the stones underneath her boots, frustrated that she had to get sick while Hiccup and Adrianna were still out getting the ingredients. The village needed her and of course she would typically get sick.

"Here you go, Mrs. Haaaaastrid." Erick slurred as he handed her a cup of hot tea. Astrid smirked. "Sorry... I'm still getting used to it."

"It's all right." She said as she accepted the cup. She stared at her daughter's friend with concern. "You look terrible. Have you slept at all?"

"Yes. Well, here and there." Erick half shrugged. "I have to be doing something or I'll go nuts."

Mara stood on a table and the noise in the Hall lessened. "Can someone here please go out and get some more aloe leaves?"

"I'll go!" Finn leaped up and headed toward the healer.

"Ah ah ah!" Inga rushed over and threw him aside.

"Ow!" Finn grumbled, massaging his ribs. "I've got this, small fry."

"Oh no, you don't. Haddocks always get the glory and the important jobs. Let a Jorgenson handle it." Inga grabbed her Changewing, a pretty female named Mystie, and mounted her.

"Inga Dolores Jorgenson!" Heather bellowed (Finn snickered behind his hand), "Put on your coat and your scarf and your hat right this second before you freeze to death out there."

"Mom, I'll be back in 15 minutes. 20 tops." Inga rolled her eyes but obliged.

As she took off, Finn chortled, "See you soon, Dolly."

"Enjoy your teeth, Finn, because their days are limited." Inga growled before she and her dragon sped out of the Hall.


"Ice." Adrianna grumbled. "It just had to be ice. Couldn't have needed ingredients in the Tropics."

"Nothing is that easy." Brandyn sniffed dismissively. "Besides, now we have an excuse to cuddle."

"Back away, dorkface, I have a man at home." Adrianna smacked him on the chest.

"Ahh, I could duel him for you." Brandyn laughed. "Seriously though, we have plenty of blankets if you need a little time to warm up after this is over."

"Finally he speaks some sense!" Hiccup exclaimed cheerfully. "So... here?" he added as they arrived at a large body of water.

"This would be the place." Brandyn said, getting out the ice fishing equipment. "We just need to dig a small hole in the ice, stick a fishing rod in there, and pull 'er up!"

"You make it sound so easy." Hiccup said as he ventured forward on the ice. It easily held his weight.

As Hiccup and Brandyn dug into the ice and did their best to create a hole big enough for their fishing rods, Adrianna gazed out over the vast expanse of ocean before her. A movement caught her eye.

"Wait," she called. "I see a few over here!" She made her way over to the area of the ice where the fish were most visible.

"Ahh, Anna I wouldn't do that if I were-" Brandyn began.

"ADDIE WAIT!" Hiccup yelled.


Before she could turn or respond, Adrianna plummeted through the ice, her gasp of surprise sucking freezing water into her lungs as she sank.


"Stupid Haddocks. Always like 'I got this, I'll take care of it, I'll take all the credit for everything that happens but not for everything that goes wrong!'" Inga grumbled as she flew over the woods. "What kind of name is Haddock, anyway? It's a fish. And Finn's not even a full fish, just a section of it."

She hated the Haddocks. Well, hate was kind of a strong word. Loathed? Despised? Detested? Would rather eat a gallon of eels than speak to? Something like that. The 10-year-old barely noticed her surroundings as she muttered dark things under her breath. A gust of wind knocked Mystie off course and they were nearly blown sideways.

"Woah!" she gasped. "Better be careful, Mystie. Don't want to get lost out here. Daddy would never let me out of the house again."

Snowflakes pelted her as they continued their flight to their destination. The wind began to howl and the Changewing grew increasingly skittish.

"It's okay, girl." Inga patted her dragon affectionately. "We'll be fine."

But the weather seemed to want to dispute that claim. Mystie's wings were slammed backwards by a strong force of wind. Inga looked up just in time to see snow-covered branches coming down on top of them. Her squeal of surprise was drowned out by the heavy wind and she felt her body thrown sideways. The last thing she felt before she blacked out was the sensation of weightlessness. Then there was only darkness.

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