Fine! I'll do it!

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I didn't realize, but I had fallen asleep.
When I woke up I saw Garroth, Zhianna, Garté and Vlyad.
Wheres..? Nevermind..
I sniffle a bit and Zhianna comes and sits on the edge of my bed.
I curl up and she places her hand on my shoulder.
I let one tear leave my eye as I fall asleep once more.

The doctor kept bugging me to do the interview over the past few days, and I finnaly broke and told him yes.
Today I had to redo my interview.

I get up and shower, brush teeth, hair, and do other hygiene things.
I wait until the nurse leaves, and when she does I smother foundation all over my scar.

I do the rest of my make up and put on a random outfit.
As I go out of the bathroom about to throw away my food, I see a familiar person in the doorway.

It's Zane..
I start to tear up.
He looks really upset.
I suddenly run to him and hug him so tight.
At first he is so supprised and he doesn't know how to react, but he slowly melts into the hug and brings me into a bear hug.

When we let go I them hit him on the arm.
"Ouch! What was that for N/n!?" He yells.

"Why did you leave me!!??" I yell back sounding like a little kid.

He looks confused but amused at the same time.

"Cause you told me to you baka!"
He retorts.

"Well you weren't supposed to listen you- wait.. baka..? What's that you dingus!?" I protested.

He laughs and crosses his arms.
"I'm not tellin you!" He says with a sing song voice.
I growl and start to playfully hit him.

"Tell meeeeeeeee!" I wine.

Eventually after a little while of playing he says,
" Fine. Baka means cow in Spanish, but it's also idiot or stupid in Japanese. It's my new favorite insult."

I do an over exaggerated gasp and start to chase him.
He runs to behind the hospital bed and I run over.
I climb on top the bed, and stand up but he had already ran back to the doorway.

I jump off the bed and we continue to run around.

Eventually we get tired and I end up sitting in the corner.
Zane comes and sits next to me.
We sit together for a while catching our breaths.
I lean on his shoulder picking at my nails.

I lay my head down and close my eyes.
"I've missed you.." I whisper.

"I've missed you more Y/n, I really have." He whispers back.

I almost fall asleep but the nurse came back and interrupted us.
I sigh and stand up. I tell Zane goodbye and let the nurse lead me to the room where I had my interview.

As soon as I walked in I Imediatly recognize Cadenza.

I look to her right and see Laurence.
uh oh..

I sit down and snuggle a pillow on the couch thing we were sitting on.

They start to talk and I go off into my own world as I play with a piece of string on the pillow.

"Kyle! Kyle! look at me! I'm a monkey!" I laugh.
Kyle laughs too and climbs up on the branch with me.
I had H/c hair then and a cute button nose. My eyes were a beautiful
I was previously eating a kitkat before Kyle and I went to play at the park.
I had chocolate all over my face.

"Haha you look like a kitkat!" He yells.
I giggle and climb down off the tree.
"Mommy!" I exclaim as I see her.
I run over to her.

"My oh my! Your a mess darling! My little kitkat." She smiles.

I giggle as Kyle runs around saying, "Kitkat kitkat kitkat!" over and over.



"Hey! Y/N? You there?" I hear someone say.

I suddenly snap out of my mind and look over at the doctor.

"Oh uh.. y-yeah.." I respond.

"Well, they will be asking some questions, take it slow ok? Don't stress yourself."
He tells me.
I nod my head and he leaves the room.

"So, How have you been Y/n?" Cadenza asks me.

"Um.. I've been better.." I mumble.

I can feel their stares burning into my skin.
She sends a hopeful smile my way and then Laurence says,
"Y-Y/n, I think that-"

"That what? I'm weird? I have problems? That I'm too troubled to have a family? That I'm too broken! THAT I SHOULD JUST END MY LIFE BECAUSE IT'S POINTLESS!? YEAH I KNOW! YOU DON'T HAVE TO TELL ME! NO! NO! NO! NO! STOP IT! PLEASE!"
I start yelling random things and crying into my pillow.
I start to have a panic attack.
I can't do anything.
Cadenza runs over to me and hugs me.
The doctor runs in and try to calm me.
The parents sit next to me holding my hands, but laurence..
He is just..

After a while I calm down.
Cadenza is next to me holding my hand and the parents are back in their seats.

he doctor is now back and sitting in the corner.

"Lets s-start over ok? I'm Candenza, you can call me Cadi. I'm the eldest sister. That's Laurence, he is the youngest, for now,  sibling in our family. That's our mom Jessabel and our father Haydn." She says.

Laurence takes a deep breath.
I do the same.
There is a awkward silence for a few minutes.

"Look, I'm sorry ok? For everything. The day at the park, just now, anything I ever possibly did to hurt you.." Laurence says suddenly breaking the silence.

I look over at him.
He looks genuine.

"Its ok.. I forgive you." I simply tell him.

After a few hours the interview ends and they leave.
I go back into my hellhole (Hospital room) and lay in my bed.

I then fall asleep and I let the darkness engulf me.

My body allows myself to be peaceful, after a long period of very unpeicefullness.


As I wake up,
Everything feels off.
something just feels..

I look around my room.
Wait a minute..
when did I go back home? How did I get in my old bed?
Was that all a dream..?
Am I me again?
I jump up out of my bed but for some reason the floor makes no noise.
No creak, no thump, no anything.
"hm.. that's weird."
I shrug it off and head over to my vanity.

I see my slightly dirtied face,
my scars..
My different features.
Things I haven't noticed before about my face.

But when I look down at my chest,
right where my heart is I see a scar.
"I've never seen that before.."
I think.

I graze my finger along the scar and suddenly feel a random burning pain in the spot.

I pull my finger away and stare at the scar through my mirror confused.
I start to head to my door and open it.
As I opened my door It seemed eerily quiet.
Our house was NEVER quiet.

I head over only Kyle's room.
He is laying in bed still.
I smile and go sit down next to him.
As I reach out to ruffle his hair,
my hand didn't ruffle it. It kinda just grazed it.
That's when I noticed his tear stained face with dried blood.
Dried blood all over his clothes, his hands, his face, his hair.
It's everywhere.
"What did father do to you!" I whisper to myself.
I look away to his doorway and then back at him.
More tears are coming from his eyes now and he is stirring.

"Kyle? Kyle are you ok? What's wrong??" I ask him.
He doesn't respond. It doesn't seem like he notices me at all.

"K-kyle? Baby you need to get up.. Hurry before he comes up. Before takes you too.." Someone behind me speaks. Their familiar but distant voice says.

I turn around and see mother in the doorway.
I get off of Kyle's bed and stand beside it.
Mother comes and crouched beside Kyle where I sat a minute before.

"I-I can't.. I wanna be with her... THIS IS TOO MUCH!" He says steadily getting louder.

My mother's voice turns blank with emotion and replies, " KEEP IT DOWN BEFORE YOU WAKE HIM! GET UP! PLEASE!" She whisper yells at him.

What is wrong with him?

He stays put and doesn't say anything.


She grabs the blanket and rolls him out of the bed.
I gasp silently and back away in terror.
Kyle looks up at her from the floor in disbelief.


I look away and then see father in the doorway.
"SHUT UP MOTHERF@%#%S IN TRYING TO SLEEP BUT ALL I HEAR IS YOUR DUMBA$# B$#%ING AND COMPLAINING!" He roars as he grabs Kyle and mama by the head one by one and bashes them together.
Mama is instantly knocked out but Kyle just sits back up and looks at father.

his eyes are as dull as mine...

"You killed my sister.
I can't and I won't live with you two demons. I HATE YOU BOTH! I don't want to live anymore. There's no point!! Have fun with mom as much as you want because I'm leaving and NEVER coming back!!" Kyle yells at father.

what does that mean??
I'm not dead!

He runs out the room and I follow.
He goes into our bathroom.
He rummaged through the cabinets.
oh no..
He grabs my oh so familiar bag and takes out one of the many razors I have in there. Father is banging on the locked bathroom door as Kyle turns on the tub.
He climbs in with his clothes still on and takes the razor to his arm with no hesitation.
He doesn't make any noise and goes on to his other arm again not hesitating.

I fall down onto my knees and start to cry as more yelling starts.
Soon I black out.


I wake up again.
I'm back at the hospital....?
Was that.. was that a dream..?
More like nightmare..

I sit up and look around.
That was crazy.

I then realize I'm hungry and get out of bed.
I go to the bathroom, get dressed, brush my teeth and hair and go out into the hallway.
I turn a corner and..
"Oh yeah! Vending machine food!" I whisper to myself.

fatty. I can't believe you.

"What? Why can't I just eat food and be happy? Why do you have to ruin everything!" I whisper to myself.

because you're fat! Geez you are so stupid! Maybe it's because you don't go to school because your a phsyco!

"Lies! Lies lies lies!" I tell Teddy.

I look down the hall and see a nurse looking at me concerned. I take a deep breath and continue towards the vending machine embarrassed.

I push in some money and push in the numbers for potato chips.
I grab the chips and speed walk back to my room with my head down.

Lol you should have seen that ladies face. She probably thought you were another super crazy patient- oh wait. You are.

"SHUT UP!" I say almost yelling.
I run into my room and plop onto my bed.

I eat my chips and try and distract myself.

I wish I had my phone.
My doctor took it away from me.
It's not like i could text anyone anyways.
I had no one to text.
Also my mom had played the phone bill-

erm.. nevermind.
I sit there in silence eating my chips.

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