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After Zhianna leaves the nurse and I hang out a bit.
I don't tell her about anything personal, even though she keeps pushing me too.

"I want to help you.. so if there is anything going on.. just tell me ok? I'm here to help." She encourages me.
I take a big breath,
(*LE INHALEEEEEE* sorry I had to XD)
I shake my head and she looks slightly disappointed.

The doctor then walks in a smiles at us.
My nurse stands up and smiles back.
"Ah, Y/n. I have noticed you have been getting better. You also are looking better. I think you will love your new future family." He tells me with a supporting smile.
I give him a small smile back and nod my head.
"Anyways, we are going to have you and Kyle do seperated interviews, unless the parents are interested in two children."
I nod again, as my smile fades a bit.

He guides me to a cute little room.
It looks like one if those little kid doctor offices/waiting rooms.
Like a dentist one or something.
On the wall is a bunch of fruits and veggies with cute faces.

As we settle in some chairs the doctor leaves to get my potential foster parents.

"Ok y/n. This is Rachel, her son Aaron, and his older sister Melissa. Derek, the father couldn't make it." The doctor says walking in.
They all walk in and sit in front of me.
The mother has a tired smile on her face, My possible sister has a excited look in her face, and the boy was looking down in his hands with a bandana on.

"Hello Y/n, I'm Rachel. This is Aaron, and Melissa." She tells me formally.
"Hello. You all seem very nice." I reply with a convincing smile.
It was kinda hard to smile in front of them.
Every move I made I felt was being judged.
Every word I said, every move I made, every breath I take, everything I did.
(anxiety sucks. I would know. T-T)
Rachel nodded and gave another tired smile.
"So, what school do you go to?" Melissa asks me.
Aaron looks up a bit, he seems to have interest in this question.
"Ph-phoenix drop high."
I give her a simple, easy answer.
Aaron seems to be a bit more interested in the conversation now. Melissa looks over at Aaron and smiles.
"That's awesome! So does my little brother here!" She tells me happily.
She seems a lot more lively than their mom.
"Would you be comfortable and able to take care of yourself when me and your possible father are out?" Rachel asks sternly.
I hear Aaron huff and Melissa elbows him.
"Ow! What the HECK Melissa!?!?" He yells.
"Aaron! Please!" Rachel yells.
They start to argue and I start to slide down in my seat.
After they stop arguing there is a awkward silence.

"Well, I'm very sorry for that Y/n, Anyways, Would you be?"

"I can take care of myself.." I tell her with the memories of father, and mother, and Kyle, and my old life fresh in the back of my mind.

I am still sagged down in my seat.
I realize this and Imediatly sit up.
I think I kinda surprised the girls though because they slightly jumped.

"ok.. Well thank you guys for your time. I hope to see you again." The doctors says awkwardly.

welp.. onto the next people...

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