Why is he Back!?

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I can feel my head get heavy and my eyelids start to fall.

I realize I'm blacking out and try and sit down.
I probably looked rediculous but right now I don't care.

I hear footsteps, yelling, talking, everything.

So much all at once.
It's too much!!
How am I supposed......


I wake up in a unfamiliar room.
It has posters all over the walls and is full of purple.

I sit up holding my head.

I glance around and see nobody is here with me. I look around and spot some stuffed animals, posters, and some snacks around the room.

I turn to see a door and I scoot off of the bed and walk over to it.
I crack open the door and see a hallway.
I cautiously open the door and tiptoe down the hall to some stairs.

I can hear voices of very familiar voices.
My friends..

I quietly go down the stairs and turn the corner to see everybody sitting on the couches.

Laurence is the first one to notice me.

"Y/n! Are you ok? What happe- sorry.. I'll slow down.. uh Are you ok?" He asks worridly.

I blink a few times. Still dazed.

What did happ-


It was him.
After all this time?
He still wasn't caught!?
It's been almost a year..

Why is it now?
Now that I'm adjusting. He just pops up!
Its not fair!!

Why now?
I didn't ever want to see that face again.
That face. The face of a murderer.
The one who killed my mother.

Who hurt my brother.
Who hurt me....

It's not okay for him to just.. show his face.
And to walk to me like that.
What is wrong with him!?!?!?

Many things probably.
Be quiet. Nobody asked you.
Well I inserted my opinion anyways.

I daze back into reality.

"erm.. I saw something.. and.. it uh.. made me.. erm.. it made me..tired...?" I lie. I hopefully it was an okay lie.

Mist of them seem to buy it.. except for Laurence. But he keeps quiet.

"So, who wants to try on dresses??" I say with a forced smile.

Kawaii~chan squeals and all the girls rush upstairs.

After dressed we all go downstairs and see the boys playing video games.

We all hang out and chill for a while before we all go home.


As soon as we get home, Laurence asks me what really happened.

"erm.. I told you!" I lie again.
geez I haven't lied so much in forever...

"No, you lied. I'm not stupid." He replies giving me the same face Kyle used to make.

This made me tear up..
He immediately noticed and apologized.

"I'm sorry.. did I pressure you??" He asks worried.

I burst into tears and throw myself into his arms.

"I miss him....." I cry.

"I know.. I know.." He mumbles softly.

I eventually tell him.
I had too...
I know if it were Kyle I would have done the same thing.

I can always feel the numbness in my heart.
That little but of emptiness.
Yes, I have friends, I have Laurence, I have Cadenza, I have mom and dad...

But I still don't have Kyle. Or my REAL mom...
I miss them so much..
I would give everything- well I don't have anything..
I would give my life just to see them one last time...

I don't understand..
Why must life punish me?
Why me?
Why was I picked to have this horrible life...

Authors note:

Sorry that it's been so long! I've been not motivated to do anything lately, so I haven't been working on chapters, but here's this one! Like I've said before, it's nearing the end of "season" 1! I can't wait for it. Also there may or may not be a sequel to this story, depending on how it ends. Anyways, I love you potatoes, BUBYYEE3!!

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