Chapter 0

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"Ow." Ryota had bumped into someone again. He looked over to the guy he had unconsciously hit. "Are you OK?" Due to his insomnia, his slanted eyes were droopier than usual.

"Eek! I'm sorry for bumping into you!! Please don't hurt me!!"

"..." Ryota dropped his hand that he held out to help the person up, but now that he'd ran away, Ryota continued to stand there and watch the stranger disappear down the block. It wasn't until his best friend attacked him that he realized he was standing there for two full minutes.

"What's up Ryota? Did you make someone run away again?"


"Of course, my best friend is such a scary child. You'll need to fix that if you wanna get a girl!" Nao wrapped his arm around Ryota and proceeded to give him a hard noogie. "Hey, are you OK? You're all red. You should sleep more, its exam week and you can't miss finals again!"

Ryota pulled out of Nao's wrap and covered his face, facing away from his best friend.

"Ryota? Do you want to get to school before we're late?"

Ryota then took off running for the school, looking back, he yelled, "I'm not going to be late, but you are!"


Arriving at Keiken, Ryota was violently attacked by Haruhu Tsuyumi, an upperclassman.

"Gooooood mornin' to ya Akashi-kyun," Tsuyumi purred in Ryota's ears, making him in every which way uncomfortable. "How ya doin'? Did ya miss me? Was ya weekend borin' without me? Ya know, I wanted to see ya too." Tsuyumi clung onto Ryota's arm, squishing it with her nonexistent chest. As Ryota tried to wriggle out of Tsuyumi's grasp, he heard some of his classmates gossiping behind him.

"Ugh, Tsuyumi and Akashi are like, relationship goals."
"O.M.G. I KNOW RIGHT! Tsuyumi's always waiting for him by the doors."
"Ooo! What would their child look like?"
"Long black hair, like Akashi, with curls, like Tsuyumi-senpai, big eyes, small lips and she'll probably be tall."

Ryota caught Tsuyumi staring at the girls and grinning. He quickly looked away as she turned back.

"Don'cha think our kid's gonna look like that? Don'cha?" Tsuyumi started dragging Ryota to the hallway but Nao appeared in front of them.

"Did you two have an affair and didn't bother to tell me?" Nao's brows crinkled.

"Stop that! Ya gonna have wrinkles by the time ya eat lunch!" Tsuyumi flicked Nao in the forehead, giving Ryota a chance to escape next to Nao.
"Whew. That was close." Ryota shook his arm to help his blood circulate.

"I've found ya darlin'. Ya know, ya shouldn't shout out like that, that just ruins the whole game." Tsuyumi teeter-tottered on her heels with her hands behind her back, licking her lips.

"There was a game? Besides, I don't want to be late to class again." Ryota walked away from Nao and changed into his classroom slippers.

"Do ya want me to walk ya to class?" Tsuyumi interlocked hands with Ryota as he avoided her blue eyes.

"Well, what are we waiting for then," chuckled Nao as he grabbed Tsuyumi's hand as well, sandwiching her in the middle.

Tsuyumi scowled.

"Stop that! Ya gonna get wrinkles by the time ya eat lunch," sneered Nao, his words dripping in mockery as he reached over and flicked Tsuyumi on her forehead.

"Yah! Geez ya know that really hurts!" Tsuyumi put her head on Ryota's forearm and whined, "It really hurts Akashi-kyun! Nao is such a bully! Humph! I'm not speakin' to ya anymore."

"Oh good," Ryota sighed a breath of relief.

"I'm not talkin' about ya! Don'cha worry hunnybunny, I'll be talkin' to ya all day!" Tsuyumi smacked Ryota in the arm, causing him to flinch. "Such a cutie pie when ya flinch from the slightest of the slightest touch!"

"Let go of Ryota's hand now Tsuyu, we have to get ready for the exams." Nao gently tugged Tsuyumi away from Ryota and completely zoned out her whining about leaving "Akashi" in a classroom full of thieves, ready to steal her "Akashi".

"Ehe..." Ryota dreadfully walked into his classroom, Class 1-C, plopped down in his window seat and stared out the window, waiting for lunch to arrive.


After 3 hours of math, geography, English, and science, it was finally time for lunch.

Before Ryota could even push his seat out, girls surrounded him, asking him to eat lunch with them or asking him to act out a scene from the popular anime his nickname deprived from, Splited Persona. He let out a sigh and asked the girls, "Just leave me alone. OK?" Then scooted his chair and left the classroom, leaving behind a group of screaming fangirls.

Ryota sighed as he strutted up the stairwells to the second floor. He quickly spied Nao coming out of the Home Ec. room covered in flour and coughing.

"Nao, are you OK? You're all dusty and," Ryota coughed, "that's a lot of dust."

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine, thanks for worrying about me Ryota. I'll go wash up, just wait OK?" Nao smiled and waved goodbye, leaving a red-faced Ryota watching him go.

Standing in the hallway, spacing out, Ryota was an easy target for Tsuyumi as she glomped him with happiness.

"What'cha doing here, all alone? Ooo are ya blushin'? Didya see me skippin' down the halls and blush to your excitement?" Tsuyumi coiled herself around Ryota, wrapping her legs around his and reaching towards his most treasured place. "Aren't ya excited? Seein' me after three long hours?" As her hand came closer and closer, she purred into Ryota's ears, breathing on his neck, "I'm gonna make ya feelin' real good." She licked her lips, grinning.

"HARUHU CHARLOTTE TSUYUMI. UNHAND RYOTA'S MANHOOD THIS INSTANT!" Nao appeared, seemingly glowing with a heroic aura.

With determination in his eyes, Ryota spoke in a monotoned voice, "I got this."

"Yah! Way to ruin my playtime!" Tsuyumi threw her hands up and stomped away.

Nao took Ryota in his arms and hugged him lovingly. He patted Ryota on the head and whispered into his ear, "Are you OK?"

Ryota nodded, his face stuffed in Nao's defined chest. He loved cuddles, and Nao's were the best.

"I'll have to apologize for Tsuyumi behavior. She's just having some troubles at home. I'm sure she'll be okay with me telling you her back story, but first let's find somewhere to eat."

Finally sitting on the roof, Nao hands Ryota a bento. "I made it for you during home ec. I saw that you didn't have your usual bag with you today when we were running to school."

"Weren't you covered in flour though?" Ryota graciously took the bento from Nao, who was shining in motherly love.

"Oh yeah, that. Tsuyu turned on the beater too fast. She was trying to make cookies for you and asked for my help. Speaking of Tsuyu, I'm very sorry for what she was doing. She just doesn't really know how to act when she's in love. Watching too many Western soap operas really changes someone," Nao chuckled, "but as you know, Tsuyu is half-Japanese, half-New Zealander. Her mother died of cancer when she was in 5th grade and her father rarely comes home, but when he does, it's usually him yelling at her to bring up her grades."

"Isn't she top rank?" Ryota munched on his delicious bento as he listened sorrowfully.

Nao nodded, "Yes, but I guess that's not enough. Tsuyu has never really experienced love fully, so I apologize in advance if she goes overboard again."

"I'm sorry too." Ryota hung his head, realizing he's been so cruel to Tsuyumi. He felt Nao stroking his hair and looked up.

"What for? It's not your fault. I should've told you that -- "

Ryota cut him off, "No, I'm sorry that I can't return her feelings." He suddenly stood up. "I have to go." With that he took off running, leaving behind a saddened Nao.

"Ryota! Where are you goi--," Nao stopped, realizing the answer. "I really don't get this kid," sighed Nao, shaking his head in disbelief.


Spotting Tsuyumi, Ryota took her hands and looked her in her sparkling midnight-blues. "Senpai, I have something to tell you."

Tsuyumi flushed while wrinkling her brows, confused by his actions. "Wh-what? Why?" She glanced around and saw all her classmates scowling at her and whispering. Her eyes saddened.

"I think we should take this somewhere else." Ryota let go of her left hand and walked her to an empty classroom. "Senpai..." His face showed no expression as he spoke, "I'm come to confess something," he paused.

"Confess? To me? What are ya going to say? After all that I did to ya? Confessing now? Geez, I really don't understand ya. Huh! Such weird kiddos these days." Tsuyumi closed her eyes to avoid Ryota's. She started to tear up. "In other words, OF COURSE I'LL GO OUT WITH YA. I mean not that we haven't already, but ya never officially asked. I love ya so much! This is the best day of my lif--,"
Her words were cut of by Ryota's finger on her lips.

"I can't return your feelings. Sorry." Ryota slipped his hands into his pockets, leaned over and his lips brushed against Tsuyumi's cheek. He pulled away and walked in the doorway, he turned around once more to confirm that this is his true feelings for Tsuyumi, "I hope we'll still be friends." And he left the classroom, not a moment later, feeling burdened to see her crying.


"Ah! Ryota! Where'd you run off to at lunch? You left behind my lunch I made you." Nao held up a frog shaped bento box, pouting.

"..." Ryota turned around, not wanting to see his best friend. He covered his teary eyes, and walked the other way.
"Ryota? Ryota, what did you do? Ryota? Ryota!" Nao ran after his best friend, skipping the afternoon classes.

When Nao finally caught up with Ryota, he was still turned around, away from Nao. "Ryota! Ah, you're always the athletic one." Nao bent down to catch his breath.

"... Nao... Why did you chase me?" Ryota glanced through his black hair behind him. "Why did chase me when I wanted to be away from you!? Why! Why did you come after me! Tell me, Nao, why? I've done a horrible thing..." Tears streamed down his face. "I hurt a girl." Ryota suddenly collapsed into Nao's arms.

If it weren't for Nao's motherly instinct, Ryota would've fallen on the dirty, dirty ground.


Back at the school, Nao and Tsuyumi stayed quietly at Ryota's side as he slept peacefully. The nurse had told them he didn't have enough sleep.

"Nao, we haveta go back to studyin'," Tsuyumi's voice cracked as she tried to tear away from Ryota. "Teach's already mad at ya for skippin' the first hour. Your rankin'll go down." She placed her tiny hands on Nao's shoulder and rubbed it.

"Go Tsuyu, I'll be there soon. I just need to think." Nao touched Tsuyumi's hand and pulled his shoulder away, indicating that he didn't want her to stay.

After Tsuyumi left and closed the door, Nao turned back to look at Ryota, quietly snoring away. Hanging his head, he began to think, not noticing the snoring had stopped.

"Did Senpai leave," Ryota's rough, husky voice broke through Nao's thoughts.

"Ryota! You're OK!" Nao Nearly bounced out of his seat to hug him, then realizing that he still might be tired. "I was so worried."

"Why?" Ryota crosses his arms and wrinkled his brows. "You shouldn't get involved with a murderer like me." He looked down. "I killed Senpai's feelings. "

Nao took one look at Ryota and burst out laughing. "Ryota! I don't think you're using those words correctly! You simply rejected Tsuyu. You didn't murder anyone. 'Killing' her is quite the exaggeration."

"Oh..." Ryota closed his eyes shut, as if thinking about what to do next.

"Well, I'd better get back to class. Stay here and sleep more."

Nao got up out of his seat and suddenly tripped as Ryota monotonely spoke out from behind, "I love you Nao," with no expression on his face, "As a man. Not as a friend."

Nao awkwardly chuckled, "Man as in fatherly figure?" His eyes nervously shifted side to side.

"No, you're more of a mom, but as a potential partner. I knew I had a chance with you ever since you told me you were bi. I've always loved you Nao." Ryota got up from the bed and back-hugged Nao, feeling his trembles of nervousness.

"Me," Nao's voice cracked from the strong hug he was getting. "Are you sure you like me?"

"I don't like you. I love you." Getting his tough guy act on, Ryota flew in front of Nao, grabbed his necktie and pushed him onto the back wall, wall-slamming him.

The soft, spring breeze blew the light curtains to reveal a blooming relationship that started with a kiss.

Ryota's slightly chapped lips fluttered against Nao's velvet ones. Suddenly he grabbed Nao's face and pulled away from the kiss.

"Open you eyes and look at me."

Nao bit his lips and looked away from Ryota, purposely.

"I said look at me!" Ryota roughly tugged on Nao's shirt, messing up his tie.

Shocked, Nao's leafy green eyes bolted up into Ryota's ashy greys. "I-I am." He licked his lips, seeming to want more.

Ryota noticed this action and smirked. "You look like you want to say something. Say it to my face."

"I... M-mmmor... Ki-kiss..." Nao trailed off, embarrassed to finish the sentence.

"Hmm? I didn't quite catch that, could you repeat it? This time more, hmm, clearer."

Nao could feel Ryota smirking against his lips. "I want to... Ki-kiss... Mo..." Once again, he couldn't bring himself to say it.

"You want to kiss?" Ryota have Nao a peck on the cheek. "I gave you a kiss. Do you want anything else? No? I'm leaving." With that Ryota pulled away from Nao and turned to walk to the door.

"No, wait!" Taking matters into his own hands, Nao tried to pull Ryota back and kiss him. Unfortunately, Ryota was much heavier and stronger than Nao, causing Nao to slip and fall on the bed.

"What was that for? You can run 10 blocks without sweating but yet you can't pull me back." Ryota tried to hide the fact that he was quite enjoying himself teasing Nao.

"I want to kiss more! There. Are you happy that I told you? I want to kiss..." Nao suddenly started tearing up.

"..." Ryota pounced on top Nao, their lips colliding into another intense kiss.

Slowly Ryota's hand brushed down Nao's this chest, tickling him. When he reached Nao's pants, he had already unbuttoned his shirt and tossed aside his necktie. Now unbuttoning his own shirt, Ryota stopped to take a breath, "You're to blame for my freshman hormones." Revealing his chocolate abs, he hovered over Nao for a split second before continuing the sweet kiss.

Nao moaned and groaned as he took short gasps for air, getting a tingly sensation as Ryota traced his feminine body, "Ahhhn... Ah ah ah... Ryot-ahh!" Nao's knuckles turned white as he grabbed the bedsheets, squirming. "Ryot-ahh... Ryo... AHAH AAHNNN..," his breathy voice whispered into Ryota's mouth. Nao looked down, turning red, to see a mountainous bulge from Ryota's unzipped pants, not because of lust but because it was colossal compared to his. Feeling an urge to touch it, he touched it, barely skimming it with the tip of his fingernail. He could feel the hardness through his boxers as he tried to focus on stroking it.

"Arghh," Ryota growled as he felt Nao touching his erect member. He ceased kissing, licked his lips and squatted above Nao's lower body. "I can't wait to see yours," he sneered evily, knowing that Nao wasn't quite confident about his member. "Unzip," commanded Ryota.

"Ehhh?!" Nao's shocked face gave amusement to Ryota. Nonetheless, he unzipped his pants, revealing the bulge he was hiding so well. Covering it with both hands, he whimpered, "Ahhn," as Ryota began to squeeze it, no matter how hard he was trying to not move his hands.

Slowly Ryota began to flip Nao onto his stomach, causing him to kneel, raising his baby butt in the air. He yanked down Nao's pants to reveal his little pink hole. Ryota touched it, causing Nao to shudder.

"AHHN~~," Nao moaned as he felt Ryota's cold finger touch his most sensitive place.

"Hmm... What to do? What to do?" Ryota say pondering what his next move would be, he had only fantasized kissing and hadn't planned this far. He kept caressing Nao's hole causing him to moan and groan in pleasure. "Are you ready Nao?"

"Ahhn~ Ye... " Nao tensed up after realizing he had said yes and prepared for the huge member about to attack his hole.

"...?" Ryota was surprised that Nao agreed so quickly. "Ah, here I go..."



Returning to classes after the little event, Nao and Ryota made it just in time for the last period. Catching up with Tsuyumi, she was quite shocked that both of them look disheveled.

"What happened to ya? I thought y'all were goin' to only stay there for 'bout a couple of minutes! Teach's really mad Nao! Missin' all those classes... Where's ya tie Nao?"

Nao looked at Ryota knowingly. "Err it got dirty. Let's get to class before Sensei really blows--, " he stopped blushing madly, recalling the previous events.

Using Ryota as support to walk correctly, he held his hand. Ryota's eyes wided and then softly smiled. "Why did you love me, and not Tsuyu," asked Nao, once Tsuyumi was out of earshot.

"You were the only one that called me by my real name, not after an anime character," answered Ryota softly.

Nao stopped walking to give Ryota a quick peck on the cheek, out of the corner of his eye, he saw Tsuyumi give him a thumbs-up and winked. He sent her a confused look as he pulled away from the kiss.

Tsuyumi quickly ran back and whispered something in his ear, "I saw everythin'. It was really intense. I support y'all two, besides, Akashi-kyun rejected me already. This gal is movin' on!" She disappeared into a classroom, leaving Ryota and Nao the hallway.

"What was that about," Ryota asked questioningly.

Nao sighed, "She knows. She saw everything," he sighed again, "I love you Ryota."

Ryota flushed. "Me too...Want to do a round 2 when we get home? Ryuua-nee is on a business trip," he added coyly.

"I'll look forward to it, but I can't promise I'll be alive after Sensei is through with me," Nao chuckled.

They let go of their hands and went their separate ways, only to come back again in another intense session.

(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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