Everywhere You Go, I Follow

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Chapter 5

"Dakota you don't have to come you can stay here. You have family here and they care for you deeply," Andrea reassured the nervous looking Dakota who sat in the passenger seat of her car. Dakota thought about his best friends offer for a moment, quickly going over the reasons why he should go.

"You have people who care for you too," Dakota repeated, but Andrea only scoffed.

"Dakota this is serious and dangerous, you really want the people in that house to mourn your death?" Andrea pointed at Dakota's house trying to convince him to stay. But the two had been best friends since grade school and had never left each other's side. Dakota knew Andrea and because of that Dakota could not leave Andrea. 

"I have to go! I'm scared that because you think no one cares about you, you're going to be reckless. I'm going for you, Andrea," Dakota rushed out the words in his heart before storming out of her car. Leaving Andrea wondering if he would come back, Andrea watched Dakota leave his house until she could no longer see him. 

Feeling homesick from starring at the houses in front of her, Andrea decided it was time to call her job that's she's been working at for 3 years. Andrea pulls up the familiar contact and presses dial placing her phone next to her ear. It rings twice before one of her manager's answer.

"Hey Tim, this is Andrea," 

"Andrea! How it's going," Tim's loud personality makes Andrea want to smile. 

"Good, I actually called to say I'm not coming in today. Um, I have to- I have to quit," Andrea scrunched her noes up hating that she has to quit like this. She always imagined putting in a two weeks notice like everyone else.

"I'm sorry to hear that Andrea, you've always been a good employee here. Is everything okay?" Tim's concerned voice warms her heart, everyone there was so nice to her. 

"Yeah it's just I have a family emergency and I have - I have to leave right away." Andrea heard nothing letting a small pause rest.

"Well, I hope everything gets better. I'll mail you a letter of recommendation to help you future wise, okay." 

"Thank you, Tim," Andrea smiled at Tim's kindness. 

"No problem kiddo, I'll be sure to tell everyone that you said bye." 

"Thanks again, bye, Tim," Andrea thanked him before ending the call. She leaned her head back against the seat and sighed. Andrea imagined Tim telling all her friends that she had quit and a feeling of sadness came over her.


Inside his house, Dakota went into his room and started to pack. Grabbing a suitcase he stuffed most of his clothes and his toiletries in a hurry.
Once his suitcase could fit no more he dragged it to the dining room where his family sat eating dinner.

"Honey your glasses are falling off," His mother spoke out while moving around her vegetables on her plate. Dakota pushed his glasses up his nose and sat down in his chair. 

"What's with the suitcase?" His sister, Tanal asked. She was the eldest out of the four, Dakota being the second eldest. 

"I'm going somewhere," Dakota responded looking at his plate full of food.

"Hmm, I don't remember you asking if you could go anywhere," Dakota's father remarked calmly. Dakota looked up at his father who had similar features to him. 

"I actually wanted to talk you both about that," Dakota stared back at his plate once his parents had their full attention toward him.

"Dakota is moving," Dakota's younger sister, Mel, yapped while eating her mashed potatoes.

"Mel quiet down," Their mother hushed, still giving her attention to Dakota.

"Go on Dakota," His father urged.

Dakota looked at his two younger sisters (who were invested in their food) not wanting to tell them he was leaving. Thankfully for Dakota, his mother realized his discomfort and excused her two youngest.

"Mel, Maya go watch some TV in the living room," Their mother suggested

Mel and Maya did not argue instead they left their half-finished meals because they were happy that it was their time to watch TV.

After his two sisters were gone, Dakota cleared his throat not sure how to put it in words of his departure. He thought of different ways to start and different things to say over and over until he realized there was no easy way than being blunt.

"I need to go. For a while," Dakota breathed out not sure why he chose to go. Everything he knew and loved was here with his family.

"Why?" Tanal asked what everyone even, Dakota, was thinking.

"It's time for me to pick the willow tree" Dakota phrased the secret code his parents gave him when he was a child. As a kid, it was hard for him to keep his unique ability a secret. If there was a problem involving his secrecy his parents came up with a code to help him get out of the situation. Remembering the phrase, his parents knew they had to let him go. They also knew that if Dakota was forced to stay it might bring danger to their family. Dakota's parents had to put trust in their only son.

"When will you be back?" Dakota's dad asked even though it brought such an ache to his heart.

Before answering Dakota's phone buzzed receiving a question mark from Andrea.


To Andrea:

Hold on

"I don't know, I'll find a way to call you or let you know I'm okay," Dakota reassured before getting up from his seat. As he got up Tanal looked up having a moment of eye contact with him, at that moment Dakota could see her eyes glisten with water. This was the part he didn't want to experience. Dakota was close to his family he loved them with all his heart. Not wanting to cry he rushed to leave.

"I have to go already," Dakota interrupted giving his sister a short hug. His parents both stood up and walked to where he stood.

"If I would've known today would be your last day I would have made you your favorite dinner," His mother commented trying not to feel sad that her son was leaving.

"It's okay mom all your food is my favorite," Dakota responded hugging her. Pulling away he saw his father holding a frown. Not saying anything he pulled his only son into a hug.

"Be sure to say bye to Mel and Maya," His mother added once his father stepped back. Dakota nodded his head before going into the living room.

"Mel-" Dakota stopped midway once he saw his two younger sisters asleep on the couch. Not wanting to awake them he stepped back out and left his home with his suitcase in hand.

Andrea looked away from her phone once she saw Dakota walking back. Andrea couldn't tell if it was the cold weather or from leaving his house that caused Dakotas cheeks to look a deep pink. Dakota placed his suitcase in the back seat and sat in the front next to Andrea.

"Ready?" Andrea asked feeling sorry for Dakota but simply could not empathize with him. It had been a very long time since Andrea felt the love and care of a family.

"Yeah," Dakota let out using the blue flannel that he wore to clean his glasses from nothing in particular.

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