Don't Get Use to This

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Elsa Arendelle

I walk into class and there was constant muttering about me.

"Can you just shut it?!" I yell at my class mates and they all fall silent and look at me. "Yeah it's Elsa. It's only one day and if you dare speak about this I will put you on the black list." I say calmly and sit at the back.

"One day? It should be everyday." Jack says who is beside me.

"Don't get use to this." I snarl at him.

Jack Frost

After class I go to my lunch table and I meet Hiccup.

"Seriously Jack you left a girl pregnant?!" Hiccup exclaimed.

"That's not true! Some of it is true but not that one." I tell him.

"How about this story; 'Jack Frost left me trapped under a bed and forgot about me and I stayed under the bed for 3 days.'" Hiccup quoted.

"Oh. Now I remember." I say.

"Who did I become best friends with? Jack you are going to be responsible for the big four tumbling down mark my words." Hiccup says and leaves probably to go to the library.

Rapunzel comes over to me "Jack you naughty boy." She says with cheekiness.

"So you heard? Why aren't you angry?" I ask.

"Because your my boyfriend silly." Punzie pinches my cheek.

"Huh ... cool. By the way everybody hates me." I tell her.

"You forgot that I don't. I love you." Rapunzel says and leans in for our first kiss and I block her lips with me hand.

"Look Punzie. I think it's best if we are just friends. I mean ... it's too weird." I confess.

"Are you breaking up with me?" She asks innocently.

"Yeah. Sorry Punz, we can be friends right?" I ask.

"We cannot be friends. Jack Frost you have ruined my life. I am going to add that on the Facebook page." She says and pulls put her phone.

Merida comes over and joins us "Jack is this true?!" Merida exclaims and shows me the page.

"50•/•" I say and guiltily smile.

"What is wrong with yer?!" She yells and looks at her phone "What yer broke up with Punzie?! C'mon Punzie lets leave this jerk."

Merida links arms with Punzie and they walk off.

Now I am alone. And I am a loner.

I go to the football field stadium and I sit down and look to see Elsa getting attention from boys.

I was bored and I decided to join them.

"Hey." I greet Elsa.

Elsa ignores me while she gets hit on by the entire football team.

Everybody thought the new Elsa was going to stay.

Elsa looked at me and mouthed 'Help Me'. So I felt generous and decided to help her.

"Guys! Stay away from my girlfriend!" I yell at them and they fall silent.

And Elsa nods.

They just go away and it's just Elsa and I.

"So how are you finding your life?" Elsa smirks.

A frown grew on my face.

"Yeah ... great." I sarcastically say. "But why target me out of all people?!" I add.

"That's confidential." She tells me. "Anyway ... who should I date?"


"Who should I date?" She repeats.

"Me." I blurt. But then I smirk playfully.

《 A/N 》

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