The Winter Dance

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Elsa Arendelle

"How come your dress isn't wrecked?" I ask Mer.

"Maybe because I dodge branches." Mer tells me with a hint of sass.

"I'm going to call Anna. I think she can help." I tell Mer.

I dial Anna's number on my phone and she answers.

Anna: Hi Els. What is up?

Me: Ok I have a fashion emergency can you meet me near the Milk Bar?

Anna: Oh sure! But why aren't you at school? That is where the dance is.

Me: All we be explained just hurry!

I hang up and Mer and I walk near the milk bar.

"So do yer think we'll make it?" Mer asks.

"Probably not. Even though the dance goes to 12pm." I say.

Anna rushes to us and she holds a giant box.

"What Happened?" Anna asks worriedly.

"We got chased by a bear." Mer answers.

Anna looks so confused.

"We tried to ditch the dance and climb The North Mountain." I elaborate.

"You guys got a case of crazy ... I like it." Anna says and smiles cheekily "Anyway Els here you go its a dress I made." Anna says and hands me the box.

I open it and it reveals a icy blue dress that glimmers. It has a cloak at the back with tiny details of frosted flowers.

"Put it on." Mer says.


I grab the box and the dress and I undress at the back of the milkbar I put it on and it fits .... perfectly.

I put my old bland dress in the box and I come out and the dress has a slit in it making tons sexier.

I hand Anna the box with my old dress and they look at me in awe.

"Done?" I ask.

"Umm ... almost." Anna says and she releases my bun revealing and loose braids she brushes back my bangs.

Anna removes my old makeup and replaces it with a purple smoky eye look. She adds mascara and a dark red lip.

"Wow ..." Anna and Mer says in unison.

Mer grabs my wrist pulling me to the school leaving Anna behind.

"Thanks Anna!" I shout to her.

"Anytime!" Anna shouts back.


After running to the school ... we made it to the entrance of the dance. We catch our breath then we walk in. The dance was dark and lights were flying every where and it looked more like nightclub.

Mer says that she is going to the food section and I nodded.

The teacher greets me.

"Hello Elsa! I didn't think you would show up I don't think I will call your parents." The teacher says.

"I'm just late. And so is Merida." I tell her and point at Mer chugging down the drinks.

"Okay Elsa have a fun time!" The teacher enthusiastically says.

"Will do." I mutter sarcastically.

I try to spot Punz but she's not there at all. I thought she said she'd be here. I check the girls bathroom and everything.

I go to Mer.

"Hey where's Punz?" I ask Mer and she shrugs and continures eating desert.

I walk outside to get fresh air. I don't know I really feel uncomfortable in that environment.

I take a deep breath and then I hear a familiar voice.

"I've been waiting for you ..." A familiar voice says ... It's Jack.

Jack emerges from the shadows with a tux and a bow tie. To be honest he looks dashing instead of the hoodie and jeans.

I was shocked though I got nervous from him for some reason.

"W-waiting why?" I ask.

"I don't maybe so I can take a decent girl for a dance." Jack says and smirks and grabs my hand. I jerk it away.

"I don't dance. Especially with you." I snap back and Jack's smirk grew bigger.

"It would be such a shame to get dressed up for the dance without dancing." He tells me.

"Then go dance with your date." I say nervously, this change of behavior is creeping me out.

"I don't have a date." He responds.

"Good then dance with yourself." I say. Jack shook his head.

"No." Jack wryly chuckles "I'm not leaving without a dance."

"Then I'm leaving." I say back and I start to walk onto the streets but Jack pushes me onto the wall suddenly.

He pins me to the wall. "I'm stubborn Elsa." Jack says and smirks at me still keeping me onto the wall.

I look at him with wide eyes. "Then why don't you ask another girl?" I ask.

"Well I saw you come in to the dance tonight and I thought you looked beautiful. So I wanted to have at least one dance with you." Jack explains.

I sigh.

"Ok." I surrender and Jack smiles showing his sparkling teeth.

Jack grabs my hand and drags me to the dance floor and all the flashing lights were soothed and a soft song was playing. It was 'Thinking out Loud' by Ed Sheeran.

We stop and look at each other on the dance floor. He puts his hand on my hip and I flinch a bit.

"It's okay Elsa, I got you." He says assuringly and he puts his other hand on my other hip.

I was hesitant to wrap my arms around his neck but ... I managed to do it.

We sway to the song using fancy footwork.

"You're a natural and you say you don't dance." Jack laughs.

"Shut up and dance."

We kept dancing until the song stopped I quickly put my hands away from him.

"You're good." Jack suggests and I shook my head.

"You're good too Jack. I suppose you get it from practicing from all those girls you dance with in parties." I say which came out with as an insult.

"Why can't you just have fun?" Jack says and looks at me with a smile.

That reminds me of my mother her words were:

Life is a movie but there will never be a sequel.

Jack was right. My mom was right.

I have been so caught up with my reputation on I'm not savoring to moment. I'm not savoring my highschool life.

Jack waves a hand in front of me.

"You okay Elsa?" He asks.

"Great." I say and smile back at him.

Jack's head motions to the dance floor.

"May I have this dance?" Jack asks and slips his hand into mine.

I smile and nod.


Woo you guys decided right!

My bday is two days from now. YAS.

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