🎊Best Cover Results🎊

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"A very difficult category is judge, all hail imagination!"

╰☆☆ Hello wonderful people!
We had a lot of close-running entries to judge. It surely took us time but I think the answer we got is worth it. To all those who won, a very very hearty congratulations from us and a loud round of applause to you! You deserve that! To those who tried their best, great job people, you can do it the next time! An equally loud round of applause to you! ☆☆╮

Scores and reasons are given below. The reasons are our honest opinions. You may or may not follow them.

╰☆☆ flydhaani - 'The Vampire-Veela'
Attractiveness: 6.5/10
Clarity: 10/10
Does it stick the story line: 5/10
Score: 21.5/30

Review: Clarity wise, I would give you ten on ten. It was pretty clear with understandable font too. Your cover is attractive but I would give only six for ten as it looked too simple to lure anyone in with only three silhouettes. As for the cover's preciseness to the title or the story - I would give a bit less for it. The cover does not contain anything relating to a vampire or maybe a vampire-veela besides the fact that it has a dark theme and the settings of a sun set. I think you could improve on that front and your cover will be good to go!

╰☆☆ Scribbled-pen - 'In Love with Him'
Attractiveness: 6/10
Clarity: 10/10
Does it stick the story line: 9/10
Score: 25/30

Review: Cover clarity is great so I give a ten there. It seems to stick to the storyline as well as the characters are seen to be leaning on each other, almost to support the other. It was cute but I think you could work on making it much more attractive by adding a suitable background and changing the fonts. The dark theme that it follows, which signified the sad atmosphere in the story is to be appreciated.

╰☆☆ IpsitaMitraPupu - Tender
Attractiveness: 9/10
Clarity: 7/10
Does it stick the story line: 9/10
Score: 25/30

Review: I really loved this one. It looked simple and had a calming, tender touch to it. The name and the theme suit very well and I felt like reading the poetry too. However, the clarity of the sub-title is where you lost marks. It is a bit difficult to read it. Other than that, it was brilliant!

╰☆☆ ViniShah2 - Undisclosed Secrets
Attractiveness: 7.5/10
Clarity: 7/10
Does it stick the story line: 9/10
Score: 23.5/30

Review: I would give less for clarity. That's because I really liked the sub-title which you gave but it wasn't clearly seen and the 'U' in 'Undisclosed' looked sort of like 'O' to me. The cover was very well suited to the storyline. It had a dark and suspenseful theme and the girl seemed to cry - showing the backstab part of the story. I personally liked the way the cover foreshadowed the events of the story.

╰☆☆ Appy008 - Until The Next Summer
Attractiveness: 8/10
Clarity: 6.5/10
Does it stick the story line: 9.5/10
Score: 24/30

Review: This cover was very attractive. The way it showed Rylee's passion to dance and the way it connected the blurb and the cover was really impressive. However, the cover lacked clarity. 'The' in 'Until The Next Summer' was very minute though the font was cool. Even the username is really small. Other than that, I was impressed with the way it linked both the story as well as the blurb.

╰☆☆ Anony10298 - 'Deep in my mind'
Attractiveness: 6/10
Clarity: 10/10
Does it stick the story line: 9/10
Score: 24/30

Review: I liked how simple yet strong the cover was. It looked pretty cute and conveyed the meaning of depth. They way with which the designer has compared mind to the ocean is very fascinating. I liked the cute fonts and animals in them too. The cover was clear too. However, some people may not find it attractive. It looks a bit child-like for people to click it. That is where you list your marks, but I really liked it and plan on reading them!

╰☆ Kattyfish03 - 'Inception of the doom'
Attractiveness: 9/10
Clarity: 9/10
Does it stick the story line: 10/10
Score: 28/30

Review: I find the cover beautiful. It's perfect as it blends with the story line well. The fonts used make it more attractive.The only thing I found which was weird was the subtitle. The text is okay but the position isn't. It's cut from the corner.
Overall the cover is perfect and makes the reader to read on. Good Job!

╰☆AidenHaust - 'Summer of 1979'
Attractiveness: 3/10
Clarity: 8/10
Does it stick the storyline: 9/10
Score: 20/30

Review:  To be honest, I find the cover too simple. It matches the story well but the fonts are too simple. It makes the book look boring and the reader uninterested. But Good Job!

╰☆hooWoman - 'Kidnapped by the Mafia'
Attractiveness: 10/10
Clarity: 10/10
Does it stick the storyline: 9.5/10
Score: 29.5/30

Review: I have no words. The cover is a masterpiece. I love it. The fonts, face claim, texture, theme is just perfect. There's nothing missing in the cover and makes the reader enthusiastic about the book. The covers just chef's kiss.

╰☆xFall3nang3lx - 'You idiot why did you die on me?'
Attractiveness: 10/10
Clarity: 7/10
Does it stick the storyline: 7/10
Score: 24/30

Review: the colour combination makes it difficult for people to read the title. It's okay but it does not match my taste. Overall it's beautiful.

╰☆Harrypotter195604 - Ron & Harry go leaky cauldron
Attractiveness: 9.5/10
Clarity: 9/10
Does it stick to the story line: 9/10
Score: 27.5/30

Review: The book cover is actually very cute and it's eye catching with the colour combination used. The Title & Fonts are also good. The faint puzzle type thing is beautiful but it doesn't match my taste. Overall the cover is pleasing.

╰☆harryginny2004 - 'Ginny Weasley Training in submission'
Attractiveness: 2/10
Clarity: 7/10
Does it stick the story line: 8/10
Score: 17/30

Review: I guess the font style could be improved. The title is not clearly visible as it's cut from the sides. The cover is too simple and subtitle could be added. Again the cover does not match my taste but that's just my opinion.

                       ⚝──⭒─⭑─⭒──⚝ Proud Winners ⚝──⭒─⭑─⭒──⚝
A huge round of applause for our winner,
hooWoman for 'Kidnapped by the Mafia'

Another equally huge round of applause for the honourable mention
Kattyfish03 for 'Inception of Doom'

To those who did not win, no matter. There is always a next chance. Hope you had as much fun participating as we had judging. Congratulations to the winners! Winner and honourable mention, Please do tell us if we have forgotten to reward anything and the book which you want to promote. Have a great day! ❤

Your hosts,
Ilakshi and Marina

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