🎊Results: Mystery🎊

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The long awaited results for the Mystery genre is here! Firstly, a huge round of applause and a namaste to the judge, treasuresbooks5207 for spending their valuable time to judge the entry! Thank you! Secondly, Ilakshi and I would like to thank all the participants who took part!

Please respect the decisions and reviews of the judge! Do NOT blame them and bully them. If news of such irresponsible behavior reaches our ears, you will be reported without a second thought.

Let's continue to the scores!

Inception of Doom by Kattyfish03

The cover was very fitting it made me wonder about the book, it made me want to read it. Excellent job!
Cover (5)

The title was… I can’t even describe it. I loved it!
Title (4)

The blurb kind of told part of the story, but otherwise terrific job
Blurb (4)

The creativity is on point I loved it from the very beginning! Very excellent job with the story creation.
Creativity (5)

Loved every single chapter I read! I will be finishing the book.
Chapters (10)
Enjoyment (5)
Punctuation (5)

I didn’t catch any errors!
Grammar (5)

Very well fitting to the mystery genre could possibly be a dark fantasy, but very good job!
Preciseness (2)

Your characters were totally relatable I loved them! The way you developed them is incredible! Such different emotions and feelings we could all relate to in situations
Character development (2)

Overall score (37/40)

When He Breaks In by Hecares1

Cover (4)

The title was very fitting! Wonderful job!
Title (4)

The blurb was outstanding!
Blurb (5)

The creativity is on point I loved it from the very beginning! Very excellent job with the story creation.
Creativity (5)

Loved every single chapter I read! I will be finishing the book.
Chapters (9)
Enjoyment (4)
Punctuation (5)

I didn’t catch any errors!
Grammar (5)

Very well fitting to the mystery genre!
Preciseness (3)

Your characters were totally relatable I loved them! The way you developed them is incredible! Such different emotions and feelings we could all relate to in situations
Character development (2)

Overall score (37/40)

Fragmented Lies by MiniMoxx

The cover was kind of confusing I don’t know if I just didn’t understand it or if I’m not the only one
Cover (3)

The title was very fitting! Wonderful job!
Title (5)

The blurb told me part of the story outline
Blurb (3)

The creativity is on point I loved it from the very beginning! Very excellent job with the story creation.
Creativity (5)

Loved every single chapter I read! I will be finishing the book.
Chapters (9)
Enjoyment (4)
Punctuation (5)

I didn’t catch any errors!
Grammer (5)

Very well fitting to the mystery genre!
Preciseness (3)

Your characters were totally relatable I loved them! The way you developed them is incredible! Such different emotions and feelings we could all relate to in situations
Character development (2)

Overall score (35/40)

Undisclosed Secrets by ViniShah2

The cover was very fitting it made me wonder about the book, it made me want to read it. Excellent job!
Cover (5)

The title was very fitting
Title (3)

The blurb was AMAZING! It made you want more
Blurb (5)

The creativity is on point I loved it from the very beginning! Very excellent job with the story creation.
Creativity (5)

Loved every single chapter I read! I will be finishing the book.
Chapters (10)
Enjoyment (5)
Punctuation (5)

I didn’t catch any errors!
Grammar (5)

Very well fitting to the mystery genre could possibly be a dark fantasy, but very good job!
Preciseness (3)

Your characters were totally relatable I loved them! The way you developed them is incredible! Such different emotions and feelings we could all relate to in situations
Character development (2)

Overall score (38/40)

Winchester's Secrets by feechi17

The cover was wonderfully made maybe add a bit more mystery aspects to it but otherwise beautiful
Cover (4)

The title was very fitting I loved it
Title (4)

The blurb was well written
Blurb (4)

The creativity is on point I loved it from the very beginning! Very excellent job with the story creation.
Creativity (5)

Loved every single chapter I read! I will be finishing the book.
Chapters (10)
Enjoyment (5)
Punctuation (5)

I didn’t catch any errors!
Grammar (5)

Very well fitting to the mystery genre!
Preciseness (3)

Your characters were totally relatable I loved them! The way you developed them is incredible! Such different emotions and feelings we could all relate to in situations
Character development (2)

Overall score (37/40)

                                                         ╔══ ❀•°❀°•❀ ══╗

Please respect your judge's opinion. Thank them for taking some time off their personal lives to judge and review your works. Do NOT send any sort of hate messages to them. If knowledge of any such events reach our ears, we shall report the hater.

🎊First Place goes to Undisclosed Secrets by ViniShah2

🎊 Second Place goes to Winchester's Secrets by feechi17

🎊 Second Place goes to When He Breaks in by Hecares1

🎊 Second Place goes to Inception of Doom by Kattyfish03

🎊Third Place goes to Fragmented Lies by MiniMoxx

╚══ ❀•°❀°•❀ ══╝

Thank you all for participating. Congratulations once again. Please direct message the host if you haven't received your prizes from them.

"One does not need to win the competition if they know that they have tried their best. Participation matters more than winning."

Your hosts,
Ilakshi and Marina ❤

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