Chapter 7- Through The Darkness

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((Update: That last chapter was a serious pivot in the story. But the ride is far from over. I love all of you. Like.... seriously. If not for you, this story would be nothing. Please, if you've emailed me fanart and I haven't seen it/gotten it, message me. We'll figure something out. Again, I'd appreciate any and all fanart. If it's not used for the story headers, I'm going to make a huge gallery on Deviantart with everyone's art when all is said and done.

That said, this song is almost imperative to this chapter. You really need to listen to the words.... Good God, they're fitting, and they fueled my muse like crazy as I was writing. I hope it took me in a direction that will hold your attention!

Artist: Starset

Song: My Demons (Holy hell, this song is so epic for these two.)


Love you guys! And as always, I truly hope you enjoy!))

Frisk couldn't tell whether her eyes were open or closed. Once again, she'd been swallowed whole within a well of inky black. She didn't dare move, afraid of the unknown within her surroundings until out of nowhere, a spotlight flickered to life and shown down on one large circus looking mirror. Taking a few cautious steps, at first her reflection seemed normal. Moments later however, it began to dissolve into static, sweater fading from red to grey. The reflection smiled back at her despite the solemn look she was sporting. Confused, Frisk raised her hand, the reflection in the mirror mimicing her movements with exact timing. "No..." she said aloud, and instead of the mouth of the reflection moving, it's grin only widened before it nodded then winked out. Now she felt like a vampire, staring into a mirror with no reflection at all.

Suddenly, clanks resounded in the darkness one after another as mirrors were illuminated like that of a carnival fun house. Recoiling in fear, Frisk began to back away until she heard Sans' voice in the distance. Mirrors were everywhere, lining linear walkways with images of things she'd rather not see. The knife slicing down into Papyrus' backside, causing him to turn to dust and blow away as though he never existed. "Frisk?!" Sans' voice was pleading from the distance.

"You'll never find him." came what was once a disembodied voice. Now, however.... it was a reflection of herself, only the leer and red eyes gave way to the truth. It wasn't her at all, but something entirely different..... wholly evil. This was death incarnate.

"Frisk, can you hear me?!"

"I'll find him, bitch. Don't doubt my Determination."

Instead of angering the reflection, it only seemed to become evem more pleased with itself. "Oh, I never doubted your Determination. It's why I chose you." Frisk, both angry and confused, snarled back. "What the fuck is that supposed to mean. Chose me? For what?" The voice chuckled wryly. "Oh, you'll find out. When you succumb. It's easy, just let go. You know you want to. What is there to go back to? Living alone, no friends, no family... back to a place where no one understands you?"

"Dammit, Frisk! Wake up!" Sans' voice grew more demanding... fearful. Instead of indulging the voice, she began to run, seeing Papyrus' death over and over in each mirror. Then there were images of creatures that she'd never seen before being cut down by her hand.... only now she knew it wasn't her. And she'd be damned if she was going to let this bitch win. The line of mirrors was never ending. "Sans! Please, where are you?"

"Frisk?! C'mon... snap out of it!"

'Dammit' she thought, looking from one mirror to the next before it appeared that she'd finally come to the last row. The end was so far off, but she could see Sans' reflection in the very mirror that blocked off the exit. "Sans, please! Help me!" she cried out before everything went dark again. All light extinguished for mere moments before a dull glow surrounded the final mirror. When she finally made it, the reflection was black. "I told you. I always win."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that." Frisk retorted before she balled her fist, ramming it through the mirror. It shattered, shards hitting the floor as if in slow motion before a wave of gushing water slammed against her from the opposite side of the broken glass. She hadn't even had time to grasp her throbbing hand. The mere force threw her back and she found herself coughing up all the liquid she'd inhaled sharply at being hit by surprise. The water poured through, rising to levels so high that she could no longer touch bottom. The waves rocked violently, taking her under. She sank, deeper and deeper into what looked like ink, holding her breath as long as she could. The voice now was more soothing... calming.... "Just let go, Frisk. It's so easy. All your problems will go away.... isn't that what you want? C'mon. Just give in...." The lure was so strong, she almost allowed herself to do exactly what the voice wanted until she heard.....

"Frisk, please....."

......It was Sans.

"Fuck. You." she thought as she snapped out of the trans that the voice had been holding her in and she fought against the waves. Her legs kicked so hard, they burned almost as badly as her lungs. For a minute, Frisk thought she wouldn't be able to make it to the surface in time, but she knew if she didn't, that bitch would win.... and that just wasn't happening. By nothing more than sheer Determination, she kicked as hard as her legs would go, using her arms as well before finally, she was able to take a gasping breath upon reaching the surface. Shortly after, water logged ears could faintly hear Sans once again calling to her, but from where, she didn't know.

"Sans?! Are you there?"

"He can't help you. There's no escaping me, Frisk. Haven't you figured that out yet. You may have Determination, but I have Control."

"Like hell you do!" she said before she followed the faint sound of Sans' voice. It grew louder and louder before she was able to see something bobbing and floating on the surface of the water. When she tried to swim closer to it, the waves fought against her every move, trying desperately to keep her away. What was over there that it didn't want her to find? She pushed harder, breaths coming in shallow pants as she used every swimming lesson she'd ever learned in high school and pressed on. "Seriously, Frisk. You're starting to piss me off."

"Yeah? Well you've already pissed me off." she barked back angrily. Finally, she was able to reach out and touch the object, which turned out to be one last mirror, still fully intact with Sans' image inside. She climbed on top of it, pressing her palms flatly on the surface and closed her eyes.

"Please... please let this work."

The bobbing waves began to quell, and Frisk felt her world turn off kilter. Almost as if she was now freefalling..... and falling until.... crash.

Eyes popping open, her flailing body thrust itself from the confines of Sans' arms and onto the floor with a loud thud. Having to take a moment, she finally brought herself to sit upright, taking in air as though she hadn't been able to breath in ages. This gave her a moment to glance around at the unfamiliar room. When her eyes finally fell upon Sans, and then Papyrus, they began to water and stung with drops that dared to fall. Frisk tried to hold them back, but at this, she failed miserably. Hot tears burned as they rolled down her cheeks and splashed against her sweater.


Sans worried expression mimiced her own as she stared at him knowingly. She was sure, just by the way his gaze held hers... with that very look..... he knew.

"Grey sweater?" was the only thing he said, and Frisk's eyes rounded. She nodded slowly, brows knitting in both concern and confusion. Sure, she'd pretty much known that he had an idea of what was going on, but to know that much?

"SWEATER? ARE YOU COLD? DON'T WORRY, IT'S ALL GRAVY! THE GRIZZY PAPPIZY'S GOT'CHU COVERED! GET IT... COVERED?" when no on laughed, he waved a hand off and chuckled to himself before walking off to get said blanket. It was then, when they were alone that Frisk scooted herself closer to Sans. "How do you know about the sweater?" she said quietly enough to hopefully keep Papyrus from hearing their conversation. "What you said earlier.... about not meaning to hurt Papyrus... That you couldn't control it, it clicked. When I couldn't wake you up, somethin' told me the whole thing was linked. That, and that dream? When you... when that thing controling you killed my brother? That was my nightmare. I was there too." he paused for a moment before looking to the door and then back at Frisk. "This time, you scared the shit outta me. What the fuck happened? You were damn near convulsing in my arms! I didn't know if I should just roast your ass and wait for you to come back or what....."

Frisk wiped a few tears from her face, sniffling before she sighed. "I don't really wanna talk about it. All I know is I'm scared shitless.... I don't know what to think anymore."

"I'M BACK WITH THE BLANKET!" came Papyrus' cheery tones, draping the warm fabric around her shivering form. She really was cold, still almost feeling the dampness from the water clinging to her skin as if holding on for dear life. "Thank you, Papyrus." she said with a yawn. How the hell could she be tired while she was sleeping? "Hey, Pap.... think'ya could give us a minute?"


"Gee, I dunno. Lemme think..... Spaghetti?"


Sans smiled. "Cool, Pap. Sounds good. I'll be down in a bit."


"I'm looking forward to it, Papyrus. Thank you." Frisk said with a genuine smile before Papyrus turned and closed the door behind him. She could only guess now that they were in Sans' room. There wasn't much to it. A bed, a small table, dresser and a computer. "You've been here a long time... What happens when you're not here?" came Sans' voice softly.

"I wake up." she said bluntly. This caused Sans to cock his head off to one side. "Wake up? Wait.... Y'mean.... for you, this is only a dream?" Frisk nodded her head. "Yeah, and in between, I go to this... void... where that... thing... tries to convince me to kill you." At this, Sans' sockets widened. "So.... why didn't you?"

There was only a short silence before she replied... "I just couldn't. I've never wanted to hurt anyone... I just don't have it in me I guess." Sans fell silent, seemingly in thought. "If you stay too long, what happens?" Now it was Frisk's turn to remain quiet, finally shrugging her shoulders. "I don't really know.... All I know is I'm exhausted. My head feels like it weighs a thousand pounds." Sans nodded, kneeling down and helping her up onto the bed. "Here, just lay down for a while. I'll go get'ya some water."

Crawling into the bed, Frisk practically sank into it and almost immediately after closing her eyes, they were opening again to stare at the nightstand next to her own bed. She was curled up on her side just as she'd been in Sans' bed. With a grunt, and then a sigh, She buried her head in her pillow as sunlight peeked through the curtains. "I guess there's always tonight...."


Sans came back into his room to find nothing more than an empty bed. "Hmph." he said, then smirked to himself. How had this gone from him plunging bones into her chest to... well... this? The thought of seeing her again made him.... smile...

"...Alright, Frisk. Tonight, then."

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