The Unraveling Part 2

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((So, this is likely going to be a rather long chapter... That said, depending on what happens, I may break it up into yet another segment. I dunno... It depends on how late it gets to be.

I've literally been waiting for what's going to happen in this chapter (whatever part it ends up being within) since the beginning. This is going to be another plot point chapter, and there will be several song changes throughout. These songs are kind of.... necessary, if you will, to put you in my head. And also some are just necessary in general for story reasons. Trust me. You'll understand when we get there. So! Without further adue, and because I need this song on repeat for this portion of the chapter, you're getting it too. XD

Song: Salvation

Artist: Gabrielle Aplin


And as always, I literally love you all, and I hope you enjoy!))

Sans had taken extra care in how he'd prepared for tonight. He'd spent the entire night awake, worried she'd say no. But... somehow in his Soul, he knew otherwise. It was the only reason he'd worked up the nerve to even ask her in the first place. He knew she'd see it even while awake, with reasons of his own. If it worked one way, it had to work the other, right? Well, at least, that's how he saw it in his head.

Looking in the mirror, he tipped his fedora downward, slanting it off to one side and cocking it slightly. He then adjusted the simple black mask that he'd picked up from Temmie after leaving Frisk the night before. He'd made sure to drink enough honey 'before' putting the suit on... That was the last thing he needed was a stain. Hopefully, he didn't do anything stupid to ruin this. That, or that crazy bitch wanting to posses Frisk.... Still, that nagging feeling within his soul told him otherwise. Urged him onward throughout this whole thing with more confidence than he was feeling anywhere else. When he stepped from his room, he straightened the large image of the bone that he'd bumped into earlier that day and knocked on Papyrus' door.

"Pap, you ready?"


"Pap, relax. You and Undyne have always had that crazy ass relationship. She ain't gonna dip on you. Honestly, I'm glad you're finally tellin' her."


Sans shook his head, hearing muffled ruffling and movements from the other side of the door. While a smirk settled upon his face, he turned to the stairs. "Just chill, Pap!" He called as he began walking down to the main level. "I'm gonna head out and hope that Frisk doesn't tell me I'm an ass and find somethin' better to do."

It was then that Papyrus opened the door to yell out- "WELL, YOU ARE AN ASS IF YOU THINK SHE'LL DO THAT." Sans only laughed. "It wouldn't be the first time." Papyrus quickly retorted- "AND IT PROBABLY WON'T BE THE LAST."

With that, Sans heard the click of his brother's door, relating to him that he'd closed himself off in perpetual agony over his fears of telling Undyne how he felt for her. He knew she felt the same. It was written all over her face whenever they were together. She was a little... rough around the edges, true. But she had a good Soul, and Sans knew she'd be good for his brother. Tipping his way out the front door, he side stepped and walked to the back to take a faster route. "Thank the stars for shortcuts." He said as he looked around where Snowdin ended and Waterfall began. Something about this place always left him in awe. Whether it be the sounds as water spilled from one body, over a cliff and into another, splashing in a never-ending loop that he could always count on. Or maybe it was the way everything seemed to light up and glisten. Like Frisk's eyes, whenever she looked his way, he realized. Maybe Pap was right. Kicking a rock gently, he heard the satisfying 'plop' as it rolled off the embankment and into the river, staring at lily pads and ringlets of gray vines that grew all over this area. There were skads of spots loaded with blue flowers that smelled of fresh rain and warm spring nights. At least... that's the best way he could describe them. He always seemed to smell that wonderful scent whenever Frisk was nearby. "Huh..." he said aloud, realizing that was the first time he'd actually thought about it.

Finding a good spot up against a wall just near the Save Star, as he had yet to see Frisk, Sans looked down and began to wait. That was the worst part. Not ever knowing when she'd show up. He truly hoped it would be early this time, being that she knew he'd be waiting for her.... but he had no idea what lay in store for him.


The moment he heard her voice, soft and sweet, lulling him and drawing his attention toward her, his eyes rounded at what he saw. Jaw falling, he gaped, unable to speak. She looked absolutely breathtaking. Every bit as beautiful, maybe even better, than any dream he could conjure.... "Sans, you're staring. Do I look funny?" she'd said, her face casting a glance downward. Realizing he looked like a complete buffoon, the Skeleton righted himself and smiled, softening his stare as he took in each and every inch of her as if trying to capture it and lock it away forever so he'd never forget. Standing just in front of her as the two made several steps toward the other, he lifted her chin with one gentle hand. "If by funny, you mean utterly and completely beautiful, then yes." He could see her cheeks flush, which she tried to hide by covering her expression. It didn't work, and was far too contagious for it's own good. He could feel the color tinting his own cheekbones then, unable to control it, but too careless to stop it. Hell, if he made her blush, shouldn't it be alright for the reciprocated response to be acceptable?

"You really think so?" she said through the dazzling smile he'd been waiting for her to uncover and reveal, mirroring her feelings through his own. "Absolutely. Honestly, I'll be the luckiest guy there. I mean, I don't usually do this sorta thing, but I thought you might like it, so... y'know..." He rubbed the back of his skull shyly. When he noticed how her face had lit up by his words, he couldn't help but look down and kick his shoes around. She made him feel like a boy again, but in all the best ways.

"Y'know, you look awfully dashing yourself." He could literally feel his Soul swell with pride. When he raised his sockets to her, he noted the grin playing at the corner of her lips and smirked with an audible snort. "Dashing, eh? Well, that's the first time I can remember ever being called that. Better than an Ass." When she tilted her head in confusion, he visibly waved it off with a laugh. "Nothin'. Just somethin' stupid between Pap and me. So, are you ready to have your toes trampled for the rest of the night?" Her snicker made him feel so light, he might float away. How was she able to make him feel so many emotions all within a single breath? She then playfully nudged his arm, to which he nudged back and the two exchanged a somehow familiar, yet new glance between them. He could tell that she'd noticed it as well because the look of confusion that set in after was exactly how he was feeling. As though they'd done this a thousand times, yet... this was the first he could recall. He cleared his throat, holding out an arm. "Shall we?"


"That's called skills." Sans said with a feigned pop to his collar and a playful grin. "OH, WHATEVER. IT DOESN'T MATTER. I DON'T WANNA BE LATE OR I MIGHT MISS UNDYNE." When Frisk furrowed her brows, Sans took that as his cue. "He sent Undyne an 'Anonymous' letter, inviting her to meet him at this ball tonight. Now, he's actin' like a cat with heat stroke over the whole thing."


He and Frisk shared a laugh between them, and seeing how she got that made him realize just how much she got 'him'. When their eyes didn't stray, Papyrus began again as he made his way past them. "OKAY, I CAN SEE I'M GETTING NOWHERE WITH YOU TWO. WHILE YOU'RE BUSY STANDING HERE MAKIN' GOO GOO EYES AT EACH OTHER, I'M GONNA GO ON AHEAD." That broke the spell between he and Frisk, staring at Papyrus' backside. He didn't think a baby blue suit with a dark gray half shirt was the greatest choice... especially with those damned suede shoes, but he wasn't going to say anything about it. He did note that Pap must have gotten that gray, straw hat from Temmie. He remembered seeing it there when he'd gone for his mask, and now recognized it to be the same one. Didn't they only wear those back in the 1920's or so? Either way, Papyrus wasn't his main concern at the moment.

"You sure Undyne will be okay with everything when she finds out that it's Papyrus?" Sans nodded. "Oh yeah. They've been at this whole thing for a long ass time. Too long, if you ask me. He's just never had the nerve, and she's got too much pride or whatever to say anything about it. So she just beats on him, he takes it and they smile at the end of the day. Pap says 'What's a few broken ribs and a cracked femur for love?', but I always just brush it off." He didn't realize she'd looked away at that point.

"I guess I can kinda relate." he heard her say before looking away himself and once again rubbing nervously at the back of his skull. "Y'know... about that, I really am so-..." He hadn't the chance to finish before she was placing a hand to his face, silencing him. "It's okay, Sans. Really. I get it. You don't have to feel guilty about it anymore. I was just saying, I can kinda understand where he's coming from is all. That doesn't mean I feel any differently about you now than I did five minutes ago. So can you smile for me? Please?"

That way she watched him. So gentle... She made him strong, yet weak all at the same time. How could he refuse that doe eyed stare and that curve of her lips? Sans found himself smiling sheepishly. "Okay..." was all he could muster before she took his arm and began walking.

"Oh, naw. We ain't takin' the same route as Pap. That'll take forever. Besides, I don't want you to ruin that beautiful dress in Stormcity, or especially in the Hotlands. Hell, the weather is way too unpredictable in Stormcity, and the Hotlands... well, let's just say I've got a better way." He walked with her in arms around a corner and behind a wall where another of his shortcuts lay before they a few yards away from the road that lead to the large elevator within the Hotlands that would take them to the Palace.

"Now, please don't get offended that I'm not gonna be outright introducin' you to anyone. Nobody knows you're a human, and Pap thinks it was all just a joke as nobody but me really remembers what humans look like... So I don't want nobody gettin' suspicious. If people ask, just say that you live in the Valley, and don't get out much. They'll get it. There's a lot of monsters Asgore and Tori aren't aware of that live out there in the sticks, basically fendin' for themselves. I say screw that when you've got Grillby's in Snowdin, or even Dusty's in Stormcity. Dusty's place may look like a shit hole, but he cooks a mean burger, lemme tell ya." Frisk nodded, and he was grateful that she appeared to understand his apprehension. That was the last thing he needed was for Undyne to go all Bruce Lee and slice her in half at a Royal affair. "I promise, if I could, I'd tell the world. I'm not ashamed."

"I know. It's okay, Sans. I get it." and somehow, just like always, he seemed to know she was telling the truth within his Soul. Whenever he was near her, that sense always became more clear. "Alright..." he displayed a hand, waving it out before her after opening the elevator doors. "Ladies first."

((I'm only cutting this into another segment because I said I was going to put up another part to this chapter tonight.... I feel bad that I didn't get to the part I was looking forward to, but I'm stupidly anal about everything and want this to be perfect.... so it's taking me a lot longer than it normally would.... That said, I hope you enjoy, and Part 3 should be done by tomorrow! <3 ))

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