The Unraveling Part 4

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((Thank you all for being SOOO patient with me. I truly hope this chapter will be worth the wait. I wanted it to be perfect. And please remember. Everything that happens in this story, happens for a reason.

That said, I'm so glad to have FINALLY gotten to the point where I wanted to be. But I won't keep you long with my tangents. XD Every song in this chapter is necessary. Meaning you HAVE to listen to each song when prompted, and I would appreciate if you'd listen to their entirety.... but I suppose you don't have to if you don't want to.

Also, PLEASE leave me feedback/comments? I want your thoughts and opinions. What did you think of the chapter? Let me know! I do my best to respond to everyone... so yeah.

We begin with this song, which is one of my favorites, and once the chapter gets farther along, you'll understand why I chose it. ;)

Artist: Max & Alyson Stoner

Song: Sweater Weather


And, as always... I love you all SOO much, and I truly hope you enjoy!))

"It is only with the heart

                    that one can see rightly.

                                       What is essential is invisible to the eye." - Antoine De Saint

Sans couldn't help a smile. The way she stared in awe at the castle made his soul ache. Hadn't she ever seen anything like this? It had been so long since he'd seen the surface, and every time he tried to picture it, he knew the memories were there... but just out of reach. Only fragments remained. Namely the night sky. It was likely the only thing he truly missed, and probably why he was so attached to Waterfall. There were other reasons also that tugged at his Soul whenever he was within the Waterfall area every now and then, but those too were indecipherable. Whenever that happened, Sans found himself in deep thought for long periods of time, trying desperately to put the pieces back together.... but this was one puzzle that was simply missing far too many pieces to see the bigger picture. Eventually, he'd end up brushing it off to try and drown out the forlorn feelings that would wash over him in waves. Daring to glance at her once more, Sans frowned lightly. Did he really deserve this? He'd hurt her so many times... Why was she so easily forgiving of all he'd done to her? It made no sense.

He was, however, grateful to her for being so understanding that he didn't want to parade her around to everyone. If people did find out, that would mean the end of this party, and he and Frisk would be taking a shortcut to Stormcity, or even the Valley. He couldn't risk them knowing the truth. Losing her would break him in unfathomable ways..

'So dear in such a short time...' Sans found himself thinking. Love was something he knew he was capable of.... but it'd always been the brotherly, or even friendly sort of love. Never this.... and yet, watching her now... the ache in his soul... Maybe he could?

The moment the pair walked in, instead of paying attention to the scenery, he couldn't seem to peel his eyes away from Frisk and that almost child-like way she gaped at the finery. He read it on her expression, and found it adorable... yet captivating. She was so innocent to this type of world. To these sorts of customs. It was the only conclusion he could come to. Challenging as it was to tear his gaze from her awestruck face, when he finally did, he too noted the chandelier she'd been eyeing. Crystals dripped from each silver rim held together by gleaming ties of chain linked silver. The colored lights spraying from each glistening piece of every gem gave the room a dim cascade of color, and he found himself flushing orange when half lidded hazel hues fell upon him in a way that silently spoke her view of him in that moment. It was... in it's own right, romantic.

Sans blanched.

Romance. That was the last thing he ever thought he'd be experiencing with Frisk.... and yet, here they were. He easily discerned that her feelings mirrored his own, so why the hell was he so nervous? While Frisk took in much of the parts of the ballroom he'd already seen plenty of times, he instead took that time to scan the room and see who was present. Alphys stood off to a corner with Napstablook, seemingly in some sort of conversation. He found it amusing that she'd wear one of her anime costumes to something like this. Albeit, she wore a dress, black, flecked with glitter and thin straps for sleeves that came down to her flats.... but the cat mask, ears and all... plus a tail? He smiled and shook his head. Napstablook appeared uncomfortable, while Alphys appeared to be coyly twirling the falsified tail sewn to her dress. That would be a very quiet pairing, to say the least. The only surmountable conclusion Sans could muster that would explain Alphys' bold actions would be that she'd been at the champagne fountain far too many times.. It was also a wonder how a ghost could wear a top hat and mask similar to his own. Wouldn't things like that simply slide right through a spirit? Still... Both were very shy, so to see some semblance of conversation between them made him smile.

Toriel and Asgore were off toward the buffet table. Tori wore something to flatter her signature look, just as he'd suspected. A deep brown and lustrous cream patterned scarf of sorts, but wrapped around her horns to hold the bump of hair at the back. (for reference, here is a link for both head and dress. She wore a long brown dress, a low U cut down the back, slight V cut down the front. It was straight, but flowing toward the bottom that didn't necessarily hug her frame, yet still managed to flatter it. The straps were thin, without sleeves. Her mask was gold, crusted with some sort of gems that looked like pieces of hardened amber, cut to perfection so they glimmered lightly when the light touched them. It had a large cream colored feather jutting up from the left side, and covered her face from forehead to nose. A silver fur draped itself around her neck and over her shoulders like a scarf. She was regal and elegant, as any queen should be. Especially at an event such as this. It was a nice change of pace from the black they usually wore to these events. Then again, black was the color for those in mourning. Could it be that the King and Queen had finally found some semblance of peace?

Asgore himself stood tall and proud next to her, one hand wrapped around her waist. He too wore brown. A rather, as Frisk would put it, dashing tuxedo with a cream colored undershirt to compliment his wife's attire.. His cape matched the rest of his ensemble with a cream colored mask to match his wife's, fashioned to cover half his face like that of the Phantom of the Opera. He topped it off with a brown fedora similar to the one Sans was wearing. He hadn't spotted Metatton yet, but that wasn't surprising. Metatton preferred to be fashionably late to everything. All a perk to being famous, he supposed.

He barely paid any mind to his brother when Papyrus rushed over in a panic. Frisk seemed to be able to sooth his brother much better than Sans was able, and he found himself staring at her affectionately at the gesture she made. Such warmth was within her. He could sense and feel it spread over him in a blanket whenever she was near. Undyne's appearance hadn't been lost on him either. Sans had never seen her dressed that way. Any other occasion like this, she'd always worn her uniform, garbing herself within her assassin's clothing and standing guard as if waiting for trouble to spring forth at any moment. Now however, it seemed she might have guessed it'd been Papyrus all along, which a part of him already surmised.

Sans had stepped behind Frisk, not realizing she'd back into him, but also not regretting his actions either. Her neck turning up to peer at him, and he relished in the way her eyes glittered in the hall's tenebrous shade. Nothing about this night could be more magical. Not wanting to be rude, he offered for her to eat first. When she turned it down, it wasn't hard to figure out what she wanted. So with that, Sans did the only thing he could think to do. He extended his hand and asked the gorgeous woman before him to dance.

Every step took great effort, trying his best to avoid stepping on her toes as the haunting melody played in the background. But when he looked at her, even that faded away. She looked upon him, hazel eyes practically smiling under her dark lashes... he wanted so badly to kiss her. But how would she react? And would it draw attention....

.....maybe he'd save that for later. Maybe.

Then again, a quick turn of his head led him to believe that maybe his brother and Undyne were doing enough kissing for all of them. Sans felt a bit of satisfaction at his foreshadowed knowledge of the pairing, but Frisk only paid them little mind. She made the first bold move, and when his hands rested at the small of her back, he could feel his forehead begin to perspire and his footing falter. He blushed once again, completely embarrassed, but grew more comfortable by the second when she didn't step away.

Things were going... well... almost perfectly until the hands she now had draped over his shoulders began gliding over the back of his skull. What could he do now to stop her? It wasn't as though she wouldn't find out about them sooner or later. Hell, it was the reason he never went anywhere without his hood raised.... but the concern in her eyes made him melt when she began to ask him about it. Oh how he didn't want this to be ruined by painful memories. No... Instead, he did his best to quell her worries and drew himself closer to her. Yes... He wanted her near. He wanted to pull her so close to him, their bodies would meld into one in this perfect moment while her head rested against his collar bone. Sans let out a soft sigh, bending his neck down slightly to rest his chin atop her hair. He placed a gentle kiss to it and felt the light shiver that raced through her.... and this time, it hadn't been due to the cold. Only for a moment, his vision felt hazy, and he could have sworn when he looked up, the ballroom looked different. Familiar... but still different. He glanced down at the woman in his arms, catching just enough of her face that he knew it was Frisk but she looked.... different as well. Her features were slightly softer, but he knew without a doubt that it was her. He blinked, and everything was just as it was before. His mind reeled on what he'd just experienced. Was this just that bitch messing with him again? No... it couldn't be, because Frisk looked just as serene as she had before, so none of it had effected her. No. It felt more like a memory... but was now entirely out of his grasp once more. Shaking his head lightly as though it would release him from his thoughts, he forced himself to once again focus solely on Frisk before he lost his footing again and made a complete fool of himself. Seeing how Frisk didn't seem to mind, and fell right back into step with him made all the embarrassed thoughts and feelings drain away. She didn't seem to mind, so why should he?

He wanted this song to go on forever, if for nothing else, just so that he could continue to hold her. So that she'd never have to wake up and go back to a world where he couldn't follow... Unfortunately, it did draw to a dimming close and Frisk pulled back. A smile crossed her face; so vibrant it nearly lit up. Just before they turned to move back toward the hearth, he spotted Undyne... and she was eyeing Frisk with a look he knew far too well.

"Sans?" she asked warily, obviously seeing the quickly changing expression moving across his face like a picture developing before her eyes. "We gotta go." he said quietly. "Already?" she said, sadly enough that it pained his Soul to have to take this away from her. "Undyne's spotted you, and I ain't trying to let her ruin tonight."

"It's okay. These shoes are killing me anyway." He knew she wanted to stay, but the fact that she was trying to ease his mind with no regard for her own feelings.... humbled him. "C'mon. I've got something I wanna show you anyhow, and I wanna do it before our time runs out...." She smiled up at him, knowingly buffering the moment. He took her by the hand, hurriedly surrounded himself and Frisk with people before they ducked into a dark room and over to one of Sans' lesser used shortcuts. He avoided invading the King and Queen's privacy, but always had an escape route just in case. Now, he was grateful for it. They stepped out into Snowdin, completely bypassing every other area in between. When Frisk stared up at him with furrowed brows, Sans simply shrugged. "It's just my thing. Maybe someday, I'll explain it to ya. But c'mon. Let's get you inside before you freeze."

Hurriedly, the two made their way through the snow, Sans using his body to shelter her from the cold as best he could before they were within the warmth of his livingroom. He could see she wasn't lying by how quickly she removed the shoes that looked much too painful to have been wearing for as long as she had. "C'mon. It's upstairs." He could feel the glow of his soul brighten that much more as he lead her toward his bedroom.

"Sans?" she'd said softly before he turned. "Yeah?"

"Well....." she started. "This dress isn't the most comfortable thing either... and if we're not going back... I don't have my normal clothes anymore... Do you think..." He stopped her with two fingers to her lips. "I got you, Dollface." It was her turn to blush. She really did like it when he called her that. He'd have to file that away within his memory to make sure he did so more often. When they entered his bedroom, he pulled his normal clothes, complete with black pants that had a drawstring to ensure they didn't fall from her hips, his white t-shirt and orange hoodie, from a drawer in the small dresser butted up against a wall near a small closet and handed them to her. "Here. Put these on. They'll keep you warm, and I'm sure this'll be a hell of a lot more comfortable." She nodded with a grateful gesture and he walked from the room. The door clicked quietly behind him as it closed and he waited. When it opened, Sans turned around and couldn't help the giant smile that seemed to stretch across his entire face. "You look adorable, y'know that?" He loved when she looked down, tucking small locks of her chestnut hair behind her ear nervously. She even had the hood pulled up. She must have really been cold.

"I look like this might as well be water because I'm swimming in it." Sans couldn't help it. His body vibrated in his mirth, which after a few moments, she too fell into a chuckle.

"C'mon." he started, walking over to the bed and motioning for her to sit down. Reaching down under his pillow, he pulled out a small device that caused Frisk's eyes to widen. "My Ipod! I've been looking for that everywhere!" Sans only nodded at first before rising from the bed and going to the closet. "You must have dropped it the first time you came to the Underground 'cuz I found it after the first time I... y'know..."

Frisk nodded. "It must have been in my back pocket or something. Well, at least I can stop searching for it now. It was a pain in the ass downloading all those songs." Sans pulled a beige, wood grained acoustic guitar from his closet, another visible in the space left open by the door before sitting down on the bed, one leg up to prop the guitar while the other dangled off the side. "I've listened to every acoustic song you've got on that thing, and I wanted to do somethin' special for ya, so...."

Without the aid of the Ipod, Sans began to play (Here is the song. PLEASE listen to it. ), singing the song he'd listened to a million times to try and play it for her perfectly. He didn't fancy himself the greatest singer in the world, but hopefully she would appreciate the gesture. Much to his surprise, just before he hit the chorus, he noticed her rising from the bed and shortly after, sitting with her back pressed to his. She played along with him, her timing amazing, and though she didn't sing, Sans felt something strange beginning to happen. It was as though his soul was being pulled from his body, but it wasn't in a bad way. It felt.... right, and thus, he continued to sing. She was so warm, and fit with him like an old pair of slippers that had already been worn so many times, the impression from his souls enveloped them perfectly. Somehow, Frisk knew him, understood him... in a way nobody else had. Not even Papyrus. The strangest sensation hit him then in a wave, like they'd done this a million times only... he couldn't remember it ever actually happening.

When the song came to a close, Sans let out a sigh and felt her head lean back momentarily to rest on his neck before it jerked up. "So you said you've listened to all of them then? Care to see if you can take on another one?" Sans couldn't help the smile that she'd hear through his voice. "Hell yeah! Bring it on, Dollface!" Her body vibrated in a light laugh before her fingers began strumming the strings. The song (Please switch to this song. It's mandatory. <3 was a duet and if he could have, he'd have furrowed a brow. "But... this isn't something I can sing alone. It wouldn't be the same." She snorted lightly. "Just play and sing it, goof."

This was another of the songs he'd listened to many times, but hadn't actually tried to play it.... until now, that is. Strangely, his fingers ran over the strings as though he'd known how to do so with this particular song for... well... forever. And when he began to sing, he found that he knew all the words, despite thinking he'd fumble them every now and again....

..... and then she began to sing along, and his Soul tingled with a sensation so strong and so incredible, he simply closed his eyes and allowed it to wash over him as they sang in perfect harmony. In fact, it was far more beautiful than he could have possibly imagined. Unbeknownst to him, Frisk's Soul had also pulled from her body and while their voices rang out, Red and Orange merged to both his and hers so that a quarter of one fused with the other, and vice versa before returning to float in front of their chests. They shown so brightly, had their eyes been open, they might have faltered in the song. It wasn't until they finished on a clear, crystalline note that Sans opened his eyes and gaped at what he saw. Frisk also sat silent, and neither spoke for what felt like hours... maybe minutes... hell, he wasn't counting. Eventually, Frisk broke the silence... "Umm.... Sans? Do... do you see what I'm seeing?" He nodded. "Is... your Soul both Red and Orange as well?" He felt her nod in response. "Uh huh. W--what just... happened?"

Once again his vision went hazy and he looked at his wall, which now somehow had a mirror on it. He could see Frisk at his back, only when her face turned slightly, she once again looked slightly different somehow. Still, he knew it was her. Then came the inevitable blink, and the mirror was gone. Had... had he ever had a mirror there? Sliding from the bed, he laid the guitar down and picked up the Ipod, finding one more song that at the moment, was the only one he wanted to hear. Wanted her to hear... and maybe it would be enough. It began to (This song is also mandatory. PLEASE play. ^^ ) play and Sans turned to Frisk who had shifted on the bed to look at him fully. He extended his hand, which was now shaking, out to her. "Since I only got one dance with the most beautiful woman in the Underground, I wonder if I might have another?" he said, trying his best to sound as eloquent as he possibly could. She obliged, reaching toward him. He noticed the tremble in her own hand and it calmed him slightly to know that this had rattled her just as much as it had him. When she began to walk around the bed toward him, he immediately pulled her close. They began to sway with the music, but with the way she looked at him, Sans simply could no longer help himself.

Dipping his head down low, he placed a passionate kiss to her lips. She returned it in kind, draping her arms once again around his neck to pull him even closer. His arms tightened and the two shared something almost surreal. That tingling in his soul began to happen again, but to hell with it. He didn't want to lose this moment, so he only glanced up mid-kiss and noticed that both their souls now shared an equal half of the other's. They'd worry about it later. Right now, he simply didn't care. Her lips tasted of honey and love, of which he couldn't get enough.... and with one kiss.....

.....Sans knew he'd fallen for her. And for the first time in as long as he could remember, his Soul felt whole.

((Footnote: You guys have NO idea how many times you've foreshadowed upcoming events with your drawings. Now, you can see what I've been so antsy about. And I swear, this has been a part of the story from the beginning, before I even began writing it. That's why I found it odd when I continued to see it everywhere. Their hearts.... And it's all woven into the story. Trust me. <3 ))

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