Eternally Yours

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She looked at the clock and back at her book as she hugged her coat closer, rubbing her hands that were covered with woolen gloves together for warmth. The snow had just started falling which made the already cold winter even more cold. Sighing, she looked back at her book, trying to read while blowing that piece of hair strand that kept coming across her face every now and then.

He was supposed to be here by now, she thought, paying hardly any attention to the book in front of her. She was getting worried. He was almost never late.

She tried to focus her thoughts on other things as she looked around the decorated cafe that hardly had any people. Everyone had most likely gone home for Christmas. She thought of the first Christmas she had with him and how very wonderful it was. How they spent their time laughing and joking about so many things. How the hot chocolate with marsh mellows warmed up her insides. How homey that Christmas had felt!

As she drowned in her thoughts, someone entered the almost empty cafe. The bells jingled, signaling the stranger's entry. Looking at the lady sitting in the corner of the cafe, right next to the window, he smiled and started walking in her direction.

"Hey, beautiful! Is this seat taken?" he asked.

She paid no heed and just ignored him.

"I'm gonna take that as a no," he said and sat down next to her, making himself comfortable by putting his arm around her shoulders.

She shrugged him off. "You're late," she simply said.

"I know, I know. I'm sorry. I got caught up," he answered.

"With what?"

"Buying a present."

"For whom?"


"Me? But you already got me a present. I found it hidden in your desk drawer days ago."

"Ahh, but you see. That present was a decoy. Here's the actual one," he said as pulled out a box from his pocket and opened the lid.

She gasped looking at that beautiful piece of treasure.

He slowly took the necklace out of the box and tightened it around her neck. The necklace had a heart shaped pendent on which it was engraved, "Because you are my life."

Tears glistened in her eyes as she thanked his with a kiss.

"Come on now. Wouldn't want to be late for the show, do we?" he asked as he stood up along with her, fastening her hand in his as they walked to the door. A small ray of light shined on them as two gems glimmered on their ring fingers as light fell up on them, and in the reflection in the mirror, you could see the engravings on their wedding bands. On hers the words said,

"Eternally Yours" and on his, they spoke, "Forever, Mon amour."

Their love story was forever and always - like that of an eternal winter, rare and beautiful.

❝ For it was winter when they met and it was winter when they left this world, side by side, hand in hand and next to each other - as death did them apart. ❞


Word Count: 502

Copyright 2017. All rights reserved.

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