Chapter Five

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Garroth's POV:

When I got outside the next day, Laurence was no where to be seen. The brunette boy with pale blue eyes was gone.

Instantly, I hated myself for even thinking for a single millisecond that I might for once have a person that I could trust. I was a fool for even suspecting that Laurence would be here in the white landscape, waiting for me to come and tell him about my troubles.

Pfft! As if anyone cared!

Nothing will change the fact that I'm just a nobody.

I'm different.

I'm an outcast.

I'm worthless.

I'm unwanted.

Well, at least, that's how I view myself. I was never like the other kids. I never fit in either, and it wasn't just because people marked me as a criminal. I honestly don't feel like I'm giving anything to the world, and for the longest time, I've only saw myself as a waste of precious space. My foster parents hated me, and there were countless of care takers of mine who had shown hatred to me in the years before. I barely have any friends or talents, and my sister, Ireland, probably hates me for not doing more to help her.

I really did feel unwanted, and I had felt that way for years, but had always tried to ignore those feelings, trying to stay positive and move on. I'm not quite sure that I can do that though. I'm not strong enough to move on.

I remembered how I used to cut himself, how I tried to commit suicide at least three times. I remembered all of the pain, and all of the hopelessness, which hadn't really truly left at all. The only thing pushing me to move on is my want to prove my parents innocent, and to save Ireland, who I long to help, even if she does end up hating me in the end.

Suddenly, out of no where, a boy popped out behind one of the corners of the walls, shouting "BOO!!!" at the top of his lungs.

I jumped back in shock, letting out a tiny shriek.

The boy was Laurence. His beautiful blue eyes gleaming with delight.

He actually came.

He came.

"You scared me!" I exclaimed. I burst into laughter, the biggest smile on my face, just knowing that there was someone there to see him.

I'm laughing. I'm smiling.

"I haven't seen you smile like that ever," Laurence said. "I mean, I never knew you well, but still. I'm glad that you're smiling." Laurence grinned.

I blushed a deep red, realizing that Laurence was actually paying attention to me.

I was so confused as to how Laurence could be so kind and outgoing just like this. He spoke to me like I was a friend of his. He spoke to me like we had talked for hours before, and not just had our first real conversation in years the day before.

"Y-yeah. I-I am t-too," I whispered.

"Hey, you don't have to be scared near me. I'm not going to do anything to you, except help you. I promise," Laurence said softly. He shoved his hands in his pockets.

"I-I'm sorry. I've just- n-never mind." I had realized what I was about to say, but decided to stop myself. I didn't need him to know anything about my anxiety. It would probably make him uncomfortable or look at me differently.

Laurence motioned me to come sit with him at one of the blue tables. I did as he said, sitting across from him on one of the blue metal seats attached to the table.

"Garroth, remember, I'm your diary. You can tell me anything, and I won't judge. You could tell me that you ate finger nails and I honestly wouldn't even think of you any differently. Well, as long as you're not secretly a vampire. I might be a bit scared then," Laurence explained. He laughed.

The way he laughed made my insides feel warm and fuzzy, which was strange to say the least. He laughed with his tongue sticking out a but, stuck in between his teeth. The noise was soothing.

I didn't want to bring Laurence down with my anxiety and negative thoughts, so I chose to drop the subject. "No, no! It's fine! Anyways, what are we going to do today?"

"I was thinking that we should get to know each other today. We're practically strangers," Laurence said.

"Okay, well, h-how are we going to do that?" I asked. I pinched my arm underneath the table, yelling at my self internally for being so socially awkward. I had barely had any social experience.

Laurence chuckled. "Well, how about we play a game? We'll take turns asking each other questions, like we're interviewing each other. The questions can be about anything, unless the other person is uncomfortable. As the game progresses, we'll each ask more personal questions. How does that sound?" He asked. A devilish smirk spread across his face.

"Hmm... it sounds good. I'll go first," I said. "What is your favorite color?"

"Ha! Wow, that's an original question if I've ever seen one," he said with sarcasm, crossing his arms. "It's green though, if you do desperately want to know. Now, since I'm as original as you, what is your favorite color?"

I laughed. "Blue, like your eyes. What's your favorite animal?"

"A lion. Yours?"

"A pupdragillama."

"What's that?" Laurence questioned.

"A puppy mixed with a dragon and a llama. Do you have any pets?"

"Yes, two dogs, one named Tigger, and the other, Taco. I also have a fish named Oscar. What's your middle name?"

"Esmund. My foster parents changed it to Alexander, but I still say it's Esmund. Were you a Winnie the Pooh fanboy when you were younger?" I asked, chuckling.

"Yes, yes I was. That chubby bear was my homie. Do you have any siblings?"

I paused. "Well, do you mean, living or d-dead?" I asked, my voice cracking.

Laurence's eyes widened, realizing the depth to the question he asked. He totally forgot about his siblings who died just like his parents did. "I'm so sorry, Garroth! I-"

"-It's fine," I said. I gave him a reassuring smile. "It's been many years. I've moved on. Zane and Vylad were very close to me, and I loved them dearly, but I've accepted their death now. Yes, I do have a living sibling though. Her name is Ireland." I smiled at her name. "What is your girlfriend, Aphmau like?"

"She's, well, she's amazing. She's sweet, compassionate, and loving to everyone. She's intelligent, beautiful, generous, talented, funny, and she can always make me smile. She's so small and adorable. I love her so much." Laurence sighed dreamily. "We have our rough patches though. We're both so different, and we've become a bit distant since we've been so busy with school. We're working it out though. What is Ireland like?"

"She's eleven right now. She's a little ball of fire, with an amount of sass that can't fit in her tiny body. She's sarcastic, fun, and energetic. She teases and plays around, but she's the sweetest little girl you'd ever meet. She doesn't really have any friends, but she's so kind to everyone, with a smile always on her face. She's an outstanding artist, a great singer, and she loves basketball and skateboarding. In every way, she's the perfect sister, and my best friend. We've gone through so much together," I said. My face was lit up, my eyes sparkling with joy. The expression quickly left me though once I realized how Ireland could be in danger. "As you probably guessed, we aren't biological siblings. We met at the orphanage downtown, and it was just our luck that we haven't be separated since. How has Cadenza been?"

Laurence smiled. "She sounds wonderful. Cadenza is doing good. We're still looking for a cure, but my parents think they've found a place that can help her with her illness in Britain," Laurence said.

Cadenza had a strange illness that she had developed last year. It made her blind for a month. No doctors have been able to figure out what's going on with her. Well, at least, that's what I've heard. She has a hard time coming to school. She's always coming in a wheel chair. The strangest thing is that the doctors have run a whole bunch of tests, and she seems perfectly fine. It's a medical mystery.

"That's really good. I hope they can find out what's going on and help her soon," I said.

I could still remember the caos and tragedy of that day last year. I was right beside Cadenza when she screamed and collapsed to the ground, blood coming out of her eyes. Only a second before, she was smiling and talking to her friends. Then, in a flash before my eyes, her life changed.

"I hope so too." Laurence looked off into the distance, silent, distracted with his thoughts as he bit his bottom lip. He shook his head. "Anyways, what do you like to do in your free time?"

"Well, I love to read, especially mysteries and adventures. Reading has sparked up my love for writing as well, and I also really enjoy photography. I also like to go exploring in the woods near the school. Sometimes, I go to the arcade and play video games when I can afford it. Besides that, I don't do much except study and-" I stopped myself. "-well, do other things. What about you?"

"Whoa, that's cool! I've always wanted to go exploring in those woods. I like to skateboard, play soccer, and draw. I also play the piano." Laurence leaned in. "Don't tell anyone this, but I secretly love to read," he whispered.

I pretended to gasp. "YOU LIKE READING BOOKS?!?! YOU'RE SUCH A GEEK!!!" I exclaimed, laughing. "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone that you're secretly a part of my nerd cult."

Laurence laughed. "Well, I'm actually going to take it as a compliment because I actually think nerds are pretty cool." Laurence paused. "I like to play video games too. Maybe you can come over sometime and play."

I nodded. "Maybe I should."

Laurence pulled his phone out of his pocket, clicking the on button. "It's been two hours already?!?!" Laurence shook his head. "I should be getting home now," he said, standing up. "I had fun today. Can you meet me here tomorrow at the same time for another nerd cult meeting?"

"Yeah, of course," I said. "I had fun to."

Laurence smiled, hoping on his bike. "I'll see you later!"

"See ya!" Then, I waved goodbye.

Best. Day. Ever.

OMI, that was TERRIBLY written. I'm so sorry. That was so fast paced and boring and too emotional and basically all dialogue. Gosh. I'm sorry. I'm going to try to make the next part more entertaining? Do you guys have any suggestions?

Anyways, thanks for everything, guys. You guys are amazing, and I hope you have a fantabulous day! Love ya! Bai, Unicorns! <3

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