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(Remember everyone will met their love interest in this chapter.)


My Pov:

Sanghyuk looks around for his ridiculously tall friends and groans when he realizes that he lost them. "Just my fucking luck. Curse you short legs...then again Chanhee is shorter legs than me...but I am pretty sure he can outrun me....and now I am talking to myself. I have gone crazy...wait I was already crazy...look at all those fishes or is it many fish....No, I am pretty sure it is fishes...." he says out loud hoping someone will hear him.

He wasn't looking where he was going, so he ends up bumping into someone. He almost rejoiced, but they pulled him into the creek. 

"Bitch, what the fuck!" Sanghyuk curses and glares at him.

The person he bumped into, which is Minjae, says, "Sorry...wait where did you come from?"

"Oh my friends and my ship wrecked and we are now stranded on this island." Sanghyuk says and calms down a bit.

"Oh, my friends and I live on this island. I will help you find them if you help me carry this water back to my house." Minjae says and gets an idea.

He chuckles and mutters, "I wonder if they will let me keep him." 

Sanghyuk looks at Minjae and asks, "Hm? What did you say?"

"Go get some water." Minjae says.

"So do you want me to get it with my hands or mouth?" Sanghyuk says and Minjae blinks.

He hands Sanghyuk two buckets. "Here, you fill these two and I will fill these two." Minjae says and Sanghyuk nods.

"Oh, what is your name? You never introduced yourself. My name is Minjae." Minjae says and smiles.

Sanghyuk blinks and tries to think if he wants to introduce himself as his real name or not. 

"Dawon...my name is Dawon." he says.

He figures that Minjae won't figure out that isn't his real name because he plans on leaving this island when the time is right and after he finds everyone else. 

~Meanwhile with the maknae line of SF9 of course~

"Wait what were we supposed to be looking for?" Taeyang asks after it seemed to him that they had been walking around for forever and not five minutes.

"I don't...." Chanhee says and trails of.

"We should have asked of split up the duty better...." Youngkyun says and the other two nod.

The trio sigh and Taeyang says, "Let's just stick together and bring back whatever we find if we remember the way we came from."

"Do you remember?" Youngkyun asks understanding that Taeyang, like him, didn't know which way they came from.

"Um.....probably the opposite way we are walking in....wait we changed directions a few steps back...okay we are lost....damn we should have saw this coming..." Chanhee says and sighs.

".....it is okay as long as we have each other. We are better off without them anyway." Taeyang says.

"True, those other guys were starting to get annoying and clingy." Youngkyun says and nods.

"That is ironic. We are clingy and annoying to each other....Oh well. I think I see some fruit up ahead." Chanhee says and points to a tree with mangos in it.

They walk over to it then look at Taeyang. "What?" he asks.

"You are the tallest out of all of us. You have the best chance of getting them down by standing on the ground or you could climb the tree like you-" Youngkyun starts, but Taeyang cuts him off.

"Okay okay, I get it." Taeyang says and Youngkyun snickers.

Taeyang grabs three on the ground and hands them to Youngkyun. He looks at Chanhee and points at him. Chanhee sighs and rolls his eyes. "That was one time!" he whines and cross his arms.

Taeyang climbs the tree and pauses to say, "You know, Chanhee has climbed a tree more than I have." 

"Yeah and he has fell out of one more than you have as well." Youngkyun says and Chanhee sighs.

"Touché" Taeyang says continues to climb the tree.

Chanhee hears some rustling, so he turns around. He blinks and taps Youngkyun's shoulder. Youngkyun turns around and his eyes widen.

Taeyang gets down from the tree when he grabs six more mangos then looks at his friends.

"Oi, what are you guys doing here? You know what I don't care. Just come with or whatever. I guess Jieun and KyungJin needs to see you. Oh, my name is Jaehwan. Tell me your damn names." Jaehwan says holding some fish he already caught.

"The one with six mangos is Taeyang, my name is Chani, and the one with three mangos is Y-" Chanhee starts, but gets cut off by Youngkyun.

"Hwiyoung...my name is Hwiyoung." Youngkyun says.

Taeyang wonders why his friends decided to use the nickname they created when they were in high school. He doesn't question it. He just figures they are going through that stage of wanting to change themselves again or maybe just another emo phase again. He hopes it isn't the emo phase again. He can't handle that again.

Then again he also went through that emo phase at the same time as them, so he doesn't have a right to complain about it. He went through that longer than they did combined.

"I mean I still do dress better than you two do....even back then, I was the best dressed...." Taeyang mutters and is the last person to follow Jaehwan.


Jaeyoon and Inseong finally realized they lost Sanghyuk. They start blaming each other and yelling at each other.

Jaemin hears all this yelling and walks closer to it. "Oi shut the fuck up. Blaming and yelling at each other won't help find your best friend." he says.

Jaeyoon and Inseong look at Jaemin and blink. "Huh, so people actually do live on this island...." Inseong mutters.

Both Jaeyoon and Jaemin both heard what Inseong mutter. Jaeyoon blinks and says, "Hello, my name is Jaeyoon and the orange haired idiot over there is Inseong. I see you are looking at him like he is a fine piece of meat. Can you help us find our friend? We and by we I mean Inseong will gladly help you with whatever you need." 

"I will what?" Inseong asks and looks at Jaeyoon, who ignores him.

"Okay, follow me. I need to drop this plants off at home then I will help you look for your friend. You guys and by you guys I mean Inseong can pick up my bag that I took out here." Jaemin says and leads the way.

Jaeyoon snickers and follows Jaemin. "I like this guy. We will get along just fine." he says and smiles.

Inseong grabs the bag then says, "Wait what the fuck is in this bag? Why is so heavy?"

Jaemin chuckles, but doesn't answer him.

~Meanwhile close by~

"Is that Inseong and Jaeyoon yelling at each other about losing....Sanghyuk?" Seokwoo asks.

Juho and Youngbin both sigh and turn the other way then continue to walk. Seokwoo shrugs and follows them.

The trio only stop walking when they see someone picking fruit from a tree. Seokwoo and Youngbin turn to Juho and Youngbin asks, "Wait, I thought everyone on this island died?"

"Well this is great. We can find someone that can show us around this island and show up were food and water is. Plus maybe have a change of clothes....." Juho says.

Youngbin and Seokwoo nod. The trio walk over to the person and just follow the person back to their house.

Jieun knew he was being followed, but he thought it was just one of his friends.

"So who are the new people?" KyungJin asks when he sees three strangers following his other friend back to their house.

Jieun blinks and asks, "Wait if you are here, where is Eunjae?"

"He is inside looking at the other people Jaehwan brought back. I think you guys' friends are inside." KyungJin says.

Juho and Seokwoo groan and Youngbin smiles. Jieun looks behind him and says, "Oh.....I should have known. Eunjae and KyungJin would have said something if they were following me."

"So what are your names? You can't get inside unless you say your names. My name is KyungJin and the confused one that is close to having a mental breakdown is Jieun. Jieun, breathe in and breathe out. You will be fine. It is okay." KyungJin says.




Youngbin didn't mind them using the name he gave him when they were younger. It has been awhile, since they have used those name. He just wants to know how long they are going to use those names for.

KyungJin nods and motions for them to follow him inside. They follow him and Youngbin regrets following Jieun in the first place.

Sanghyuk notices them and runs over to them. He tackles Youngbin and says, "Oh good. We thought we were never going to see you guys again. You know I was just about to say that you guys fell into some hole or a volcano or something. Hey is it just me or is Sora looking at-" 

"Rowoon the way Jaeyoon looks at bread, coffee, and chocolate? No, it is not just you. It is all of us." Zuho says and Sanghyuk understands that Juho and Seokwoo are going by their nickname.

"I mean he fucking hot. How else do you expect me to look at him?" Sora asks.

Seokwoo coughs and chokes on air because of the statement and the other SF9 member say at the same time, "Ewwww, too much information. We didn't ask for an explanation."

"....does this mean that I have to cook more food for lunch?" Hayoon asks.

Jieun and KyungJin just look at him and Hayoon sighs. "Fine, but this one is helping me. Everyone else, stay out of my kitchen. Nothing personal, Jieun. I am looking at Sora, Jaemin, and Hyuntae. If I see anyone in there, I am taking away everything you like starting with chocolate and bread." Hayoon says and drags Youngbin into the kitchen.

None of the males speak for five minutes.

"So does he finally care about someone more than himself?" Hyuntae asks.

Eunjae moves closer to Hyuntae and smiles. Youngkyun coos and Sora says, "Don't coo at his dimples. Don't let his appearance fool you. He isn't cute."

"That is like saying Jae is optimistic." Hyuntae says.

"That is debat-" Sora starts.

"I will slap you if you continue that statement. I just spent half an hour ranting about how life sucks and is fucking stupid. I am not going to let you say that I have been positive. I have never been positive. Also if you go back into my tree house, I am going to eat all your bread." Jaemin says and Sora whines.

"nOt My BrEaD!" 


(I love how I forgot that I didn't finish this....I was halfway done anyway. I need a break from this whole scandal thing....For some reason, that break includes listening to Ariana Grande......idk....but yeah I still remember all the words to my top ten favorite songs by her. Anyway this chapter is good enough....I hope everyone was mentioned....and the introduction will have already happened in the next chapter.) 

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