Chapter Eleven

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Hearing his name, he glanced up sharply. He forced himself not to look at his phone. "Sir?"

The teacher walked up to him and held out his hand. "The cell phone, please."

With an eye roll, the teen powered it off and handed it over. His teacher took it, satisfied. "You can get it back at the end of the day."

Max waited until his back was turned to flip the adult off. The kids around him giggled and he quickly acted like nothing happened. The rest of class went by smoothly.

When the bell rang, he made a beeline for the cafeteria. Thanks to his height, he slipped past his fellow seniors and was one of the first there. He went through the line and took a seat by Nikki.

"Well, today's been hellish," he muttered, laying his head down. His friend tilted her head. "Why's that?"

"I got my phone confiscated while texting Preston."

She shook her head. "You terrible child."

He gave her an unamused look. She raised her hands. "Sorry, not the time for joking... Let's hope he doesn't think it was his fault."

He sighed and let his head hit the table. "Thanks a lot, now I feel worse about it."

She winced. "Sorry. When do you get it back?"

"The end of today," he answered, not lifting his head. He felt her pat him on the back. "Hey, it's not that bad..."

"Mhmm," Max hummed, sitting up some. He rested his chin in his palm. "Anyway, how've you been?"

Nikki's eyes lit up. "Great! Living with Nerris is pretty sweet. But my parents have been sending us threats..."

"Damn. Sorry to hear that," he said softly. The turquoise haired girl shrugged. "Eh, could be worse."

Before either of them could add on, the bell rang.


"Please let this go well..." he thought, knocking on the classroom door. The teacher answered it, looking irritated. "What is it, Max?"

"Um, my phone?" he murmured, biting his tongue. "You told me to get it at the end of the day?"

The teacher rolled his eyes. "It's in the office, kid." And with that, the door was slammed in his face.

"Damn, what's his problem?" The teen muttered under his breath. He headed towards the office, which was on the other side of the school. He checked the time in a nearby classroom and quickened his pace.

"Hi Max! What can I do for you?" The lady at the counter asked. He held back a sigh. "I'm here for my phone."

She shuffled through some filing cabinets and came back, phone in hand. "Anything else?"

"Nope," he called over his shoulder before taking off towards the exit. "I hope I'm not late to work..."

The phone went off as soon as his foot hit the pavement. Most of them where from Preston, and one was from Neil telling him Pres was worried.

Guilt washed over them as he read them, until he found "The Smartphone Hour" references. He typed a reply.

HethinksI'mcute: Pres I'm sorry I didn't answer you sooner
HethinksI'mcute: the teacher caught me texting and took my phone
FuckingAdorable: Oh thank god! I thought something worse had happened!
HethinksI'mcute: nah, it's all good
FuckingAdorable: Alright, I'll pick you up after work. Love you!
HethinksI'mcute: love you too

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