Chapter Thirteen

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"Don't overcook it!" Max hissed, trying to drain the noodles. Preston frantically cut off the stove and stirred the marinara sauce. "Shit, my bad."

The senior sighed and lifted the strainer, shaking out the rest of the water. They had about fifteen minutes until Ms. Goodplay got there, and they were rushing to finish. He glanced over at his boyfriend. "You put the garlic bread in the oven, right?"

He froze. "No. Can you do it?"

"Got it," the teen called out slipping the pan in the oven. "Take it out in about ten, I'm turning it on Hades."

Preston nodded. "Ok... Thanks for your help, Maxxy."

He smiled. "No problem, babe." He dumped the noodles back into the pot. The auburn haired male watched him with a smirk. "I might have to repay you later..."

The teen almost dropped it. He regained his composure and cleared his throat. A blush was visible on his cheeks. "R... Really now..."

The actor giggled. "Sure. Nothing huge of course. And we'd have to wait until my mom leaves. But yeah."

Max's face was bright red. "What did you have in mind?"

Before he could answer, there was a knock on the door. The shorter boy sighed and went to answer it.

He opened it with a grin. "Ms. Goodplay! How are you?" He moved back to let her in.

She smiled and stepped inside. "Good, good-" She cut herself off with a gasp. "Preston!" Her arms were outstretched as she approached him.

He laughed and met her halfway. "Hey mom," he purred, bending down some to hug her. "How are things?"

"Great, actually. You have got to here this story about this cat-"

"Cat?" the couple said in unison. The mother's eyes lit up and she nodded. "Oh, she was adorable! She just wandered into my backyard the other day. She had some kittens following her around."

Preston let out a tiny squeal. "Kittens? Please tell me you got pictures!"

"Of course! The mother chuckled pulling out her phone. "Have a look."

Max leaned over a bit to see them. She was right- there were about five kittens playing with their mother and each other. He tensed up as something touched his shoulder, but relaxed when her realized it was Preston.

"They're cute," he commented, forcing a smile. He felt a pair of arms snake around his waist. "Not as cute as you," the taller male murmured.

Ms. Goodplay giggled. "Aw, look at you two..." She pocketed her phone and glanced behind them. "But someone should get that garlic bread." 

Preston released his hold on Max and ran off to get it. The teen shared a laugh with the mother.

"Gotta love his forgetfulness..." she sighed. The black haired boy nodded.


A/N: So... That Halloween special...
(I'm mainly saying this because I won't be online Saturday.)
(So be prepared for that.)

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