Murder 4: voting

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"Early this morning Hummingbirdkit was attacked by a tom in this clan," Sunstar hissed, "luckily she will survive,"

Angry yowls and hisses spread throughout the clan.

"Foxpelt! It was Foxpelt!" An angry voice hissed.

"It wasn't me! I'm deputy! Why would I kill if I have such an important role!" Foxpelt defended himself.

"We must vote if Foxpelt is innocent or guilty!" Sunstar yowled.

"Guilty," Vainclaw growled, "he probably killed Skyfeather to become deputy,"

"Innocent," Salmonstream meowed, "his my mate, and he wouldn't kill a cat, let alone kits,"

Murderers choice: Hummingbirdkit (@moomfeather)

Medicine cats choice: Hummingbirdkit (moomfeather)

Accusers choice: Foxpelt (

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