My eyes!!!! ಠMಠ

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Have you guys ever watched the first movie to Rio?

Well my brothers just finished watching it for the millionth time and the beginning theme song....thingy was playing.

And my mom started dancing to it.

She then walked over to my step dad and I was like....


I was also doing the dishes so I couldn't really go anywhere. ಠ_ಠ

My mom then starts rubbing her butt against my step dad's (butt) and I just.... I don't even know what happened. I was like: THE CRINGE!

Then my mom walked away and leaned over on the side of the table while my step dad went over and went on his phone. But then, the song started to restart and repeat itself....

So my step dad walked over and said: READY?!

I was like, oh no. Don't do it.

He starts rubbing his... you know what against my mom's...butt.. Why does it feel so weird to say that.

He eventually stops and massages my mom's back and all I could hear was my mom making some weird noise... Almost like a moan. I just awkwardly stood there. ಠ_ಠ

I don't know how to react.

Send help

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