Chapter 19: Ultimate escape

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"What do you mean we distract Shade?"
Snow asked

Timber created a weird yet, useful plan to get all dragons out of the dark isles
"Just trust me, this isn't a random play plan, if you fail, We die. Got it?"

Snow and Spring sighed
"Yes, sir"

"Good, now we just wait for Shade to arrive"
Timber said

Snow and Spring looked at eachother, nervous and ready

At trollstopia.....

Ari was still in her dragon form while she followed Greentea in the forest

"So, what is this secret place that we're going to?"
Ari asked

"You'll see......"
Greentea answered

While they were chatting, Bubblegum saw them

"What the-"
He said

He followed them in the forest

"Here we are!"
Greentea said

"So...........A leaf pile"
Ari said

Greentea sighed
"Okay, your my closest friend, and i'm gonna tell you the biggest secret I ever hid for 8 years"

"I thought we're here for info"
Ari said

"Yeah, but. I wanna tell you that I can turn into the most mythical creature in all of the world-"
Greentea said

Bubblegum was hiding in a bush and listened to what Greentea and Ari were talking about
He squinted his eyes to look and listen closely to them

"A.................Dragon, Yeah I know...."
Ari said loud and clear

Bubblegum saw shocked
He heard the secret that Greentea kept hiding from everyone

"Wait, how do you know?"
Greentea asked

"This is something you should hear, you know your mother right?"
Ari asks

Greentea said

Ari sighed in dispair
"You see, she's not single. The real reason why you were born is because......."

Greentea became worried

"Your mom, mated..........................a Dragon"
Ari said

Greentea and Bubblegum's eyes widden as they both heard the Actual truth about Greentea

"But, I never turned into a dragon my entire life until now"
Greentea said

"Well, the only way to trigger your dragon form is by getting injurned by another one of your kind"
Ari said

Then Greentea felt her scar in her eye

She snapped out of it

"Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh, but you are a dragon too, but if you were always a dragon, why didn't you tell me before"
Greentea said

"Because I am your protector, and it's my job to guide you in your big journey, and the reason why I didn't tell you about, Well this, is because It's the law of protectors all around the universe"
Ari said

"And why can't you turn into your normal form?"
Greentea asked

"Cause Shade cursed us into being a dragon forever, and. Sorry for attacking you earlier"
Ari said

"No prob, and by the way. Thanks for protecting my whole life, your the best friend a water-winged flower crown wearing feline could ever have!"
Greentea hugged Ari

Ari was in awe that she missed her friend's hugs
"Aww thanks, I was hoping you'd-"

But her sentence broke

Bubblegum was about to go back to Trollstopia and tell everyone until he slipped on a twig and tumbled out if the bush

Greentea and Ari saw him

Bubblegum waved his hand nervously
"Hehe hello..."

Ari looked at him

"Do I know you?"
Ari asked

"Uhhhhhhh no..."
Bubblegum answered unsure

"Wait, how can you understand me?"
Ari asks again

"Probably you can actually talk"
Greentea said

"No, only my closests friends can understand me"
Ari said

She realized something about him

Her antennas went up

"Wait, could that be EGGHEAD!"
Ari said in suprise

Bubblegum squinted his eyes at Ari and took a full look at her

He also realized something

Bubblegum asked

"It IS you! Heh long time no see"
Ari said she circled around him, sniffing him

"You've grown man!"
Ari said

"Ummmm thanks?"
Bubblegum said

"So, you aren't questioning about how I am a lizard right now?"
Ari asked

"I think he knows every detail about you and me"
Greentea crossed her arms and rolled her eyes

"Hehe well..........It has been a long time, how'd you been?"
Bubbelgum said

"I'm good! Well, until Shade treated me like a pet!"
Ari said

"Soooo Greentea, you didn't tell me that you can turn into a dragon! Why did you hide this from us!"
Bubblegum said

Greentea rubbed her arm
"Bubblegum, i'm sorry. I thought that you would be scared of me"

"Why would I be scared of you? Your the sweetest and most positive cat i've ever met, even when we were still little fur balls"
Bubblegum smiled softly

Greentea smiles back

"Mah favorite ship since birth!"
Ari said

Greentea asked

Ari said

"What now?"
Bubblegum said

"We have to set all the dragons free and get outta here"
Ari said

"Ok but how?"
Greentea said

In the dark isles.......

Shade came in with Cassidy

"Okay, I want you to feed all of them my savage mix and set them all free! Got it?"
Shade said

"Yes ma'am!"
Cassidy said

"Hey you, the Grinch's pet bird!"
Spring shouted

Cassidy saw them and got upset

Cassidy said

"Yo Bird brain, bet you can't keep us here forev's!"
Snow said

Cassidy groaned

"Would you guys just SHUT UP!!!"
Cassidy yelled

"Not if we want to!"
Spring yelled

"Uugghhh you are so gonna get it!"
Cassidy said

"Don't mind them Slave, they just want to make you upset, no need to worry"
Shade said

Cassidy calmed down a bit

"Okay, I'm going back to my lair and wait for Greentea and Ari"
Shade said

"Okay ma'am"
Cassidy said

She was so upset that she forgot to mix the savage mixture in their food

"There's our chance!"
Timber whisperes

"Eat up yah filthy lizards!"
Cassidy yelled

"Heheh, you ready for some action?"
A deadly nadder named Scoot said

All the other dragons agreed

They ate the non-savage feed and acted like they were feeling strange

Timber said

Scoot said

Spring and Snow said

Since Cassidy was brainwashed, she didn't know that they were pretending

"Welp, they're going Coo-coo, time to take 'em out!"
Cassidy said

She opened the cage of the dragons and they flew off

"Whooooo! We did it!"
Snow shouted

"Ah the fresh air!"
Timber said

"I know right, what a fool she is!"
Scoot said

"Yep, and lets go find Ari, I don't know if she's still savage"
Timber said

Everyone nodded
"Yes sir!"

All the dragons flew to different places to go find Ari

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