× Entry One ×

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Dear Diary-


No that's too common. I'm not writing to anyone anyway, not like anyone's going to see this. Guess I might as well do it just so I can talk to someone. Okay then lets start over.


Hi, no one in particular! You no what, I'll give you a name. That way I don't have to just say diary every time. What about..... Oh I know! I'll name you Kat, after Katherine! Yes that will do just fine. 


Okay now I'm starting over-


Hello Kat! This is the first time I'm writing in you, and yes I know that sounds weird, but just go with it. Let me introduce myself. I have a real name, but I don't go by it anymore. Its long and spelled weird. So just call me Nugget. { not like you can talk though } I enjoy drawing, or just looking at other peoples art. Mostly looking at others art. I like musicals and just music in general. I also only like potato chips. No flavored chips for me. Oh and no spicy food, pickles, or olives.




Oh that reminds me! I got asked who my favorite person was today. I said Jackie. Jackie and I are really close friends. If there's anyone I'd spend my time on an island with, its Jackie. I couldn't live without them.


Oh yeah, speaking of friends, Zach published Deviltective today! Oh I'm sorry, ✨Deviltective✨ I'm so happy he finally released it! Hopefully he won't give up on it.... He's got a great idea, it would be a shame to watch it crumble to pieces. Also he keeps on saying that I'm more talented than him, even though I'm not. Sometimes I'm doubting posting my artwork because I don't wanna make him feel bad about it.... But then again art is what I love to do so-


I thought about maybe making Emotion Roommates into an animated series. I mean, it'd be kinda funny, watching 8 roommates doing random shit. They all have different personalities too, which is great. I think Smiles, Ivery, An, and Jimmy are my favourites. Oh who am I kidding, I love them all! 


My BATIM obsession is starting to die down a bit sadly. I just need to get back in the mood for it. Once I'm done with this Six obsession, I'll get back into BATIM, promise.


Yesterday, my parents gave me a big old talking to. I had to hold back my tears, I don't like crying in front of people. They want me to succeed and they do care- they see my potential- just hearing them say that made me light up inside. A flame that had been blown out started to spark up. It just- I thought they didn't care, and that they hated me, and that I was the disappointment. But then they start saying all this stuff about me having so much potential, but acting so stupid when I'm so smart. I just- GAH I LOVE THEM SO MUCH-


Anyways that's all for today, Kat! Check in later! Hopefully I'll have some weird ass dream to tell you about tomorrow.

♥ ~ Nugs 


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