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"This wasn't what I planned"

Rosy, Gina, Queen, made sure Ann look great for her first day in school.

With combined efforts, laughs and talent Ann's Hair, makeup, clothes were all on point. She was going to kill it on her first day.

Teasing her, they had ordered her to remove what they called flabby dress from her body. They laughed as they dressed her up. A makeover they called it. Feeling like a queen, she couldn't hold back the smiles as they beamed from my heart.

"Did you even comb this hair" roared Queen as she tried to get a comb through her hair.

Oh the pain!

"So if we were not jobless this morning, you would have left this room looking like a lost slave" they all laughed. It was an awkward but a happy moment for Ann.

Dressing her up had always been Angel's habit. She was glad she had a little Angel in all her roommates. She continued smiling at the beauty that stood in front of her smelling of cherry. She was indeed beautiful, and admired by all, Queen.

Queen was the oldest in the room. A final year student of biotechnology. She was the definition of beauty with the brains. Ann was glad, she would help her study she had hoped secretly. Despite being into acting and making movies, Queen still knew the main reason why she came to school. Coming from a poor family, her mind was always set towards achieving a good result at the end of her stay in the university. Homely, humble, and beautiful she was the total package.

"You're good to go baby" Queen said handing her a mirror. Ann stood up feeling like a princess dressed up to meet her charming prince.

"Now you look good, dear". Gina said looking up from her phone screen. It was an extension of her. The phone addict. Gina was a bit chubby, Ann was glad she wasn't the only one on the chubby side. She would always give her self a secret pat on the back whenever she looked at Gina. Gina was not ugly at all, in fact her chubby nature made her curves and edges pop out. She was in third year in the department of Psychology. She didn't look like a book worm but she could be serious when she wanted to.

Grateful, Ann walked out of the room with her head held high. She was finally in the world, and everything seemed so perfect. She was loving it.

She stepped out of the hostel, with a  smile having  planned her first day in school.

"Make an entrance, make new friends, probably bump into a cute guy and make eye contact, boomed love happens" she chuckled at her thoughts. All those plans  would only be possible if only her extreme shy nature would choose that day and take a day off, that would be helpful.

She set out, holding a copy of the school map, she started the search for her department.

Thirty minutes into the search, you could tell it was already telling on her face. Her cheeks puff up, sweat dropping from her face, makeup ruined. The clouds had already turned on its frown, the wind blew without salvage, dust covered her shoes, it was going to rain.

"On a Monday morning?" she shouted within herself. She tired to keep herself composed. She was in the university after all. Reality dawned on her as she felt a drop of rain on her perfectly made up hair.

"Oh this can't be happening" letting go of her pride, she asked anyone she came in contact with for her department. This didn't help the matter as some told her to go to her right while some said left, one rude man even laughed at her and walked away. "If only I could make this man disappear" she growled.

In no time, down came the rain, she ran into the building close to her for shelter. That was a close call tho her body had already felt the drops from the sky. She looked at the sign in front of the building and there it was, she was in her department all along. She gasped struggling to decide whether to be happy or angry at herself. She just stumped upstairs to where she was meant to be having her first lecture. She was late.

"Are you in this class" A stern voice thundered from inside a hall, Ann stood outside, drained, exhausted.

"yes ma" she managed to voice out. The woman inside signalled her to come into the class.

"so you are in this class and you are starting this semester on a late note!!! Why would you be late to your first class? Is this your plan for the year...?" the woman went on and on. Ann her blocked out the voice, she peered into the eyes of students that were looking and laughing at her.

Her hair, makeup, dress all ruined. She stood there defected and slowly lowered her head. She jerked up at the thunderous command of the woman to locate a seat and sit down.

Ann slowly moved to the closest seat she could find. "Please adjust" she pleaded with the end at the end of the aisle, her voice clouded with tears. The girl just simply looked at her and laughed. Humiliated she walked to the back of the class and sat.

For the rest of the day, it was just lectures, and side talks for Ann. Girls pointing fingers and the boys teasing her with slangs.

"Good day class" on this note, the day had come to an end. Ann picked up her bag and staggered back to her home.

A/N: We all make plans, most of them never works out. It's a pity tho. Let's continue the ride with our dear Ann.

But before that, let's met Angel.
Are u excited? 😁😁😁

Thanks for reading 😘😘😘

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