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"Hey, Luther?"

Luther pops his head out the moment he heard Eden calls his name. He had been laying down on his bed, just finished restocking the shop. It's been three weeks since he moved out of the Academy and must he say, he doesn't regret the choice at all. At least Eden treats him like a real person instead of a bothersome thing, and truth be told, he actually likes having Eden around, working for them.


"I wanna go out, you wanna join or what?" Eden asked again. "I noticed that you might be tired from restocking and all so if you don't want to, it's your choice. But if you wanna?"

Luther blinks, feeling touched that his opinion has been asked for instead of people (read: Reginald) just assuming what he wants and him being forced to comply to each thoughtlessly, doing what he (Reginald) thinks is right and not what he (Luther) thinks is right.

"No thanks, I'm tired," Luther answered. "I thought you said you only get drunk at weekends."

"I'm not leaving to get drunk off my arse." Eden shook their head. "Well, if you say so. Lock the door behind me, ok? I have the spare key so don't worry about me."

"I know how to stay safe alone in a house, Eden."

"Yeah, with you an ex-Academy member and all." Eden nods. "I'm just worried, super-strength doesn't equate to immortal."

"I know that, E." Luther stood up and walked closer to Eden, rubbing their arm. "I'll be ok, no need to get worried about me. Where will you go, anyway?"

"I've got a meeting three blocks away from here," Eden answered and sighed. "Alright. Want me to grab you something on my way?"

"Crisps?" Luther asked. "I like those."

"Alright, crisps." Eden nods, flipping their cornrows back. "Specific flavour?"

"Whatever you want."

"See you later. Close the door behind me."

"Have fun!" Luther yelled as Eden closes the door, Luther locking it behind them. What is that all about, why is Eden suddenly nervous around him today? Is it because of Luther's performance this day being flatter than usual? He admits he's tired from unloading the stocks and helping to restock the store, but it shouldn't mean anything. Right? It's not like he was sick.

So what's the reason for the sudden change? Did Eden realise Luther isn't much of a help and they're firing him? But why? It's not like Luther's been demanding or something. Contrary, Luther doesn't demand much other than for them to leave the bathroom quicker so he can take a piss, and that's ereyesterday. So why is the sudden change?

Luther retreats back to his bedroom, laying on the bed. He doesn't know the reason for Eden's change in behaviour. Is it because Luther's not being helpful enough? He could've sworn he did all his duties the best he can. Is it because he's too rude of a friend? True, he isn't the most familiar of the world, that's because he's been raised secluded in the Academy- and it's not like he was allowed to second-guess Reginald's orders.

His siblings had all left the Academy sooner than him- and that's good for them. But they weren't assigned as Number One for a reason: he had been. He had been assigned the role of the 'leader' pretty much since infancy. Why is that? Why was he assigned the role of the leader since he couldn't even talk? What did Reginald see in him that can be interpreted as signs of leadership skills? He couldn't even fistbump normally without Eden telling him how!

Why did he stay for as long as he did? Why was he such a coward and not leave earlier? Why so late in his life- twenty-six years later? Why was he only fed up with Reginald's bullshit now? Is it even right for him to call Reginald's antiques 'bullshit' when because of him, the world hasn't gone to an utter catastrophe yet?

Luther shouldn't have left, Reginald would be so lonely without him. Reginald doesn't have anyone else, goddamn it! He only had Luther- and he left him. He should come back, apologise to Reginald, and hope for the best that he's still the Number One. How's Pogo? How's Grace? Are they still ok? Have they gone mad from Reginald's silence? Why do they even have Grace- Grace is a robot! And how the fuck does a monkey fucking talk? How did Reginald meet Pogo?

Luther opened his suitcase and started shoving clothes in, Reginald needs him. The world needs Number One! Otherwise, why is he even born? Why is he powered when Eden hadn't- when most of the world aren't? He was born to save the world. He was born to give solutions to the world's problems. He was born to be the best. He was born to always help.

But isn't it the reason why he left the Academy?

Didn't he want to be seen as a soldier and nothing else? Didn't he long to be seen as a friend? Didn't he long to be seen as a normal boy with normal wants? Wasn't he fed up with Reginald constantly pressing him? Wasn't he fed up with Reginald never even calling him by his name- rather by a damn number? A damn number! How fucking degrading is it, that he didn't even have a name- something every-fucking-one should have?

He remembered about Eden, his ally and his friend. Eden wouldn't be happy with his sudden departure, they wouldn't like it at all. Luther admits, he enjoys their presence so much. Eden gave him so much of his firsts, like his first Indian food, his first alcohol, his first hanging out at bars, hell- even his first dancing on the dance floor. Luther won't be able to hold the feelings if he has to leave them behind, Eden is such a great friend.

What should he do?

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