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This is why I am so happy for being able to draw well. XD I only use my talent for good. e.e XD

I drew this last year. *-*


Jimin POV

I woke up in a comfortable bed with the calming sunlight hitting my face. Was everything only a nightmare? Please, let it be… Please… Just let it be a nightmare...

I sat up and looked around me… This wasn't my bedroom… Everything that happened yesterday wasn't a dream, only a nightmare… It was reality… The painful reality that I lived in…

I clenched my teeth and frowned. “Fuck!” I yelled and, full of rage, I threw one of the pillows next to me against the wall. “Fuck…” I repeated again, but this time more weakly, and got my legs next to my chest, to start hugging them and to hide my face in them.

I didn’t felt well. I wish I could end this… Maybe I could just kill myself… Then everything would be over… I wouldn’t have to suffer anymore like I was suffering now...






But I couldn't… That was too selfish and arrogant for me to do... Because, like that, I would only hurt the people that still liked me for some strange reason, like Hoseok… I didn’t want to hurt him even more than I already did… And now it was my obligation to live, mainly with the consequences from my actions and with my punishment… Even with how much and how bad it was already hurting me to live like this, and with how much it could even get worse in the future... Yeah, I needed to get hurt and to suffer… That was the least that I could do… So… I should live to pay up for my mistakes and for the people that I hurt...

After thinking deeply for a while, I started hearing Suga coming upstairs and his steps getting closer, so I covered myself all up and hid inside the sheets. I didn’t want to see him… I didn’t want to see anyone… I was scared… Part of me, wanted to get away from everyone and to close myself in my own world, but the other one was too terrified with that idea and too afraid to be alone… Yeah, Suga was right… I had lost the power to chose what I wanted… To know what to wish… And that wasn’t helping to make me less frightened from everything and everyone…

I continued hearing his steps, until they stopped. I knew that he was standing right next to me, glaring at me, and that was making uncomfortable. And the silence in that room and the dizziness and sickness that I was starting to feel under the covers weren’t helping at all… But then he spoke...

“I know you are awake. I can see you shaking.” He said and I sighed, still without taking the covers off me.

“Come on, we have to go to school.” He said as he got impatient, but I didn’t responded. “If you don’t...~” He got on the bed and topped me, starting to take the covers off me.

“No. I’m not going. I will never go to that school again.” I said, trying to hold the covers, but I knew that it was only a matter of time for him manage to uncover me, as he was stronger than me. But, before doing that, still with the sheets separating us, he moved one of his hands through my body, until he stopped in my lower zone, making a shiver go through my spine.

“This time you reacted~ Good boy~” He then took the covers away, revealing my before hidden face. But then he looked shocked at me, for some reason…

“You look more heated up and red than I was expecting…” He muttered, but not in a perverse or provoking way. And after he put his hand in my forehead, to see my temperature, and taking it away, while frowning at the same time. “Shit, you have fever.”

Yeah… So, that was why I kept and keep not feeling too well… I thought it was only because of the stress and the atmosphere around me… Great! As my psychology breakdown and all my problems weren't enough, now I’m sick!

He then stood up. “H-hey, where are you going?” I asked him nervously. “I’m going to get your medicine and something for you to eat. Stay here.” He told me and I gave a ironically look at him, as I was saying “Really?”, before responding to him.

“Yeah, as I had anywhere else to stay! How did you discovered that I was going to visit Santa Claus now, to ask him one more time for the Jams that I wish every year in the Christmas and that I never get?” I said ironically and he smirked, almost laughing to my answer.

He then leaves the bedroom, to return after a while with a tray with everything that was necessary. He started taking care of me and I stayed all the time staring at him, as I wasn't expecting him to be nice to me and to act like that around me, until I finally broke the awkward silence around us.

“Why are you being nice to me?” I asked coldly and he smirked. “I think you already know the answer~” He answered and I rolled my eyes, sticking my tongue out. He then started messing and ruffling with my hair playfully, to provoke me and to get me even angry at him. “I hate you.” I muttered, but still audible enough for him to hear.

“Well, it’s good to see you are starting to show emotions around me, even if they are mostly angriness and hate towards him…” He chuckled and smiled at me, for my surprise, and made me blush without even noticing. “...But I still have to go to school. So, goodbye.”

…No… Not again… I can’t be alone when I’m sick… I am too frightened and terrified with that idea of being locked in a room, with no one by my side, when I’m sick or weak… It gives me painful flashbacks… So… Please… Suga…


… I will regret this, won’t I...?

“W-wait!” I yelled desperately and held his jacket’s sleeve, to not let him go. “Can you stay…?” I asked him weakly and lowered my head.

“Why?” He asked surprised, until he saw my expression, to then start to smirk. “And if I don’t want to~?” He said teasley and walked next to me. I kept looking down to the floor and started shaking, as I tried to say something...

“Don’t ask! Just...! Just stay… I am too afraid to be alone when I’m sick… Please… Don’t leave me… I will do whatever you want… I will be your toy and I will let you use and play with me however you want, even if you are only going to throw me away in the end… So… Don’t leave me all alone here… Not now...” I held the sleeve tighter and waited anxiously for his answer. And then I ended up by looking up and saw Suga grinning evilly… Dammit…

“Really~? Then, I will stay, as you want and implored so much~” He played with this voice and topped me again.

“Now, you are my toy and belong fully to me~” He whispered seductively in my ear, to tease with me.

Yeah, I guess I’m his toy now… I think I should just accept it… At least, as he said, now I have someone to belong to… At least, now I finally have utility to someone… So… Yeah… I already decided...

...I will just accept this…

...And leave everything else behind for this last week…

… And maybe for forever...


New chapter. \(*-*)/ I don't have anything to say today. :P XD

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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