Broken toy

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Perfect. XD


What the hell am I doing with my life...? e.e' XD


Jimin POV

"So... What now...?"

And here I was... Sitting all alone in the park... Without knowing what to do...

I kept only looking around me... Everyone looked so happy with their friends and loved ones, while I was there, looking all depressed, making everyone getting away from me with my cold stares and being totally "lost", there all alone...

...I didn't have anywhere to go... I just couldn't returned to the dorms... Even because Taehyung would be there and I didn't want to see him right now... And I couldn't just ask Hoseok too... We hadn't talk after "that accident" and we have avoiding each other... Yeah... I needed to get away from him to not hurt him even more... This would be for the best... Or that was what I wanted to believe...

I stayed there sat in the bench, until it was starting to get dark. Dammit... I still didn't had anywhere to go... I was so hopeless... I should just return to my dorm... And try to handle my feelings next to Taehyung and maybe try to talk and explain myself to him... However, I was still not ready or psychology prepared to do that... I didn't want to see Tae... I was too afraid... But I guess that now I didn't had any other choice...

After a while, I decided to just leave the park but, before I could even stand up, I saw a figure in the dark getting closer to me. If I wasn't so broken, because of everything that happened recently, I would have already had walked away by now, with a little fear from that person, as it was already dark and late now. But now I couldn't feel fear... I couldn't feel anything... I was empty... So, I just stayed there...

That person walked towards me, until stopped right in front of me, and the weak light from the lamps next to us hit his face, revealing who it was... And then, right in front of me, it was...

... Suga...

Fuck! I have the worst luck ever! Could this get any worse?! Yes, it could... I knew that it could... And I knew that the nightmare was only starting...

"Hi, Jimine~" He said my name playfully. "What are you doing here, all alone, at this hour? Don't you know that it's dangerous to be until too late~?" He smirked and leaned closer to me.

I bit my lower lip with rage and gave him a cold stare, standing up after and walking away ignoring him. But, right away, he grabbed my wrist and pinned me against the next tree.

"Hey, Jiminie. Did you just tried to ignore me as I was nothing important? You are so mean~" He got our bodies closer. "You should know by now already really well what would happen after that~ So, I hope you are ready for your punishment, bad boy~" He gave me a cocky smirk and leaned his face closer to mine, getting me in a forced kiss.

And there it was everything repeating one more time... There I was stuck in Suga's grip and totally submissive to him... But, this time, I knew that no one would save me from him... Taehyung wouldn't come to protect me this time...

And who cares about that?! I am tired of being protected by him! I don't want to have to be protected all the time! I had enough! I already realized that I was weak and useless! You don't have to remember me that all the time that I need to be saved by someone! Even if I'm weak, I will accept it... Even if this is happening again, is because I deserve it... So, I will accept my punishment, whatever it is...

I just stayed there, without any reaction or fighting back, while he kept moving his lips against mine, somehow roughly... I didn't moved, my lips were froze and my cold eyes stayed opened all the time. I wasn't feeling anything... I was broken... I was a broken toy... That didn't had no one to belong to...

Suga noticed how was I reacting - or better, not reacting - and stopped the kiss to look straight at me with widened eyes. I only gave him a blank expression, making him even more surprised than before.

"So, what is that face for? Do feel pity towards me when you seeing how hopeless I look and I am now? I thought you were the one who almost fucked me without any remorse before. Who would thought that you have feelings too?" I said ironically, but still glaring coldly at him, while he kept grabbing tightly my wrists. I couldn't even say if his grip was hurting me and bruising my wrists or not. I just couldn't feel nothing... I couldn't feel the pain... I just didn't care about anything anymore... And my feelings were the thing that I less cared about now, as the most part of them had been destroyed brutally recently and the rest had even been threw away by me...

"Tsk... Why don't you react...? If you don't fight back, is no fun like that... I don't want to play with a broken toy that doesn't feel anything and that it's totally useless for me."

"Then, just throw me away like everyone did. No one will care about it anyway. As I screwed up in everything, as I hurt everyone around me and as I lost all my utility, everyone left me and I'm all alone now."

"Oh, really~? So, if I take you and keep you all for myself, no one will stop me, right~?" He smirked.

"Why would you want me now anyway? You even said that it is boring playing with a broken toy like me. I don't feel anything. So, why that sudden change of your decision?"

"No, I was wrong. It will be actually more fun like this~ I only need to make you feel emotions again, to have you all for myself to play with later. And I know I will be successful in doing that like I always am at doing anything that I want to do~" He released my wrists to move his hands to my waist. "I can't wait to make you have again all those shivers that I gave you last time with my touch~" He leaned his face closer, to provoke me. I sighed.

Dammit, I was actually thinking in getting along with what he was saying, wasn't I...? I was really out of me, wasn't I...? I knew that I couldn't think straight anymore... I knew that I shouldn't make decisions with my mind in this state... I knew that I would regret this later... But who cares?! I don't need to think and make decisions anymore. I don't have any reason to continue thinking or making decisions. And it doesn't matter anymore if I regret this too... Because I don't have anything to lose anyway, as I had already lost everything in these last days...

And now... As I didn't had anything "mine" anymore... I could only stay loyal to this new stupid game and try to play it...


"Do whatever you want."


New chapter. \(*-*)/ I hope that this fanfic ends with Vmin... e.e' I don't want to have people coming to my house to kill me... e.e'

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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