Counter attack

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Hahaha... So... I updated the wrong chapter today without noticing. ^-^' Because of that, today I'll update two chapters and tomorrow I won't update. ^-^' So I hope you enjoy. ^-^'


I'm a idiot... e.e'


Jimin POV

As soon I arrived to my dorm, I jumped to the couch and stayed there lying without moving.

I'm so tired. Today happened a lot. It happened too much for a day. And I can't believe it started only because I held hands with Taehyung. And I still have to give him a copy. Dammit...

Then I heard someone opening the door. It must be Taehyung.

"Jimin, have you already arrived?"

I mumbled something with face faced to the couch. I think I didn't even took the work to say really a word. I just made a random sound.

"Already in the couch?"

"I'm tired. I want to sleep."

"Then why did you had to lay in the couch and not in your bed?"

"I like the couch."

"You must be kidding with me! Just go to your bed." He said already impatient.

"No. I'm too tired to move." I said hugging the couch.

"Aff." He sighed. "Then..." He moved closer to me.

"Hey! What are you doing?!" I shouted as he picked me up and started carrying me in his arms.

"Didn't you said you are too tired to move?! I'm going to put you in your bed. I want to sit in the couch too, you know?"

"Put me in the floor!"

"Hell no! I know that if I do that, you will go to the couch again."

"H-hey!" He ignored and continued climbing the stairs.

After arriving to my bedroom, he throw me to the bed.

"Just stay there." He commanded.

"Ah, that would be great, wouldn't? I want to be in the cou-"

As I was starting to get up from the bed, he jumped above me, pushing me to the bed again.

"You aren't going anywhere."

Ah... Fuck. Not again.

"Get off of me." I tried to get off from his grip.

"If you don't stop, I'm going to..." He started saying but without finishing the sentence. I just saw him biting his lower lip.

"Going to do what?"

"Never mind. He said coldly while he get off from above me. "Do whatever you want." And he left my bedroom.

Wow, he was more angry than me. Did I pissed him that much? I think is better don't lay in the couch now... And maybe apologize me too...

When i started going downstairs, I noticed he wasn't in the living room. Maybe he is in his bedroom. I knocked at the door, but didn't had any answer. So, I decided to enter to see if he was there. He was lying in his bed with his laptop and earplugs on. He only noticed that I were there after a while.

"H-hey..." I started as he took one of his earplugs off from his ear.

"Hum...?" He mumbled as he was saying "What are you doing here?".

"I came here to give you the copy that I said this morning that I would give..." He took it brutally. He's still mad...

"A-ah, and sorry..." Hi said lowering my head, afraid from the looks he could be giving me. But then I heard him laughing.

"Jimin, you are so naive. Like that you get so easy to play on. You should do something about that~" He said still laughing.

"Or maybe not. It actually has use to me~" He continued after smirking.

I got really angry again. Is the same thing as always. But wasn't like in the beginning. What changed?!

"Fuck you!" I shouted as I left his bedroom and slammed the door behind.

"Hey, Jimin!" I could heard him saying from his bedroom but I ignored.

I think I will just sleep... I'm too tired for this... Tomorrow he will see....

Taehyung POV

Today is Saturday, so I didn't woke up too early. Jimin didn't talked with me since that last time from yesterday. When I looked for him, he was already sleeping, so I decided to not wake him.

As I left my bedroom, I noticed the sound of the shower running from the bathroom.

"So Jimin is already up... When he gets out, I'm going to talk with him."

I thought in make pancakes, but I got lazy and just picked in some cereals. As I was eating I heard the bathroom's door getting open.

"Ji-" I cut my sentence when I realized Jimin was only with a towel in his waist.

"Damn..." I mumbled after seeing his sexy body and his white skin just partially covered. And his really defined abs... I already touched them a little that time when I putted my hand under his shirt, but seeing them like that... Ah, I shouldn't be thinking in this!

"Hey, watch out. Don't drool, will you?" He smirked.

"W-why are going around like that?!" I stuttered.

"Calm down. I just forgot my clothes in my bedroom." He smiled innocently, but I knew he was laughing inside at my reactions. OK, now he was laughing outside too. --'

"At least, hold your laugh until you aren't around me anymore." I said a little pissed.

"OK, just wait." He said going to his bedroom up stairs. And then he started laughing so loud that I could heard from anywhere.

"That didn't help at all..." I thought covering my face with my right hand. " I will just finish breakfast."

When I was about to finishing eating, Jimin came... Without a shirt...

"H-hey, put a shirt on!" I said after almost spitting all the cereals that were inside my mouth.

"Why? It's been hot these days." He walked next to me. "If I wear it, I'm going to be so hot~" He seductively whispered in my ear. I started blushing so badly.

"Well, I'm in in the couch, if you need me."

"I won't need you." I said trying to recuperate my cool and trying to hide the blush from my face.

"Yeah, yeah. Try to recuperate your cool now." He said as he managed to hear my thoughts. "Well, see ya~" And he left.

Dammit... He is starting to make me crazy... In so many ways...


New chapter. \(*-*)/ Sorry, in this chapter the story didn't develop that much. TT-TT I just wanted Jimin to have his revenge without Taehyung be able to do anything against him. e.e And so he had it. e.e

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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