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Taehyung POV

When I finally found somewhere where I could be all alone, I sat in the floor. I didn't felt well... I had so many things to think about and didn't even know how to start thinking in them... I wasn't used to this things, to this feelings, to... This...

This is what you call a interesting life...? A special, different for those old repetitive days, life...? Is this what I always wanted...? Maybe so... But then why am I not happy...?


"No! I only feel like this, because I'm still not used to this things and today has been a bad day!" I shocked my head to take off my bad mood. "This is just starting... So I still have plenty of time to make it fun for me~" I somehow managed to get back my old personality and to don't care anymore about the feelings that I was having a just while ago.

I stood and started walking to my classroom. Today has been a bad day, but I maybe still can change it. I will make sure to make it to end way better...

Jimin POV

Those two idiots were totally ignoring me that I even could punch one of them right in their face that they wouldn't even care. I just couldn't take anymore be between them, when the only thing that they were doing was staring at each other. Before was entertaining, but it after started getting on my nerves. So, now I was walking in the hallway, without actually a destiny. I just wanted to be really far away from those dumbasses.

"Hey, Jimin!" I heard someone yelling my name from the other side of the hallway. Was that Suga? Some seconds later, as he got closer to me in the distance, I could see better who that person was. And yes, that person was Suga...

I decided to just ignore him and continue walking, but he started to catch me up. And it was starting to be really annoying hear him yelling all the time.

"What?!" I turned back and yelled too.

"Hey, calm down. Did we upset you that much in the canteen?"

"No, but you keeping yelling and chasing me did."

"Haha... Sorry..." He laughed nervously.

"No, it' fine." I scratched my head. "Anyway where is Taehyung?"

"He stayed in the canteen."

"Oh, is that so...?"

"Why did you react like that? Don't tell me... You like that playboy?!"

"W-what? No!" I got frustrated.

"Really? Good. Because if you liked him and if he ended up by knowing, he would start to play and manipulate you like he done to everyone.. And still does." He said with a expression showing that he was relieved.

"Yeah. I know." I looked away, faintly smiling. And then we stayed quiet. Too quiet. This silent was torturing me, mainly because the last thing we talked about was Taehyung... But fortunately we arrived to my classroom.

"I have to go now. See you later." He smiled as we started saying goodbye.

"See you." I smiled back and he left. But my smile started fading for some reason and I wasn't managing to get it back...

What is this...? What is this feeling...?

Taehyung POV

I arrived in my classroom and just some moments after the teacher arrived too. It seems I won't be able to talk with Jimin too soon.

And speaking about him, he looked to be thinking deeply in something. And he also looked upset and in bad mood. I knew that was because of Suga somehow, that was him who has been making everyone feel like that... He can even don't do anything that he still manages to mess with everyone around him. He can really ruin someone's mood.

The class started and, during it, I looked to Jimin several times. He wasn't snapping from his thoughts. He didn't even noticed me staring at him. So, I tried to call his name, quietly to don't call the teacher's attention. However, he didn't hear me.

As the teacher kept asking questions, I was the only one responding and Jimin didn't even offer to answer one single time. I think that he wasn't even hearing the teacher's questions, because he wasn't taking his eyes away from his table anytime. The class was passing quickly for once. I didn't know if that was a good thing this time, because there were things I needed to do after class...

~ Ding Dong ~

And so the lesson ended... I should go meet Jungkook as we combined... Later I will talk with Jimin. It was to wait for now...

I looked for Jungkook around school and I wasn't finding him. Even because... He didn't tell where to meet! That idiot! Well... We can say that I am an idiot too... Because I should had asked him...

Now, after looking in almost all places in school, there was only the roof left. And, as I went there, I saw him already waiting for me.



New chapter. \(*-*)/ Next chapter, Taehyung will talk with Jungkook and we will know why Kookie doesn't like him. \(*-*)/ Or I think we will. e.e' I still didn't think in anything... As usual... e.e'

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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