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Jimin POV

Today, so much happened... So much that I wish that didn't had happened... So much that never should have happened... But that still happened...

I believed in Suga so naively... Even after everything that Taehyung told me... Even after Taehyung having insisted so much that Suga was a bad person and that I shouldn't get around him... But, with my stubbornness, I didn't hear what he said and I done totally the opposite... And that ended up doing a really big mistake... Now I could only regret everything... And, of course, my foolish decisions...

If it wasn't Taehyung interrupting Suga from doing whatever he wanted with me, who knows what he could have done and how much... I should thank Taehyung... Yeah, I will do that...

But there was still something else troubling me... And it was... Why did Taehyung react so violently that time?! And why punched Suga with so rage?! I felt so scared after seeing him acting like that... I never saw him doing something like that... Does he hates Suga that much or there was also something else that made him get so angry...? I wonder... And, of course, I wanted to ask him... But I guess I still hadn't the courage to do that...

I looked my reflex in a mirror in my bedroom and saw some purple marks and a visible and obvious hickey in my collarbone. Dammit... He actually done it... He managed to leave a hickey in me... I was feeling so dirty... Not even a million showers could take off that sensation of me. I was feeling so bad inside... I wanted to make that disappear from my skin, to make it to got away... Or, that way, I wouldn't forget today too soon...

I decided to just try to hide it with my shirt and to don't show it or talk about it with Taehyung, as he still hadn't saw it. He will hate me forever, if he ends up by noticing it...

But anyway... I was feeling grateful to Taehyung and I really wanted to thank him. So, as I remembered the talk I had with Hoseok last time, when he said that he had lied to me and that he actually didn't love Taehyung, I decided to give all the copies to Taehyung, as I wouldn't need them anymore... Yeah, there wasn't any point in keeping them... I didn't had any motive to have them anymore... They hadn't any utility for me now... So, I should just give them to him...

But when I picked the copies, I noticed...

"Wait... Is missing a copy..." I realized as I started counting them. "Did I lost it somewhere in my bedroom...?" I wondered and decided to search for it. But, after some time, I gave up, as I couldn't find it. I sighed.

"I guess I'll have to search for it again later..." I scratched my head a little upset. But only after I realized how bad this was...

Fuck... I can't just tell to Taehyung that I lost one copy and that I don't know where the hell it is... Who knows where the fuck is the copy now?! It can even be in someone else's hands by now! Yeah... He will definitely going to kill me if I tell him... I think I should just stay quiet for now, give him the other copies and not tell him anything about the other copy or even mention about it...

I grabbed the copies and walked downstairs, as I saw Taehyung sat in the couch watching TV. I walked slowly towards him and gave him a weak and broken smile. He looked surprised to my expression and, even more shocked, to my hands that were stretching the copies in his direction.

"Take them." I told him quietly.

"What?! Why?" He asked still surprised.

"As a way to say thanks for saving me today..." I lowered my head, as I remembered everything.

"Oh really? Thanks...?" He glared at the copies for a while, before taking them from me, still clueless about what was happening. But right away, his surprised face turned to a one with a smirk.

"There aren't all here. Is missing one, Jiminie~" He realized as he started counting them and locked his gaze in me with a little evil grin. "It seems you still didn't gave up on the game~"

"Oh yeah~ I decided to keep only one, as I don't need all of them~ I only need one more copy to make you lose all your reputation and to win this game. I hope you don't mind it~" I lied successfully, still giving him a smirk. I couldn't just tell him that I didn't know where it was and that I had just lost it... I needed to keep with this lie for a little more... "Yeah, I need..." I bit my lip discreetly.

"Ah, I shouldn't worry!" I thought to myself to try to cheer me up. "In the end, I will find it in my backpack or somewhere else. And will see that I worried for nothing and everything will end okay. Yeah, I know that... ...Right...? Well, at least, I hope... Because... Who knows what will happen, if the copy goes to the wrong hands... The only thing that I know is...

...That's the last thing I want to know..."

??? POV

"Thanks, Jimin..." I said to myself, shaking that piece of paper in the air playfully. Only some moments later, I stopped doing that, to lock my gaze in it and grow a really open smirk in my face.

"I can get a good use to this~"


"So, please... Wait for me a little more..."*


New chapter. \(*-*)/ So, I got bored and decided to challenge myself. :P And I got two ideas:

If I take 100℅ in the Math Test (That I take often :P), I have to update two chapter as a present from me to everyone, as I will get in good mood and I will want to update more.

Or, if I take less than 100℅ in the Math Test (That it's easier for me to get :P), I have to update two chapter in one day as a punishment to myself (because it seems that taking less 100℅ isn't enough punishment XD).

So, tell me what you think. ^-^ :P I will do the idea which more people prefer. ^-^

(*N/A: Sorry, I forgot to write this when I updated. XD Is not that much, but I really wanted to write it anyway. XD)

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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