New roommate

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Jimin POV

I got the keys in the keyhole, turned the knob and opened the door.

When I fully opened the door I saw a bright, big and open living room. What first attracted my attention was one white couch without any spots, which the TV and a table was staying in front of it. Then I looked at the decoration that suited perfectly the room. Everything was in his place and I could see that whoever was there was taking care of everything.

"Wow, is so clean and organized." I got surprise as I went inside. "Is so beautiful. It even has two floors."

I noticed that lights were on in "what I assume that was" the bathroom.

"So my roommate is already here." I thought.

I decided to present me when he had already got out of the bathroom and I availed that time to get to know all the rooms.

At the right was the kitchen and I decided take a look. In the center was a wooden circular table. It seemed that everything that I would need for cook or for anything else was there and that made me relieved.

In the other side of the living room was one bedroom. As I enter there, I noticed that were some clothes above the bed and one laptop in the desk.

"I guess this is my roommate's bedroom." I assumed. "Then my bedroom must be in the floor above."

I climbed the steps and upstairs I saw one bedroom similar to the one in the floor below. I put my backpack next to the bed and looked to my new bedroom for a while. I really liked it and I was seeing forward to live in there.

I heard someone opening a door in the floor below and I guessed that was my new roommate. I decided to go downstairs and as I started getting down I saw the face of my new roommate.


Really?! Taehyung?! This coincidence almost made me laugh. Who am I kidding, I started laughing so much.

"Hi~" I said dragging his attention. He widened his eyes in shock.

"What are you doing where?!"

"Try to guess~" I said playing with my voice.

"Please no..." He mumbled covering his face with his right hand.

"I think I'm going to be your roommate from now on, Taehyung~" I said smirking. "I hope we get well~"

Taehyung POV

Ok, is official. I have the worst luck ever seen.

"You must be kidding!" I said as he walked downstairs and sat in the couch.

"Thank god no, it is too much good to be only kidding." He smirked, picking up the control remote and turning on the TV. And didn't took too much time to occupy all the couch because he decided to put his legs above it too.

"This is not a good thing. Neither should be for you." I said pissed.

"Whatever." He stuck out his tongue and started watching some random show.

I sighed and he started talking again.

"Ah, what will you make for dinner?"

"What?! Now I have to do dinner for you too?!"

"Is because I'm still not used with the kitchen and don't know where is placed what I need to use to cook." He pouted falsely in purpose for me to see.

"Aff, I will cook something. Come anytime to the kitchen, if you need something. Or don't come, I don't want you to bore me."

"Ok, I will go." He evilly smiled.

"Just do whatever you want." I said going to the kitchen.

Jimin POV

"Do whatever I want? If you say so~" I thought. "Well, I guess now I can have my revenge."

I stood up and decided make a "visit" to Taehyung in the kitchen.

Taehyung POV

I started making cup noodles, when I almost had a heart attack. Jimin came from nowhere and started hugging me from behind.

"What are you doing?" I tried to stay cool, but I started to feel his warm breath in my neck. I started to blush slightly.

"I came to see you~" He said teasing with me as he poking with his nose in my neck.

Is this guy playing with me?!

"Ok, you already saw me. Now you can go."

But he didn't moved neither said something. And my blush wasn't going anywhere. I only could hope he didn't see it. And for my "great luck", he saw.

"Hey, Taehyung, your ears are so red." He said caressing my ears.

Then he bit softly my right ear. Right away, I pulled him away. My face was so hot, so I guess I was blushing bright red.

"J-just go to the living room that I'll bring the cup noodles." I said stuttering.

"Ok." He said smiling innocently, but I knew we was laughing inside. Then he left the kitchen.

Ah, just wait, Jimin. I will have my revenge still today.

When the cup noodles were ready, I picked up them and went to the living room. Jimin was laying in the couch. He straight up a little and I sat in the small space that he had the "gently" to give me next to him. I lyed down the cup noodles on the table, until Jimin started speaking.

"Ah, Taehyung, here you have one copy."

"Really?" I asked surprised.

"Yeah, you made you look bad in front of everyone in class." He smirked a little, but I noticed he was thinking is something else too. I smirked.

"Even after what happened next?" I said with a big evil smile moving closer to him. "So that's why you did "that" in the kitchen a while ago? For revenge?"


He tried to say something but he didn't found the words. I knew that what I said was true. And he knew that was pointless to lie now. He ended by only giving a frustrated look.

I continued moving closer at him and he started leaning back and moving more to the other side where he was resting his head before. However he was already in the end of that side and couldn't go anywhere. I started to put my hand under his shirt.

"H-hey, what are you doing?" He stuttered. "S-stop."

But I didn't stopped and, when we were very close, I blew softly in his ear, which gave him shivers, and took the copy from him.

"Thanks~" I said standing up with a cocky smile and picking my cup noodle. "And thanks to let me know that you can't do anything when you are in "this kind of situation". It can have use for me in the future."

I went inside my bedroom still finding all that funny, especially his reactions.

I heard him punching the wall and that made me laugh. And he must probably heard it because punched the wall again. I think is better I stop laughing because the next thing is going to punch is not the wall but yes my face. But I laughed anyway. However this time more quietly.

When I stopped laughing, I looked at the copy that I put on the bed.

"There still nine more copies... I think I actually will enjoy this." I thought as I jumped to my bed and stayed there lying for some time before starting to eat.


New chapter \(*-*)/. OK, the roommate ended up by being Taehyung. :P But I still don't know where to put JungKook and Suga. e.e' I really need to think in something. e.e' Soon. e.e'

(Dammit, the chapter was so short and now is so big. e.e' How did that happened? e.e')

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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