Shopping pt.2

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Taehyung POV

As we entered in one shop with some really cute accessories, I realized there were many students from our school.

"So students really come here in their free time..." I thought.

Actually is exactly for that reason I don't usually come to shoppings. Everyone would start to surround me and wouldn't let me be in peace. But I really like these places even if I don't usually go at them and, even if I ended up by going, I wouldn't be able to do whatever I wanted because the people around me and chasing me.

We got looks of shock and of rage particularly towards Jimin . And I also noticed that they were giving cold and piercing stares as Jimin but he seemed to doesn't care. So I decided to just ignore them too.

I saw many cute accessory to phones. One of them were a vanilla ice cream with a cute face. I really wanted that one.

"Did you liked it?" Jimin asked as he leaned closer to see better what I was looking at.

"Ah... No." I turned my head lying. Lying somehow badly, even because he already knew the truth and knew that I really wanted.

"Really? And I was going to buy for you..." He smirked.


"There you go, Sir."

In the end, he bought for me... And Jimin had victorious smile for some reason. I rolled my eyes. But I was really happy because I got the accessory I wanted.

"You look so cute together. Are you dating?" The girl attending us started making conversation.

"No!" We said embarrassed at the same time.

"What a shame. Well, I will give you this anyway. Is a accessory matching with the one you just bought." And she gave us a cute strawberry ice cream similar to the one that I had now. We tried to pay but she refused, saying it was a present from her. We thanked and left the shop.

"Here you go. You can have both." He threw the accessory at me. "If you don't want it, you can give to someone else."

"Then..." I said stretching my hand with the accessory in front of him. "I'll give it to you."

"I don't want it." He turned his head.

"I'll give it anyway. You were the one that payed it for me. So I'll give it to you as a way to say thanks."

"Aff, OK. I think you won't even leave me in peace if I don't accept it." He picked up. I smiled at him.

"Well, let's go to other shops." He started holding my hand and took me to inside of some shops. But after some time later we got hungry and decided to eat something. We went in the restaurants section.

"What do you want to eat?" Jimin asked me.

"Anything is good." I responded.

So we decided to order some pizzas (N/A: I love pizza. *-*) and we sat in one of the tables outside.

Jimin POV

We stayed quiet for most time during the meal, until I noticed something. Or better... Someone. It was Hoseok! And he was with another person that I didn't knew. The problem was they were going is this direction! I wasn't ready to talk with Hoseok yet!

"Damn, everyone really goes to this shopping! Don't they have anything to do?!" I thought a little regretful for coming here and bringing Taehyung.

Taehyung must have noticed me nervous and trying to hide, because he looked back to see what was making react like that. And he noticed Hoseok and the other one. He must knew one of them, because he started biting his lower lip involuntary and started frowning a little.

They started getting closer to us. Now it was only a matter of time to they notice us.

"H-hey, Taehyung let's go to other shops." I stuttered worried. But he ignored still looking at those two. And then Hoseok saw us...

Hoseok POV

"Why is Jimin with Taehyung?!" I got angry when I saw them eating together.

I started walking in Jimin's direction but I was stopped by Taehyung.

"Can I talk with you for a moment?" He said with a serious expression.

I nodded and looked back to Jimin. He wasn't looking even on single time at me. He just stayed with his head lowered looking to the floor.

"Jimin, I'll come back later. Wait here for me." Taehyung said and he nodded in response, still continuing with his head lowered.

"Jungkook, wait here too." I told to Jungkook and he nodded too, but still coldly staring at Taehyung. He's been always doing that. I wonder why.

Then we left the restaurant section and went to somewhere where wasn't that many people. We stayed staring at each other before saying anything.

"Hoseok, you..." He started.


"So you finally remembered me..."


New chapter. \(*-*)/ Finally Hoseok and Taehyung are going to talk and we will know why Hoseok stopped seeing Taehyung without saying anything. \(*-*)/ Or, at least, I hope. e.e' I still didn't think in anything. e.e'

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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