Sick pt.2

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Jimin POV

The lesson started as the teacher arrived. Another boring lesson was about to start... I hope Taehyung is okay in the dorm. And that he isn't in the couch as I told him to not be! That idiot better had listened to me.

Today, I cared even less about the class. And seemed everyone else too, because I could hear other student whispering and giving their theories about why Taehyung was missing school today. I didn't even bored in talking with them or telling them the answer to all those questions, and just stayed looking outside by the window next to Taehyung's place.


~ Ding dong ~

The lesson ended more quickly that I was expecting. I went to the canteen and by the way I received a message. It was Taehyung.

"Do we have something that I can eat for lunch, Jimin? I read his message and right away I received another. " Where the fuck is all the food?! Have you been eaten it without telling me?!"

"A-ah... Sorry, you got the wrong number. My name isn't Jimin." I texted him back.

"I know is you, Jimin. -.-' You better buy me some food and bring it here soon."

"Ok, ok. I will do that. Just wait a little, that I will be there right away."

"Ok. You better get me something good. See ya. :P"

Aff, this way, I won't even have time to have lunch too. I think I will just eat with Taehyung and then I return to school. At least, here isn't that far away from the dorms. I should warn Hoseok and Kookie that I won't be having lunch with them. Ah, and Suga too.

After I told them that I would only come back after lunch, I went to market near by. I bought some meat, vegetables and fruits and made my way to the dorm. As I arrived there, I got the keys and opened the door. Taehyung wasn't in the couch. It seemed that he listened me for once.

I knocked his bedroom's door and entered. He was sleeping with his shirt all way lift up, revealing his white and smooth skin, and with his covers threw to one of the edges of the bed and to the floor. I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"If you were to sleep like this, then it wouldn't make any difference you sleeping here or in the couch." I mumbled slightly pissed with him.

I picked the covers from the floor and placed on his bed. But, when I returned to look at him, I got my attention caught by his chest and abdomen exposed. I started getting my cheeks and my body all heated up. I wasn't being able to take my eyes away from him. But I couldn't stay looking at Taehyung more time, because he couldn't get exposed to cold. And that right moment when I picked his shirt, he woke up... Dammit!

"Jimin, you already arrived?" He asked rubbing his eyes, still half asleep. And before I could take my hand away, he noticed and grabbed it.

"Jiminie~" He smirked. "What were you doing~?"

"A-ah, y-your shirt was lifted up and, as you can't get cold, I-I was putting it in the place." I stuttered, even when I actually was saying the truth.

"Really~?" He pulled me closer. "You are so nice to me~." We wrapped his arms around my neck. "Or did you have something else in your mind~?" He asked when he were only few inches apart. "Maybe something... Naughty~?" He whispered seductively in my ear. I got shivers and jumped away. He smirked as he noticed my face blushing really badly.

"Anyway, what did you get to eat?" He asked standing up and faked an innocent smile as he kept staring at my blush that still didn't go away.

"I'll make something for us to eat." I looked away, to ignore his gaze towards me.

"Us?" He asked surprised. I nodded in response.

"Do you think I will have time to eat in school after this? Just stay in your bed that I will call you when the lunch is ready." I started leaving his bedroom. "And this time, cover yourself with the covers, or you won't get better soon, ok?"

"Don't worry. I promise that tomorrow I won't be sick anymore."

"You better keep your promise. Now cover yourself as I told you."

He nodded smiling - this time truly smiling - and covered himself all up as a kid doing everything what people told him to do. I laughed when I saw him acting like that and went in the kitchen with an open smile. Just only moments after, I realized that I was smiling and why...

"Oh no..." I mumbled in shock. "Without even noticing... Taehyung already took over my mind..."

Taehyung POV

Dammit, it's so hot under the covers... But why am I even covering me with them? Is just because Jimin told me to do that? Is just because of that...?

But before I could even give an answer to those thoughts, Jimin called me.

"Hey, Taehyung. The food is ready." I heard him shouting from the kitchen. I got up and went there. He made a soup and some beef with rice. We ate the soup first and after the beef with rice, not even saying a word. It was so awkward. We could even feel the awkwardness in the air around us.

I didn't had the courage to take my eyes from the plate. I was afraid to make eye contact with him for some reason. And even without looking, I knew he was too.

We finished eating and he started washing the plates. As all plates were clean, he started walking to the dorm's door.

"I'm going now. Go to your bed and stay there."

"No. I don't want to. I've been there all day and it's starting to get really boring."

"You need to stay in your bed or you will stay sick. Do what I just told you."

"No." I insisted. Both of us were getting pissed and impatient as we couldn't reach an agreement. We took some time giving death glares at each other, both trying to win that stare fight. But we weren't going anywhere like that...

Jimin POV

That stubborn idiot! I didn't want to deal with him now! I needed to go to school now or I would arrive late. And, as I wasn't going to give him another copy, it seemed that I had to make Taehyung go to his bed by force...

I picked him up and brought him in my arms to his bedroom, ignoring everything and all the swears that he started shouting. I threw him in his bed and commanded to stay there. But before I could say something more, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me closer, making me fall on top of him.

"If you are going to force me to be here, you will stay with me..." He said hugging me tight to not let me go. I started to blush, but tried to hide it.

"Taehyung, I need to go. And if we stay like this, I can even end up by getting sick too." But he didn't let me go or said something. I only could hear his warm breath and feel it in my neck. I sighed.

I guess I won't go to school this afternoon...


And the next day I woke up with horrible headache and feeling really tired and dizzy. I realized that I just had gotten sick...




New chapter. \(*-*)/ So... I think I don't have anything new to say today. :P Or at least I don't remember. e.e' But anyway... e.e'

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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