Stop thinking

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Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. x.x XD

(You already know that when I have a attack in the beginning, it's because something good - Cof cof e.e - is going to happen in the chapter. e.e XD)


Jimin POV

"So, get ready, Jiminie~ I will take over your mind tonight~" He whispered those last words slowly and the most seductively possible in my ear.

"W-w-what?" I stuttered a lot, as I got really nervous suddenly, because I didn't know what he was doing and what he would do next.

"Jiminie, how much did he done to you? I need you to tell me~" He kept whispering, only leaning back after, to have a better look from my face and from the expression that I was making.

"But first~" He played with his voice and licked his lips perversely, making me blush really badly, and leaned closer to me, to start leaving butterfly kisses my neck. I left soft moans involuntary and, when I notice what I was doing, I covered my mouth right away. Taehyung stopped the kisses to look at me and gave me a smirk after seeing my blushing and really embarrassed expression.

"Idiot..." I mumbled under my breath and still with my hands covering my mouth.

"I heard that, you know? And I am only doing this to help you to stop thinking in what happened early today with Suga~ You should thank me~"

"Thank you? Help? How are you helping?! You are repeating everything that he done to me! It will be all the same thing! You are only giving me more things to trouble me later!"

"Actually, I won't only repeat what he done but even do more than that, but okay..." He said playfully and stuck his tongue out. "So, anyway... This will be different from what he done to you and it will help in forgetting everything that it's troubling you. And do you know how I'm going to make all those things possible~?" He asked and I shook my head in answer. And he leaned next to me one more time, to whisper in my ear the answer...

"Unlike Suga... I'll make you like it~"

"A-a-ah...? W-what are you saying?! A-and how are y-you going to manage to do that anyway?! I-I-I won't like it!" I tried to not lose my cool, but I failed miserably, as I ended up by gagging a lot. Dammit...

"Oh, you will see~"

He smirked at my expression and pressed again his lips in my neck. I covered my mouth to not let those shameless sounds come out from me. And as he saw me doing all my efforts to not moan, he decided to play with me...

He moved his lips in direction to mine and started kissing me passionately. He bit my lower lip softly, making me let out a quiet moan and, at the same time, making me give him entrance as he wanted. He explored my wet cavern, until our tongues started fighting for dominance. And when I was about to win, he moved his hand to my lower part and massaged it, on purpose, to make me lose.

After the kiss and the unfair win, he bit next to my collarbone, giving a shameless mixture of pain and pleasure, and started sucking in the same place after. The moans were starting to being able to been heard, even with my mouth covered my hand, but it seemed still not audible enough for Taehyung, because he started sliding his hand to my lower zone again, massaging it to hear me moan more.

"Did he done this to you~" He asked and I didn't knew if I should tell him the truth or not... And if he ended up by getting angry and hate after? I didn't want that... What should I do...?

"Jimin, you can tell me the truth... I won't get mad..." He gave me weak smile, as he had heard my thoughts. I covered my eyes with my arm and hummed in response.

"Oh, is that so..." He got sad in the beginning, but he gained his smirk back. "It seems that I still have a lot to do~"

He returned to my neck and started biting and sucking it harder, leaving several and really visible hickeys in it and making me return to let out the same moans from before... But, of course, a more loud ones...

Why was his touch feeling so good to me, unlike I felt with Suga...? Why do I want him to keep touching me...? Why do I want more from him...? Even more...? Why did I want to have everything from him...? So many feelings and questions unanswered that I had troubling me... And the only thing that I really knew was... That Taehyung was already driving me crazy...

After, he leaned back after and pressed his fingers softly in the hickeys that he had just left in me.

"Now, when you look at yourself in the mirror, you will remember me." He smiled more innocently that I was expecting, for my surprise, and I blushed madly with what he had just said. But right away, his smirk came back...

"Jiminie~ Did Suga make you moan his name~?"

"W-w-what...? W-w-why you ask that...?" I stuttered a lot with the sudden question.

"Just answer..."

"He told me to do it, but I didn't do it..." I ended up by responding, almost in a whisper. And, of course, I hid the fact that I had moaned his name instead of Suga's... I just couldn't tell him... I couldn't just let him know...

"So, let's start with that~" He smirked. "Moan my name~" He told me and I blushed bright red, as tried to hide it my hands. He took my hands to reveal my face and started kissing my forehead, my cheeks, my nose, and finally my lips. He gave me again a passionate kiss, that made my heart beat even faster, moving his lips in harmony with mine. He only separate our lips after a while.

"Please... Jimin..." He gave me a weak smile. Fuck... How could he look so dominant and strong, and still look so fragile at the same time? I'm afraid to break him...

I gulped and nodded shyly. He gave me a cute smile, but then he ended up by giving me a cocky smile... Fuck... Why did I had to say that...? I will regret this, won't I...?

"Well, that was easy~ So... Do your job now, okay~? Or, if you don't..." He moved his face closer. "Daddy will have to punish you~"

My face heated up and I tried to run away from him, after he said that. But he grabbed me right away and didn't let me go... I gulped nervously. I guess I couldn't do anything against him now...

He put his hand under my shirt, lifting it all up and stopping for a while, to keep looking at my exposed chest and abdomen, with his eyes full of lust. He started tracing butterfly kisses in my chest, until he stopped in my nipples to start licking and sucking them. I let out soft moans and he slowed the process, to torture me and to command me to moan his name. And I guess I started to take my shame and pride away, because I ended up actually doing it...

"Ah... Tae...~" I moaned and blushed bright red, when I heard that coming from my mouth and sounding so erotic. And he stopped right away to look at me with a shocked and blushing expression too.

"Jimin...?" He muttered after. "What...?" I asked, looking away really embarrassed, and he chuckled. "I told you I would make you like it~" He smirked.

"Shut up..." I said still embarrassed.

"Well, now, as you were a good boy~..." He said as he started unzipping my pants.

"Ah! You said you wouldn't punish me!"

"I'm not punishing you. I'll just give you a reward for being so obedient~" He whispered seductively in my ear and started massaging my bulge that was starting to grow, still with his hand above my boxers.

"Jiminie...~ You are getting hard~ Did you got it too with Suga?"

"No..." I muttered weakly, whining in need. I didn't care about how shameless I looked now and how much I would regret this after. I didn't care about anything now. The lust had take over me and my mind and I couldn't think straight anymore. I wanted his touch. I wanted more of him...

""No" what~?" He asked provoking me, as he got his hand under my boxers and grabbed my member, that was already leaking precum, and played with the tip.

"Ah... Ahhhh... No, I only got... Ah... Hard with you, Tae... Ah..." I said as I was starting to turn a moaning mess, without caring about anything anymore.

"That's my good boy~" He smirked. He started moving his hand up and down in it, still kissing me in my neck, making me let out loud moans and bowing my head back in pleasure. And after some time (and a lot of moans...), I came in his hand.

"Oh, oops." I said, after glancing to his hand full of my cum.

"Really? Is that everything you have to say?" He laughed and I mumbled a quiet "Shut up...". But, right away, and for my surprise, he started licking all my fluid from his fingers and from the rest that was still in me.

"Hey! What the hell are you doing?!" I asked embarrassed with his action. But as I waited for an answer, he didn't say anything and started shaking, for my surprise... "Taehyung....?" I muttered, getting closer to him, and he hugged me tightly right away.

"Jimin, I can't take this anymore... It's already too much for me..." He muttered as he stroke slowly his head in my shoulder.

"What's wrong, Tae...?" I asked worried.

"Jimin..." He lifted his head up to look at me with a really pitiful and sad eyes, that made me feel so bad inside. And then he started shaking even more, as he tried to prepare himself psychologically to say those next words...

"...I love you... "


New chapter. \(*-*)/ Why the hell do my smuts get bigger than the normal chapters? XD You're welcome, I guess...? e.e' XD

And I just love to see the comments with people asking for smut and everything. XD I love every single one of you, you damn lovely perverts. e.e XD "I love you all my sexy beautiful people." e.e (I'll give a cookie to who gets this reference. e.e)

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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