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Third person POV

"Alright, class. Today we're going to receive a new student." The teacher announced at the start of the lesson.

Everyone started murmuring and gossiping with each other. "Ah, I hope it's a guy!" The girls were the ones with the "loudest opinions" in the classroom, as they kept chatting like they were having a normal conversation outdoors.  

"And I wish he's beautiful and smart and handsome and... and..." (N/A: They already got it, can't you girls just shut up for a second? XD)The adjectives didn't stop coming as they kept creating the image of the perfect guy inside their mind and daydreaming in class. 

Meanwhile, Taehyung wasn't anything near to interested in relation to the new student. He wasn't expecting anything at all, neither good nor bad. He hadn't even bothered to imagine how the "new" person could possibly look like. He just wasn't interested. "At least it's a slight change for me from all these repetitious school days...", he thought. 

"Quiet, everyone. Please welcome and be nice to the new student. He will be your classmate for the rest of the year."

And, once the class was finally in total silence, a guy with bright brown hair stepped inside the room and caught everyone's attention. His dark brown eyes could pierce anything, but also warm up the heart of anyone who had the chance to look at those perfectly shaped circles. He actually wasn't that tall, but everyone could see that his body was really fit, even with his clothes covering most part of it.

No one spoke. They weren't expecting someone that... Beautiful and good looking. Not even the girls, who had already created so many fantasies with his ideal and flawless guy and pictured the new student like that, were expecting someone so gorgeous.

"Please, present yourself to your future classmates." The teacher asked him, as he friendly patted the shorter's back ans sat at the desk to give him permission to speak.

"I'm Park Jimin. I'm still new here, so I hope we can get to know each other well and have a good year together." And gave a sweet smile which made the heart of all the girls melt in the same instant. Ok, not only of the girls...

"Ok, Jimin. You can now sit next to Taehyung." The teacher instructed and the other nodded, as he walked towards the seat next to Taehyung and sat where was told to.

"Hi, Taehyung. I hope we can be friends." He gave the same smile as before, but the taller didn't show any interest, as he kept with an emotionless expression.

"Yeah." Taehyung responded indifferent and didn't even bother to say anything more, as he was no longer worried about giving a good image of himself.

Not too much time after, Jimin and Taehyung started hearing murmurs from other students gossiping around them two.

"The new student is so lucky! He managed to sit next to Taehyung on his first day!"

"Yeah, I know right?! He just arrived and he's already talking with Taehyung and all! I wish could be in his place right now!"

Taehyung quickly smirked at those words and didn't even try to hide his smug grin. He found those comments quite amusing, after all. "So, even with the new kid around, I'm still the one who gets all the attention~" He thought. "Well, it's not like I was expecting this to turn out any different anyway~"

"So... You are that popular, uh..." Jimin mumbled under his breath.

"What?" Taehyung, who did not manage to understand his words as the other spoke them too low, asked.

"Ah, nothing, nothing!" He said shaking his head and giving an innocent smile. On the other side, Taehyung wasn't anything near to be convinced by that answer, but, before he could even open his mouth again, the teacher started talking again.

"Ok, class. I already gave you too much time to talk. Let's continue with the lesson now." Everyone got silent and started paying attention to the teacher. Meanwhile, the same opened his book and leafed through the pages, before getting back to the lesson.

"Now... Where did we stop last lesson? Ah, yes, page 205. Open your books on that page and read the text in silence, please."

Everyone did as they were told to, until shortly after the teacher started speaking again.

"Does anyone know the answer to the first question?" And once again, as usual, everything was overwhelmed by an awkward quietness, as every student at their table and avoided making eye contact with the teacher. 

"Aff, if only you were this quiet at the right moments, when you are actually suppose to..." Teacher sighed. "Well, Tae... Can you please tell the answer-"

Suddenly the teacher was interrupted by Jimin as he raised his hand in the air and said "Me". He immediately stood up and told the answer, right after seeing that no one was against his intervention, and sat back on his seat when finished.

Everyone's jaws were on the floor. Taehyung didn't answer this time, for everyone's surprise. Even the own teacher was shocked, to say the least.

"Well... That's the correct answer..."

"I know." Jimin smirked and leaned back on his chair.

Taehyung didn't know what to say. He had no words. That was the first time something like that had happened.

He looked to Jimin and they made eye contact. Jimin gave a little laugh when saw the face that Taehyung was making.

"Surprised? Well, is better if you just get used to it. This will start happen a lot with me around." And gave a smirk that upset Taehyung.

"This is not right. This shouldn't be happening. I should be the one, the number one. Only me. And I will make stay like that forever." Taehyung thought. And as if Jimin could heard his thoughts, he laughed again and stuck out his tongue.

Taehyung was really pissed now.

"Is better if you realized soon with who you're playing, new kid."


New chapter \(*-*)/. I need to start writing something different here, even if we are only in the second chapter yet. e.e' So... How was your day? XD

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Daniela

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