To be only yours

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Taehyung POV

I feel so strange and tired today... My head hurts a lot... Why...? I usually only get like this when I'm sick or when I drink anything with alcohol in the previous day... But I don't remember being sick or drinking... Did I got drunk without knowing or remembering...? Maybe... I still don't know... And, also... Why does Jimin seem to be hiding something from me...? I even asked him about that, but he keeps denying... Does that have anything to do with the fact that I don't remember well yesterday and that I'm in these conditions now...? I don't know... And he seems to not going to tell me anything anyway... So, I guess I will just have to get the answers by myself later...

And now there was something else catching my attention now...

"Jimin, why are you wearing that scarf? It's so hot today for that. Is there any specific or special reason for that...?"

"A-ah... It's just because my throat started hurting badly yesterday and I decided to cover it to not get worse." I saw him panicking in what to say and gagging in the beginning, but he managed to discase it well, as he gave me an answer/excuse to my questions.

"That sound suspicious, but I won't question about it." I said to him, smirking playfully.

"Good. Because even if I was hiding something, I wouldn't tell you anyway." He smirked back.

"Really~? You said that now, but, when comes the time, I always manage to take the truth and everything out from you~" I smirked even more and he rolled his eyes in response, while he sat in front of me. We started eating breakfast together and I noticed that Jimin wasn't looking at me not even once, locking his gaze only in his food all the time... Yeah, something was obviously wrong... But as he seemed to not going to give me answers for now, I didn't ask him about that and the weird silence kept growing around us...

We finished eating and left the dorm. And, as I was expecting, we had a awkward atmosphere around us... But this wasn't the same as after the incident with Suga or as those times when it would get strange walking or staying together, only just the two of us... This was different... Yeah... Something that I didn't know (or remember) must had happened... And I need to know what...


Hoseok POV

Yesterday, I didn't even talked with Jimin... And it was all because of Suga... Dammit... I can't just keep running away from Suga and avoid Jimin... I don't want that... I won't do that! I won't get away from Jimin because of someone else anymore! I will stay by his side forever! I won't let anyone take him from me! And I will make him only mine...

And, thinking of the devil, there it was Jimin, walking by the front gate and starting to enter in the hallway where I currently was. And it didn't took too much time for him to notice me...

"Hoseok!" He shouted excited, running towards me and getting me in a hug. "Why didn't you talk with me yesterday? Idiot!" He released from the hug, hitting after my arm playfully and pouting.

"Sorry, sorry. I won't do that again." I chuckled after seeing how cute he looked doing that expression.

"You better don't." He stuck out his tongue and I laughed one more time. But my laugh and smile faded, as I saw Taehyung in background looking at us almost expressionless, but still frowning a little. Right away, Jimin noticed that I looking behind him and turned around his head to see what was calling my attention. And he gave a weak smile after noticing that Taehyung was still standing there.

"Ah... Tae... I'm going now with Hoseok... I hope you don't mind it..." He said quietly and Taehyung nodded in response. "So, see you later in class then..." Jimin said goodbye to him and he responded back, still expressionless. He started walking away, passing by me and getting in a quick and cold stare fight with me, before finally leaving.

"Something happened between you two, didn't it...?" I guessed right away when I got sure that Taehyung had totally left and that other students weren't nowhere to be seen around us now, after seeing the early awkward atmosphere between them two.

"N-no!" He tried to lie to me, but he ended stuttering a lot, denouncing himself and the fact that he was hiding something. I sighed and he sighed too, after realizing how bad he had just lied.

"Just forget it, okay...? It's just I don't feel like talking with him..." He tried to diverge the subject and to try to walk away, to avoid my questions. But I wouldn't let him do that. I need answers. I need to know... And this time I would know!

I grabbed his wrist, to not let him run away from me "Jimin, please, just tell me..."

"I don't want to..." He said with a really sad and pitiful eyes. "There's nothing to tell anyway!" He yelled after, struggling and trying to get free from my grip. But then, with his struggle, his scarf escaped from his neck and felt in the floor, revealing his white and smooth skin full of purple marks and hickeys. He looked shocked to the scarf in the floor and then to my face that was even more shocked than his. I got horrified after seeing his beautiful skin marked by someone's lips and touch. By lips and touch that weren't mine! When did this happened?! ... Why does this always happens when I'm not looking and when I'm not around Jimin...?

"It was Taehyung who done this to you, wasn't...?" I asked almost in a whisper and he started shaking, but, at the same time, blushing... That, sadly, was a yes...

"W-what are you talking about?! I-it wasn't him! This is a-all because my skin reacted to a new cream that I tried recently!" He tried to lie, even if the truth was just too obvious...

"Jimin, that's obviously hickeys... Stop lying to me... " I told him with a really pitiful expression, and he tried avoid eye contact with me and to look to somewhere else, as he was feeling really bad in seeing me like that. "I just need to know... Did more happened...? How much... And did..." I took some moments and bit my lower lip, before saying that last part of the sentence, as the idea was already terrifying me... "...It meant something to you...?"

Jimin got shocked with the questions, specially with the last one, and just pick up the scarf, placing it quickly around his neck and running away from me right away. I didn't run after him... There was no point in doing that... Yeah, I knew that I would reach him quickly if I started chasing him... But I knew that I couldn't "reach" him anymore... So, I just stayed there, looking at him disappearing in the distance.

I sighed and leaned in the wall. I left myself slid down in it and I sat in the cold floor from the hallway, covering my head and shaking in fear, anger, sadness and regret.

"No... Please, no... I already lost Jimin, didn't I...? How did that happened?! I'm such a idiot! Why did I had to make him get around Taehyung?! Just because I couldn't tell him the truth and I had to get an excuse to cover all my true feelings?! And now it's over, isn't...? There's anything more that I can do... It's the end..." I muttered weakly to myself... But then was, for my surprise, when I heard a familiar voice...

"No, Hoseok, this isn't the end. It's still not over. You can still win him. There's one last thing that you can do..." I looked up to see who was that person that was standing in front to me and he continued. "And then you will see that Jimin, in the end..."

"...Will be only yours."


New chapter. \(*-*)/ Sorry for not having answer your comments. TT-TT I've been kinda busy, so I decided to mainly focus in write and update the chapters for now. TT-TT But don't worry, I still read them. ^-^ And they make me really happy. *-* So, I decided to quickly respond to the comments in general:

First, thanks to everyone who wished good luck for my test. ^-^ It went really well. \(*-*)/

Second... e.e' I only noticed after reading your comments, that the last chapter was kinda sad... e.e' I didn't even remember anymore when I updated... e.e' So, yeah... e.e' Sorry... XD e.e'

And finally... I can't believe that people actually liked my smuts. *-* I don't have any experience in writing them, but you seem to really enjoy them anyway and that makes me really happy. *-* Everyone is so nice (the total opposite of me XD). *-* I love you. >-< I promise to write at least one more smut before this fanfic ends. >-< And, this time, I won't interrupt it or stop it by the way and I will write it until the end. e.e Just because you are really nice (and pervert XD e.e) people. ^-^

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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