Unexpected pt.2

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Jimin POV




“Tae…?” I muttered surprised and he widened his eyes in shock, as he had realized what he had just said. “Suga…?” I stared straight at his eyes, while he kept with his mouth half open, as he didn’t know what to say, and even started to shake. Only after a while, he finally tried to say something, but, as any word came out of his mouth in the end, he stood up sharply, picked up his shirt and left the bedroom right away, slamming the door behind him and leaving me all alone in that bedroom.

“Why did he said that…? Why did he said Tae’s name…? Did he thought that I was Tae…?” I wondered and a awkward silence started surrounding me… “I think I should go after him… It’s already too late for him to be wandering around in the streets, with no destiny, and even more dangerous now that he’s drunk… And I will after him too  because… I need answers… And now...” I stood up from the bed and dressed my clothes quickly, to start looking for Suga. But then I noticed that he had already left the dorm...

“Dammit… Where did he go?” I mumbled and opened the entrance’s door, to start leaving in search for him.


Taehyung POV

And everything went black…







...As the car turned to another road and all the lights here outside suddenly went off temporarily, only turning on after a while… (N/A: Did you really think that I would make Tae be hit by a car? e.e XD Are you kidding me?! XD I hate that cliche so much! XD If I really had decided to to it, then, after being hit by the car, or he dies making someone regret his actions and everything that he done to that person before his death (in this case, Jimin :P) - Bad ending -, or then the Jimin’s missing jams come to save the world and everything ends happy ever after - Happy ending. XD Ok, not like that, but you got it. XD With this cliche, the ending is always the same and I don't like predictables things. :P So, here you go… :P Tae is still alive… :P Now you don’t have to kill me. XD Right…? e.e’ XD)

(N/A: Damn, I talk a lot e.e' XD)

These black outs don’t usually happen... (N/A: That’s all you have to say, Tae? -.- Really? -.- Are you kidding me?! -.- For moments you had given up on your life and almost got hit by a car! X( Oh, who cares…? -.-’ XD)

I got to the other side of the road safely and finally sat in the bench. I felt so heavy psychologically and physically… I was so tired… But at the same I didn’t had gone anywhere far away… I felt this lack of air in my lungs, but I was still in same place as before from when I took my first steps… It felt like I was stuck in that same spot and couldn’t move… I don’t want to keep feeling like this… I want to move…


...I want him…

…I need him...


...And as someone had heard my wishes…

…The person that I most wanted and needed appeared in front of me...


New chapter. \(*-*)/ And sorry, for the short chapter. TT-TT It’s just that… I don't know what to do next! TT-TT

I can make them together in the next chapters or still not yet, with the possibility of them never get to date or whatsoever after. :P XD So, which should I chose? :P I think that the second one could be interesting, if done right, and it could even be used to create a second book as the sequel. But… I don't have enough ideas for that! e.e’ XD Even because I was planing to make them together next chapter. e.e’ XD But that would be too easy, right? e.e XD (It feels like I don't want them to be together… e.e’ XD)

So... Should I chose to make them together already or just not yet? ^-^ And please forget the second book idea... e.e' We are just too close to this fanfic's ending to do that... e.e' XD

Please, tell me what you think and your opinion in the comments. ^-^

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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