Bluish Light

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So this next graphic is pretty random, but one I have been thinking of doing for weeks now. In the CN servers of Arknights they had their third anniversary where there's a free six star called Lumen, and the moment I saw him I developed an interest. After listening to his character song though, I immediately knew I wanted him. It's pretty simple but it really draws me in, and I now cannot wait to get him in global! :D

Thus this graphic features Lumen and has the same name as his song!

I really wish I can do typography as great as the ones on Arknights banners and their ost image covers, all of them look so good I just wish to get in that level as fast as possible. For now I'll have to practise more and more to even get close to that :'D I don't really know how to replicate the ripples they added to the typography for 'Bluish Light' so I just added in some lines in the shape of a circle and hoped for the best lolol

Anyways, on a completely different note, I'm opening requests right now for a while! If anyone is interested do feel free to request anything from me.

Now, what do you think about this cover?

Thanks for reading this and have a great day/night!

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