Emotional Cat

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Tac's POV

I sigh. "My name is Tac." I say. I look around. My shirt is orange. I have grey shorts and grey knee socks. My black hair has gotten a lot longer and I have black ears and a tail. I take out my powder compact. My eyes are now red. I have fangs. I look like a cat all around. Going back to the girl. "That's a pretty name!" She says. "What's yours?" I ask. "My name is Nya!" "That's weird... My middle name is Nayn." I say. "Well, nice meeting you. I'll be on my way." I say, turning around. "Wait, what? You're leaving?" She asks, with an alarmed look in her eyes. "Yeah. You heard what the jumbo cats said. We have to "settle their differences". We can't become attached to each other. We can't become friends." I say. I hear a sniffle behind me. "WAAAAAAAAAAH!" Nya cries. "I can't believe you'd leave me! I'm scared!" She yells. I growl. "Errrr... Fine. We'll stay together a bit longer." I say, a little hesitant about the choice I had just made. "Yay!" She Nya screams. "It looks like there's a city over there." I say, pointing to it. "Let's go!" Shouts Nya.

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