0|6|Kidnapping Happens When Kids Nap

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0|6|Kidnapping Happens When Kids Nap


"Hey, you okay?" I heard Jungkook's voice from my left but I couldn't speak anything. I was so tired, and I just wanted to sleep. "Hey!"

I hate being a lightweight.


(Green: Doors
Blue: Window
Purple: Stage/Elevated part of the floor)

I felt myself upon something soft. I slowly woke up and opened my eyes, to find a white ceiling. I was on a four-poster bed. Wait, a four-poster...?

I sat up immediately in alarm and looked around, trying to figure out where I was. The room was huge and looked like it belonged to a prince or a princess, with a fancy carpet, a TV and various lights and furniture spread everywhere.

"Where am I..?" I looked around, trying to figure it out. To my left, there was a window so I looked out but I could only see the blue sky.

"Oh, you're awake!" A familiar voice drawled from my front. My head whipped to the door to see Jungkook stepping in, wearing a tight, black shirt and black jeans.

"Jungkook?" I said, remembering last night's events. "Oh yeah, I fell unconscious! Is this- Is this your house?"

"Well, not exactly mine," he said with a smile that made me feel uneasy. He came up on the 'stage' that my bed, the closet and the table were on and reached the backrest. He leaned against it, looking me straight in the eye. "But then again, it is mine."

"Wait," I suddenly remembered where he worked. "This isn't.... a place related to- to Bangtan, is it?"

"Bingo," he said with a smile again, my stomach twisting into knots this time. "You are at the house of the seven Bangtan members."

I gawked at him, thinking of all the things that could go wrong. "What?! You- Why did you bring me here?!"

"Well, I brought you here because you fainted and I wanted you," he said casually, almost as if he does this every other day with a new girl. "And you can't go home, so please don't ask me to let you go."

"Uhh...," I was confused. "Is this- Have you kidnapped me?"

"If you don't want to stay here, it's called kidnap," Jungkook explained mockingly. "And if you do, then it's not. Anyway, I brought you here for, how should I say this, a deal."

"A deal?" I repeated, now thoroughly confused. "What?"

"You see, I put a drug in your drink so that you would fall unconscious," he said, removing himself from the backrest and coming to my right slowly.

"But how?" I asked. "Soobin-ah made the drink for me, not you..."

"Ah, but Magic Shop belongs to Bangtan," Jungkook grinned. "Didn't you know? Soobin-ah works under me. We have hand gestures for all possible things. Now, do you know why I was there last night?"

"No? You didn't tell me?" I said, trying to put everything together silently in my mind.

"You see, here, we are the kings," Jungkook said as he sat down on the bed to my right. I stopped myself from shifting a bit to the left. "What we want, we get. And Hoseok-hyung, he really wanted Ji-soo. But we needed to do a check on her background, so I was going to meet her. But you popped up and I had to take you because either you are both enemies or atleast you are the one who knows the most about Ji-soo."

"Look, I don't want to be a part of this twisted world," I said to him sharply. "So, just let me go home and I won't say a word-"

"Did you think you have a choice?" He asked with a smirk. My heart sank at those words. "Don't worry, we won't torture you; unless you deny to give information. I don't want to hurt you, but if you don't co-operate, then...."

The way he trailed off made me shudder inside but I kept a blank face on the outside.

"So, what do you know about Ji-soo?" He asked me, a sick smile adorning his handsome face again. I sighed.

"Everything," I mumbled. He raised an eyebrow.

"How long have you know each other?" He pressed further. I bit my lower lip.

"Since childhood," I said slowly. "Almost before we could even walk."

"Damn, okay," he looked impressed by that but didn't say anything for a few minutes. I silently gazed at him, trying to assess my situation. He wasn't looking at me, thinking deeply about something. Then he suddenly stood up, shocking me. "Alright, we will put you under official interrogation this night. This is your room, till you die now."

"Huh?" I blinked. "Wh-? But, I can't go home? At all? Never? Even after I tell you what you need to know about Ji-soo?"

"Uh," Jungkook-ah raised an eyebrow, as if judging me silently. "Listen, baby, we aren't on a picnic. And deal is just a softer word for this. We have all information on you that is possible to get, right from where you live to the last word on your social media status. You have nobody other than Ji-soo as far as we know. And Ji-soo is going to be part of this 'twisted world' for the rest of her life now. You think you can handle being alone? Trust me, by keeping you here, we are doing you a big favour."

I blushed at the nickname but my embarassment died when I heard his next words. In fact, even the colour in my face died.

"So, now I'm... stuck here forever?" I whispered, staring at my own hands. I caught him rolling his eyes from the corner of my eye.

"Don't be a drama queen," he said, pushing back the dark hair that has flopped on his fair forehead. "C'mon, you must be hungry. Jin-hyung called you down for dinner."

I blinked hard this time. Jin-hyung?


Updated/Published On:
25th May 2020

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