1|5|The Hero Of The Night

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1|5|The Hero Of The Night


My breath stopped as the doors opened and I stepped inside the dark room that flashed with blue, green, pink and purple lights.

Here goes nothing.


I slowly opened my purse as my eyes quickly ran over the people that were dancing, drinking and enjoying in the bar.

My hand slipped inside as I checked that no one is looking; it touched the cool cylindrical figure of the tranquilizer. I clasped it tightly for a second before letting it go and shutting my purse. 

My eyes roamed once more but this time they stopped for a second on Jimin, who gave me a nod so unnoticeable, I thought I imagined it. My next stop was the man I was supposed to tranquilize; he was standing at the bar, talking to his friend.

Immediately, I remembered the profile I was shown; Park Youngjae, 27 years old. Straight, unlike his friend, Wang Jackson, who was bisexual; hence he was Jimin's target. 

The bluetooth in my ear crackled with noise, making me nearly jump in my position.

"What are you doing?" Jungkook hissed through it. "Move your butt, woman! Don't just stand in the middle, it's suspicious!"

I kept inside my urge to retort back and simple let a casual smile take over my face as I walked straight to where they were.

"What are you doing?" Jungkook's alarmed tone did not stop me; I knew what I was doing. "Not in public, you idiot– you have to take him to a bedroo- oh."

I stood next to him, looking at the bartender in front of him. I smiled as I opened my bag. The bartender returned my smile politely.

"Give me the weakest drink," I said in a soft voice. He looked a bit surprised; people usually asked for the strongest one. "Oh, I have to drive back, please don't think much. I don't wanna be fined."

My joking tone eased him and he started preparing my drink. Out of the corner of my left eye, I saw the two targets look at me curiously. I turned to face them with a blush and a soft smile.

"Hello," I said politely. My eyes ran to the tattoo on my target's right wrist; it was beautiful, three flowers tied together by what looked like a snake instead of the branches. Youngjae smiled at me but Jackson just smirked.

"Hello," Youngjae's polite reply made me nearly giggle out loud but I held it in; it didn't go unnoticed. Jackson patted Youngjae's shoulder and picked up his drink and left. "Please don't mind my friend, he's–"

As Youngjae struggled to tell me what exactly his friend is, I simply held my hand out and giggled freely this time. 

"Suh Jae-hee," I fake introduced myself. "And you are?"

"Park Youngjae," he grabbed my hand and shook it; his hand was warm and soft with rough edges. He looked me in the eye and I searched them for something, as he searched mine. "You've never heard of me?"

"No, actually," I admitted what would have been the truth if I never knew Bangtan.  "Why? Should I know who you are?"

"No, no, it's better that way," he assured me just as the bartender put my glass on the counter. I was about to pay for it when he put his money on the table. "Consider it a treat from me."

"That's very sweet of you, Youngjae-ssi," I said as sweetly as I could, "but I can pay for myself–"

"Please," his eyes held such sincerity that I gave in and took the glass, looking down as I blushed again. "So, you come here often?"

"No, I don't like bars much," I said as I lightly tapped the drink on my left hand. I looked at him through my eyelashes and I was about to tuck my hair behind my ear before I remembered the Bluetooth hidden by the hair. As I tucked it behind, I grabbed the Bluetooth and carefully removed it without Youngjae noticing and swiftly put it inside my purse; I couldn't risk him finding it out. 

"Really? That's such a shame," his voice seemed dark and as I looked up, I didn't miss the disappointment in his face. "You seem to be a very amazing woman."

My ability to take compliments very roughly just happened to kick in and in shock, the glass slipped from my hand and my drink fell down on my dress, drenching it. I stood there looking at it in shock.

"Oh my goodness!" Youngjae grabbed my shoulders as he looked at my right thigh where my drink had spilled. "Are you okay? Did the glass hurt you?"

"No, I'm fine," I said as I pretended to be dazed. The glass shards around our feet looked dangerous. "But the drink has seeped through my dress and it's uncomfortable."

"Let's get you cleaned up then," he said worriedly before turning to the bartender. "Where's the bathroom? And please clean this up."

"Of course, sir, we have bathrooms in all our bedrooms, just take that staircase and find one that is empty," the bartender said with a concerned look.

We nodded and as he helped me to the staircase while I insisted that I was fine, my eyes ran to Jimin who had Jackson completely entranced and was openly flirting with him.

We went up the staircase and found an empty bedroom not too far away. I quickly entered the bathroom first and as I made a show on putting my purse on the basin counter, I swiftly removed the tranquilizer that looked like foundation in a lipstick holder along with a go-to box of wipes to answer for my searching of the purse.

I sat down on the closed toilet seat, the wipes in one hand and the tranquilizer clutched tightly in the other. Youngjae bent down in front of me and slowly raised the dress till my knees. At that point, he looked up to ask my permission and I felt really touched and sorry. He didn't deserve this. I nodded.

He raised it but only to the point where it was wet and instead of being lusty, he simply took a wipe from the box and dabbed at it. My heart sank as I silently popped off the cap of the tranquilizer and placed my left hand on his shoulder with the tranquilizer held tightly in my fingers.

Youngjae's eyes snapped up to look at me and he gave me a reassuring smile; probably upon seeing my worried and sorry face.

"Hey, Youngjae-ssi?" I said softly as I placed the pin of the tranquilizer really close to his neck. 

"Hm?" He replied without looking up. I gently poked him with it, but I was sure it would have hurt nonetheless. His head snapped up at my actions as he looked at me in shock.

"I'm sorry," I truly meant it and just as he was about to speak/scream, I swooped down and shut him up with a kiss. I held on as long as I could before letting go so that I could breathe; when I looked at him, he was already unconscious.

I swallowed thickly as I removed the tranquilizer from his neck and capped it again, not being able to look at him. I didn't like this.


Updated/Published On:
22nd June 2020

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