2|8|The Base Of All Relationships

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2|8|The Base Of All Relationships

I finished my bath and wore a soft white t-shirt and dark blue pants that fit me exactly but were also extremely comfortable. I felt loads better now– I couldn't pass a day without bathing and I had spent nearly 10 days... 

"Ah, you're done," Jungkook was sitting on my bed when I came out. I had tied a towel around my head since I had washed my hair too.

"Sorry I took so long," I said sheepishly. "I just felt really dirty from not bathing for days."

"Haven't you ever spent a week without bathing?" He asked in surprise. My face gave away my disgust.

"Hell no, I bath every day," I told him. "I hate being unclean. Don't tell me you do that?"

"Ah- ha, ha, um, no," he smiled guiltily at me. "I have had to go months without bathing when I lived on the streets so, I am used to missing bath for days. Of course, I always do it when I can!"

I could feel that he was trying to defend himself and I smiled.

"No, I'm sorry, I keep forgetting that you didn't have an easy life," I replied. "I have never had to fight for basic facilities because my parents provided me for more than half my life and then I started working to provide myself. I know not everyone has that luck. Still, I'm glad you do it as often as you can."

I sat down beside him on my bed before pushing myself back to rest against the headrest. Jungkook crawled on my bed to sit next to me, leaning against the headrest too.

"So, what did you want to say?" I asked him, smiling to myself as I placed my head on his shoulder, staring at the black screen of the TV that was quite a bit far away. 

"Well, you see, I have never been in a relationship," he said. I removed my head from his shoulder to look at him. "I have had sex, but never the whole dating relationship."

"I see," I simply smiled at him, waiting for him to get to the point. He seemed to be looking at me cautiously while saying all that.

"So if I make mistakes or if there's anything I should know, tell me," he said. I couldn't help but think that he was extremely adorable to do that. "I don't want to lose you due to some stupid mistake..."

"You won't lose me," I reassured him, cupping his face in my hands. "Well, a few things you should know would be today's date because it's our anniversary. And my birthday which is on (b/d). Your birthday is on...?"

"September 1st," he said, looking into both my eyes. I dropped my hands to circle around his neck and inched closer. "I–"

He didn't complete his sentence and instead pressed his lips on mine swiftly. They were soft just like I expected and comfortingly lukewarm. A warm feeling settled in the bottom of my stomach. He pulled his lips away and looked at me hopefully. That face made me smile.

"What?" I asked him. 

"I really like you," he said. "I think I might completely fall for you if we continue being in a relationship. Are you okay with that?"

"I think I will do that too," I replied with a grin.

"You do know the limitations imposed on our relationship because of my job, right?" He asked worriedly. I nodded before giving him a gentle peck on his forehead (I had to lift myself a bit to reach his forehead). "Dates will have limitations too. I can't take you to fancy restaurants often because if we're seen outside together, our enemies might attack you like EXO did."

"I don't mind," I said truthfully. "I'm kind of a couch potato. I love staying at home so we can have all of our dates at the mansion."

"You really won't?" He asked, his face glowing in happiness. 

"Yup," I smiled. Jungkook suddenly wrapped his arms around my waist and picked me up to place me on his lap. I immediately put the pressure on my knees instead of thighs and placed my knees on either side of his thighs. He looked confused. "I'm heavy, you shouldn't do this..."

He ignored it and pressed my hips and I relented– once he felt it, he would ask me to get off himself. But he didn't. He smiled even more widely when I sat on his lap and I couldn't deny that the blood rushing to my cheeks.

"See? I can handle you perfectly fine!" He said, before peppering me in butterfly kisses all over my face. "My thigh muscles are extremely strong, if you didn't know."

I buried my face in the crook of his neck, wrapping my hands around his back.

"You haven't seen my muscles, have you?" He said in a teasing voice. "You should come to the gym tomorrow. Watch me exercise for some time."

"Jungkook!" I whined as I leaned back to look at his smirk. "Stop teasing me~!"

"But I do want you to see me," he pouted. "Please?"

How could I say no to such a cute face? I sighed and nodded shyly upon which he whooped in happiness. That made me giggle and he smiled at my giggle.

"You sound so cute when you giggle," he blurted. My face went red because no one had said that to me before. He seemed to realise what he had accidentally said and quickly followed it with, "I didn't mean to say that out loud, I–"

"Jungkook-ah," I said gently. He tensed at my words. "Jungkook-ah?"

"Uhm, uh," he quickly nudged me in such a way it was like he wanted me to get off. I got off his lap in confusion and wondered if my heaviness actually hurt him. I looked down at his lap to see if they were hurting but instead I saw something poking the inside of his black pants. "Bathroom!"

He quickly stood up and nearly ran to the bathroom door leaving behind a very embarassed and melting me.


Updated/Published On:
3rd August 2020

I'm not feeling well :(( This sucks...

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